In no time, Elias reached the Island he got from the Ram. What he found was that its Geometric Constellation was more complex than the rest. At the same time, more information was added to his mind.
He understood that most of the selection in the Second Trial was influenced by that Island.
First, was the Abinci Grass that grows on the Island. It was regarded as rare and not all Island Soil can support it.
Second, was the influence of the Royal Ram Plant Propagation. Each fruit it grew was special and has a Profound Effect on the Island and the type of resources it may contain.
Third, and the biggest influence was the Royal Ram itself and the now newly emerging Prime Crocodile.
All the above factors heavily influenced the luck factor that coincidentally made Elias Island attract two special Islands that are extremely rare.
Their number can't exceed thousands in a hundred million Myriad Island. They are; [Antecedent Plant Supporting Forte]
[Antecedent Life Support Forte]
The Crocodile was considered a new lifeform with no apparent direction. And as the Pseudo-Islander it has some influence on the Island and that help to influence the attraction of [Lifeform Support Forte Island]
The Special Trees grown by Royal Ram and Abinci Grass influenced the [Plants Support Forte Island]
Due to that, Elias came to realize that the merging of Island wasn't the way he thought it was.
At first, he believed if Islands were compatible then they would merge but it was never about compatibility from the beginning, it's about interest!
Does the Islander have enough Mental Fortitude to support the merging? If yes, then a lot of Islands will crowd before his Island to be a candidate!
That was the first requirement.
And it was because of that many Islands surrounded Elias the first time he reached the Second Trial.
The second requirement was the Allure of the Island. That is to say, did the Island have something that they were attracted to? Or, the Island was called upon them on its own because they have what it needed, this was in the case of Growing Isles.
This can be understood that the foremost Island Elias landed on was Blue Sky Island. It can make the Fog Sky have Clear Sky during the day. And what attracted the Island to his Island was due to numerous fruits the Royal Ram raised on Elias Island.
Almost all plants need Sunlight, and Blue Sky craved to merge with Elias Island to provide the Island with Blue Sky so that Sun can cast rays on it and will help in the Germination of Plants.
If Elias had checked other Islands during the first crowding, he would have found most of the Islands were there because one thing or the other had happened and the Island needed to improve on that Aspect.
In other words, the First Trial has a hand in the selection of Islands in the Second Trial.
When Elias used luck multiple times, the Myriad Islands were filtered in a way that Elias Island shared what it desired the most now and maybe in the future, making the less needed Island float away.
The choice was aided by the Second Trial Fog which was an arm of the Whole Fog within the Trial Fog...
...and the Fog is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Encompassing All.
The whole margin conditions were a complicated phenomenon that Elias had a hard time grasping. However, all in all, he learns that the Ten Islands were influenced strongly by the prospect of his Island... to marry into his Island.
That also means that no matter how he wanted another fascinating Island, he might have a hard time assimilating it. And might end up being useless!
Elias continued observing the Geometric Constellation as usual, but Blot Of Infinity Initiation still brought the feeling of a nail hammered in his mind and loss of sense of self and what was worse it's getting worse!
He was later forced to rest for some time before he continued.
Reaching Antecedent rock Formation Forte, Elias received more elaborate information.
Three major reasons made that Island stay;
One, every Island needs it at all costs but if the Islander doesn't have enough Mental Fortitude, then, it will not even come!
Two, the great battle that had occurred on Elias Island. Without a great foundation, the Island will not withstand other such battles.
Three, the Chests on Elias's Island. As there are different categories of Chests, those with Grade and those without it.
Cursed Chests are in a category of Chests that have no grade. But they are inherently heavy and tasking to the Core of the Island. By any coincidence, if Elias put his Chain Chest on another Island that Island may just break for no apparent reason.
The only thing that can keep that Island together was if the Islander have enough Mental Fortitude to hold them together.
Elias, in particular, has 4 Cursed Chest on his Island which meant a great weight and that necessitated the need for a great foundation. And it was for this reason that he had a hard time finding Islands to merge with.
Antecedent Rocks were considered to be the most resistant and adaptable rocks in Fog. It also paved a way for a greater foundation in the future.
It was also the hardest to merge with in the whole of Myriad Island Second Trial.
The information was just too much for Elias to process all at the same time. But he can only brave it because by only understanding a portion of it will he be able to manipulate his Island better and also help it stabilize.
While Elias was deep in Geometric Constellation comprehension, a man in black was standing at the edge of 250 meters in diameter Island. That was how massive Elias Island has become. And he, the owner, was sitting at the centre.
The man looked at the three Chests and he was tempted to take them because the man seemed asleep, but his instincts were telling him otherwise. Regardless, he braced himself and was about to jump in.
Raising his head and the man quickly bowed and greeted the newcomer. It was an elderly man with grey hair, and rosy skin as fresh as if he had never seen hardship.
The Elder man was the one that established Black Mantra. And he has been in the Second Trial for 9 years now.
He was one of those lucky ones that managed to survive with Poor Mental Fortitude, as they seldom survive the Fog, and he was able to increase his Mental Fortitude with time.
In the Second Trial, he can only merge with one Island a year. The man was patient and never took unnecessary risks. He also has keen intuition that was above Elias's intuition.
Elias didn't realize it, but his intuition is exceptional.
Seeing their elder, the Black Mantra member was humble and heed his Master's order.
The Master watched the massive Island and the man on it. And after hours passed, the Master said, "Memorize his face well. He is Royalty!"
These are the few conditions that Elias was able to glean that govern island mergination, but there are more