
Myriad Islands

"Is this world made of small Islands or are there bigger ones?" Elias Gobarau wants nothing but a normal life with his wife. Unfortunately, unforeseen forces have other plans for him as he was swallowed by space and found himself in a world of Oceans filled with Islands. ***** Myriad Island is a world where Intelligence, Strength, Fate, Luck and even Destiny means nothing. The only thing that can keep a sentient being sane was clinging to an ever-abstract concept known as Hope. Follow Elias's journey as he faces dangers of all kinds with the hope of understanding his purpose and possible union with his wife. ***** "Sigh, I left the life of chaos I was born in, how do hell did I end up somewhere worse? Or....is this Hell I was sent to, for all the horrible things I was tasked to do?" ***** [Note: No Island Is Useless, Only Useless Dweller That Can't Figure Out It Usefulness!]

The_Celestial_King · แฟนตาซี
247 Chs

Forging Attempt!

Throwing Iron Ingots on the slow-shifting magma in the Crucible made them melt instantly as if you put butter in a red frying pan.

That showed how hot it was, however, it wasn't red but Dark Brown. When the Iron was mixed, the Dark Brown lightens up.

And the forging continues.

From time to time, he took metal Ingots and threw them inside, making the magma bubble and lighten up.

After he put all the required Ingots, the magma began to bubble faster and then it became red. As if an active volcano.

The last time Elias reached this Stage, the heat burnt him and his skin peels off. But his healing did a good job in making him recover. And, his resistance was high now, though he hid behind a wall of the Steel coated with Zero C to protect him now.

He smiled as he kept switching on and off the Omni-view to see the Stage progress. 

His Wand also informed him whether the Liquid Mix was resembling the previous process.

The moment the red magma began to change, from red to brown, Elias threw a bag of Charcoal. They didn't catch fire but they sank and turned to ash immediately.

He added more Charcoal and Coking Coal and they all disappeared, then he added Wure-soaked Charcoal. And that was when the whole magma turned red but not as a result of heat!

Based on Wand's explanation the metal was formed after the Crucible melted and mixed with other materials on the ground. In other words, the things that Elias was adding.

The Red Colour Magma began to heat up and the moment it started bubbling, it changed colours to Red, Silver and Black mixing. 

Last time, Elias thought this was the final product. And he harnessed the Three-coloured Metal, it turned out to be lightweight but easily shattered.

Still, he used it to make some tools including small crossbows and their bolts.

Elias observed the Three-coloured molten Metal bubbled until it turned completely, Silver. 

The Silver bubbling was so mesmerizing. He felt like touching it. 

And then he threw in Casting Casting Foam. Yes, the inside of the Casting Wood after he had peeled the bark.

Elias observed the phenomenon of the Casting Foam as it was just jumping on the bubbling Silver and also absorbing the terrifying heat of the Silver, making the bubbling reduce. Gradually, the foam sank into the Liquid Silver and brought about it stopped bubbling.

Elias continues till sunset. Adding more Charcoal and Coking Coal, he took a rest for two minutes and continued.

He was now at the Stage that he never crossed.

[Rating… you are on the right course. Casting Wood might give it the light property if it was burnt well]

He added more Wure Charcoal to the Furnace and he blew air faster and observed that despite the heat from Furnace Increasing, the Silver Liquid seemed to be cooling down and changing colour!

He smiled and continued pedalling!

But then… the Giant Crucible became red. And its heat kept going up. 

Elias poked with a long metal and found that it was softening.  

In all of the trials he had, this stage was problematic due to the Crucible couldn't keep up.

He released the mechanisms which held two 50cm Casting Wood on either side of the Crucible. The moment they touched the hot Crucible, they softened and hugged the now Yellow Crucible as they began to absorb its heat.

That made the Crucible to stopped softening and become rigid again.

Elias concentrated his Omni-view as he investigated the solidifying lava, a Black Liquid was bubbling like it was just black water.

It was the Black Liquid Steel, similar to the Silver one but Denser and Heavier. Last, Elias wasn't able to harness it because of the extremely high temperature. And when it cooled down, he couldn't lift the damn thing.

The Black Steel was 5 times Denser and Heavier than the Silver one. And it can't be melted easily, so it was good for making Crucible, unlike the Silver brother.

The two Casting Wood hugging the Crucible absorbed and released heat to the Crucible—that stopped it from melting and also kept it ultra-hot in the Crucible.

Elias assumed the Black Liquid Steel should seep into the Semi-solid Material just like its brother Silver. With that, it should behave like the Silver to seep and come out several times.  

Elias paddled and blew air till it was deep in the night, then the Black Liquid Steel began to seep into the Bubbling Brown Silver Material… that made Elias smile.

Just like he had expected!

And he maintained the air blow!

After a long time, the entire bubbling Brown Silver Material began to burn off, turning into Black Smoke.

"Good! I can harvest this into my Fog" 

Elias Influenced the Fog to be touching the Black Smoke, without doing anything, the Smoke converted to Fog and further thickened it!

After an hour the Black Smoke stopped and now only a quarter of the Brown Silver Material remained… it didn't do as he had expected. 

[It deviated]

He sighed and stopped paddling, then he used the now mixed Brown, Black, and Silver molten metal to make four Crucibles and a wide Shield.

That was the closest he had to that metal.

Seating down on the cool Sand, he expected that along the way, there was something he did wrong. But he can't think of where!

Elias quickly raised his head as 29 birds moving at a fast speed just slammed onto his Force-field Dome.

He frowned and seeped the Fog beyond the Some to feel around. He felt nothing. He took his small crossbow and strained his ears but it was silent. 

Just as he was about to relax, more birds slammed on the Dome. Their number was around a hundred. If not because he had improved and also the bird was small it would have broken.

Elias bolted and climbed where the Giant Bow was and then used his Wand to maximize the Fog influence and he seeped it out. 

With the Wand, he was able to achieve near-perfect control of the Fog with less concentration. The Fog went as far as 50m beyond the Island Force-field Dome. And then he spread and curved it down and made a second Dome.

Now if anything passes through he will feel it. 

Using his right hand, he holds a thin Casting Wood and swings it around and that affects small nails that were connected with a wire.

Elias wasn't good enough to control many objects at the same time. Hence, the reason he has to connect them with wire and in a sense they are the same. And with a Wand, he can multitask with ease.

Time passed, and then suddenly, from the Fog he felt numerous birds crossing the Fog at fast speed. In time, he swung the Casting Wood, commanding the nail shot forward, with his telekinesis it was like he shot through the bow.


But he realized it was futile. If his telekinesis is strong enough to shoot nails fast and with accuracy, repeatedly, he is bound to tire out. And… he will be seating dock after that.