
Establishing Business Connection IIIIII

When Islanders become Grade 4, their overall body will have qualitative improvement, however, their brain was the thing that will be improved the most.

As Grade 4, Elias now was able to tap into his advanced cognitive capability and process so much information and come to an appropriate conclusion. In other words, his IQ level has improved to the level that he can invent things.

Elias calmly walked out of the Gobarau Cube Building and stretched his hands. He was tired but his face retained a satisfying smile. 

He came to the field where he broadcasted the seeds yesterday but found them all dead. He frowned because he knew they were good and White Sand wouldn't allow them to die. But then his head creaked and looked at a certain sprout.

"Hmm. Too much pride in my Island!" He mumbled then he went back to Go Cube Building. An hour later he came out with a kettle used to sprinkle water on flowers.