
Myriad Islands

"Is this world made of small Islands or are there bigger ones?" Elias Gobarau wants nothing but a normal life with his wife. Unfortunately, unforeseen forces have other plans for him as he was swallowed by space and found himself in a world of Oceans filled with Islands. ***** Myriad Island is a world where Intelligence, Strength, Fate, Luck and even Destiny means nothing. The only thing that can keep a sentient being sane was clinging to an ever-abstract concept known as Hope. Follow Elias's journey as he faces dangers of all kinds with the hope of understanding his purpose and possible union with his wife. ***** "Sigh, I left the life of chaos I was born in, how do hell did I end up somewhere worse? Or....is this Hell I was sent to, for all the horrible things I was tasked to do?" ***** [Note: No Island Is Useless, Only Useless Dweller That Can't Figure Out It Usefulness!]

The_Celestial_King · แฟนตาซี
247 Chs


The Fog Wisps congregated and evolved, turning into some kind of foam, then it turned into a soft malleable white substance like flour dough before it became still.

After some moment, the thing elongated, vertically, becoming cylindrical that one can identify as a larva. The outer layer of the thing became soft silky skin and then the body shifted, squirmed and moved like the body of a worm.

Until it resembled a white jade butterfly larva that hung upside down—and then a pair of transparent wings unwrapped the body and spread wide on the larvae's back—then more wings were unwrapped, until their number reached 14. Each transparent wing had a streak of colourful lines, beautiful enough to mesmerise Elias!

The lower part of the larvae, in its vertical stance, bent forward and looked at Elias. The worm head has 5 eyes, one at the centre and four surrounding it, glaring at Elias, and he felt fear striking him, his body trembling just by looking at the five eyes.