
Racist... Landist... Originist...!?

"Yes, Master" The man was confused as the fat man sitting has no redeemable qualities. Though he had lived long enough to not judge a book by its cover.

Still, there were times when these doubts made them let a fat sheep escape. Not just him, even his Master has made that mistake and they lament about it.

But orders are orders!

The man observed his Master and realized that his eyes were not on the man in meditation. But at the patches of different landmasses on the Island. He too began to observe them.

The expansion of the Island to 250 meters brought out the characteristic of the 6 Islands he just merged with and the characteristics of the few Islands he merged with in the First Trial

At one part of the 250 Meter Island was a hard black and white surface as if a molten magma had spread itself and cooled down. Antecedent Rock Forte!

Another part was a dried large fissured solid clay land that had not seen water for centuries. Clay Forte!

Another part was black grains that glittered with the slightest light. Outer Sand Forte!

Each and every one of the eight Islands he merged with showcased their portion in that larger Island but by the time Elias finished comprehending the Antecedent Geometric Constellation the dried molten white and black rock began to disintegrate and assimilate with the Island. 

In no time there was no trace of it.

"Impressive! You don't get to see this often." The master mumbled. "As you can see, this man might have met with complications and his Island began to break after merging with some Islands. However, he sat down and began to repair it from the Core by using his mind as the facilitator!"

"Can someone see the Core?" The man asked with disbelief.

"Well, there are rumours!"

As he was fascinated by Elias' endeavour, he began to share his understanding and the type of Island Elias may have chosen. What shocked the man was that even though the fat man had managed to merge with Antecedent Rock Forte, his Island still broke when he merged with the sixth Island.

It was supposed to be the greatest foundation one can hope for at this stage

But the Elder man explained that the foundation has not been established yet. It needs some time after merging. 

Another reason was if Elias was greedy enough to select one of the impossible Islands to merge.

But the old man didn't elaborate on that.

While the two were marvelling at Elias, something crawled out of the mud sand on the Island. It was transparent and small but with an imposing presence.

Seeing Elias was deep asleep, it moved faster than eyes can see aiming at Elias. However, it came to an abrupt stop as it trembled.

Eight chains with sharp blades, stroke, forming a cage that protects him against the Prime Crocodile. At the same time, three chains with sharper edges were directly above the crocodile threatening it.

Prime Crocodile snarled at them but it turned around and fled.

Both the Master and the man took a deep breath, their backs were drenched with sweat as their body trembled with fear!

The Crocodile alone can kill them but the Chains that came out of that Chest can kill them without knowing!

The man looked at his Master and bowed, thanking him more for saving his life. The Elder was forming a plan on how to coerce this fat man but he dropped all that!

They hurried their Island far away and watched from the distance. Just like that days passed and that gave them goosebumps.

Evidently, the man is alive as he is breathing. He had adjusted his sitting position many times but not once did he open his eyes!

They began to wonder, what kind of stamina did he have? And what about Mental Fatigue and Hunger?

From time to time, the crocodile will come out and roam around but never once did it go close to the fat, now skinny, man. Also, the Chest hasn't moved either. 

Apart from that, the duo has seen two blobs of something that aimlessly roll around, and they, too, didn't move close to the man.

Gradually and surely, the duo observed the Island's gradual changes. The characteristics that presented other Islands were spreading around and becoming one with the Island.

And the next noticeable thing was Elias' lean body. His fat body was emaciating with each passing day.

While Elias was being admired, he was given the shock of his life, regarding the last Island he merged. The Wand description was;

[Outer Sand Grains Formation Forte]

[The sand that is Good]

That's all.

However, now that Elias was at its Geometric Constellation, he comprehended it. Its Geometric Constellation was the simplest and should be the easiest to merge with….in theory. 

But… all the other Islands Geometric Constellation rejected it, only the Royal Ram Island which was the White Chest Island partially accepted it.

The only thing that stopped Elias's Island from exploding due to the rejection was the Chest Infinity which kept it at bay. It was also the Chest Of Infinity Island that attracted the Outer Sand Grains Island 

By its name, Outer Sand Grain infer it's an alien Sand. And he gleaned that at one point in time, its original Celestial Body that the Sand disintegrated from, had passed through a Singularity.

Elias has to somehow convince 17 Islands, that have no mind of their own, to accept something that has no mind of its own!

Basically, this bunch of Islands were racist… landist? Or originist? Whatever!

But no matter how he tried arranging the Outer Sand Geometric Constellation, they refused to connect. Elias has no choice but to go deeper into the Original Constellation of his Island and see if he can connect it.

[Your Mental fortitude has dropped from Ascendant to Monster level]

At that moment, Elias lost his mind but he achieved what he wanted, barely. 

The Island Original Geometric Constellation held on to the Outer Sand Geometric Constellation even though there were 17 other G-constellations in-between. 

But that wouldn't hold on for long.

Three days later Elias woke up in fright with complete amnesia.

Well... look like I'm the only one struggling!

The_Celestial_Kingcreators' thoughts