
Myriad Islands

"Is this world made of small Islands or are there bigger ones?" Elias Gobarau wants nothing but a normal life with his wife. Unfortunately, unforeseen forces have other plans for him as he was swallowed by space and found himself in a world of Oceans filled with Islands. ***** Myriad Island is a world where Intelligence, Strength, Fate, Luck and even Destiny means nothing. The only thing that can keep a sentient being sane was clinging to an ever-abstract concept known as Hope. Follow Elias's journey as he faces dangers of all kinds with the hope of understanding his purpose and possible union with his wife. ***** "Sigh, I left the life of chaos I was born in, how do hell did I end up somewhere worse? Or....is this Hell I was sent to, for all the horrible things I was tasked to do?" ***** [Note: No Island Is Useless, Only Useless Dweller That Can't Figure Out It Usefulness!]

The_Celestial_King · แฟนตาซี
247 Chs

Islander Beast

The pain in his head lasted like an eternity, and he fainted without knowing what was happening around him. In what seemed like two days, he slit his eyes open.

His sight was greeted with dried sand, and the up and down of the Island that was being swayed by the body of endless water the Island was on.

Elias thought he would have a severe headache, but to his surprise he found himself refreshed. He can think more clearly and understand things better. 

Then he managed to sit on the sand and looked around. 

Elias was now on a relatively bigger Island than he was on before. He looked around and judged this Island to have a diameter of 5 meters. He smiled at the discovery as he can lie and walk around with less fear of tumbling on the Island due to his weight.

He stood and came to the edge of the Island and he saw that the Island did not even register his weight now that he was at the edge. He jumped to confirm his theory that this Island doesn't register his weight at all.

He came to the centre and sat down to ruminate about what had happened to him so far. He sat just for a second when he felt a buzzing sound. He got up and looked around, finding his Wand was sitting on the sand, vibrating.

By picking it up, his head stings a little.

[Wand Interface]

~Congratulations, your Small Island has merged with a bigger one and a Special Island was made. Take good care of it.

<Note! If your Island was destroyed you would die. If you fall in the water you will die. If your Island is conquered by another Island and consumed your Island, you become its slave or die!>

[Trial 1 Daily Mission]

~There will be four directions North, East, West, and South, in each direction a silhouette will appear, they are Islands. Choose a direction and conquer the Island.

Reward: Resources, food, equipment, etc. All depend on your luck, fate and destiny of your choosing capability.

<Note! Daily mission is compulsory. Failure will result in your Island drowning. You have thirty minutes before the next day!>

He read the Wand Interface again and again, and one thing caught his eye. The last sentence at Note!

It indicated that this daily mission is mandatory, he will drown and there are only thirty minutes before the next day. 

He wanted to believe that it was today that he used Luck to get to this Island, which means today he has done the daily mission. But, his common sense is telling him otherwise. He might have slept for a day. That means today he needs to choose a direction and inquire about the Island.

He looked in all directions wondering where is north or south, he raised the Wand thinking it would give him a clear answer but the Wand's reply direction was hypothetical.

He sighed and then observed the Island more. 

By conquering another Island, he will not remove the notion of meeting another human on the Island as an enemy. For that, he started looking for defence measures. He finds big rocks the size of his fist and some the size of his head. 

He gathered them all at the Island centre. After that, he began digging into the sand to see how deep it would go. In the sand, he found a lot of other stones and he all arranged them in a circular method. And then find an ideal location where he scooped out the sand until he dug a hole.

He plans to bury himself in the sand and surprise his enemy. Whoever it was, if there is any!

After preparing all that he asked what time. The Wand answered there were seven minutes left. 

And then he asked what would happen when he was conquering the Island and the next day arrived!

The answer satisfied him. That he will not drown, but that does not mean he will not do the daily mansion of that day!

Elias scooped sand again and again. His fat jiggled with every movement of his, his pyjamas were already dirty and the trousers were torn all over due to kneeling and moving sand.

He managed to dig a hole big enough to enter but not enough to cover his body as a whole. He pulled the sand that he was piling at the side and buried himself.

He sat facing one direction. And the stones he gathered were arranged in a way that hid his only protruded head. 

'Okay, the hard job is done! Now, I just need to buy +10 Luck from the Wand Shop and that will allow me to make the correct decision. Hehe!' Elias laughed.

He entered the shop and bought +10 Luck. 

In an instant, the Island began moving and then it sped up until it came to a halt close to an Island that was the same size as his.

Elias peeked at it from behind the rock.

He thanked Luck for the position on the Island facing because it was where his head was fully hidden.

With Ten meters distance of clear fog, he might see what was on the other Island if he was standing, but sadly, he was underneath the sand and rocks. 

From the gaps of rocks, he peeked as he heard a squeaking sound. The sound felt familiar to him and he thought it might be a rat.

Through the small gaps, Elias saw a small rat, the size of his palm standing on the other Island, feeling its whiskers forward.

The Islands were touching each other and all it would take for the rat was to walk over to Elias Island with no difficulty. 

Despite what Elias sees, he did not move from his position but watched with bated breath, wondering if this might be a trap by the owner of the other Island.

The rat observed everything on Elias Island before it walked forth and landed on Elias Island. It sniffed the air and wiggle its whiskers everywhere until its eyes landed on the rock where Elias was hiding.

Then the rat continues moving forward but to Elias's horror, the rat's body begins to enlarge, becoming big, its features changing into something ferocious that can tear him apart.

And to Elias's horror, the Beast Rat's eyes veered toward him and their eyes clashed. 


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