

what happens when something Normal becomes supernatural, when something meant to be ordinary becomes extra ordinary, when a fake tail becomes...... not my work, I just put it here so I can read it any time, feel free to try it note: this work is a serious r18, but if you want to, you can read it

BLACKDAOIST_999 · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs


He didn't say anything, but he sure did listen. I felt another finger join the one Paul was already pumping me with, and a few seconds later he added a third just for good measure. I groaned again and wrapped my legs around his chest and was running my right hand through his hair while my left hand played with my breasts. I was on fire, and set for a monumental climax that might even come close to the one I had when putting on my tail, when Paul suddenly sucked my clit into his mouth and lightly bit into it. I shrieked out as my orgasm took off like a runaway freight train, and Paul just kept sawing his fingers in and out of my pussy while still trying to suck my clit right off of my body. I shook and trembled so hard, and my hand in his hair tried to force his head in to my canal while over the course of the next two minutes I was floating on a mind numbing wave of orgasmic bliss. I could not speak. I could barely breathe, and was shaking so hard that I almost bucked Paul off of my hips.

"Ok! Ok! Ok baby! Stop, stop, stop. I can't take anymore," I gasped as I was patting his head and trying to push him away.

He drew his fingers slowly out of my pussy and then moved up beside my breathless body.

"Was that ok?"

I could not answer him. I didn't have the capacity for rational thought at that moment. I did the only thing I could think of to do. I kissed him, hard. I had grabbed him by the back of the head and I pulled his lips to crush with mine, and our mouths opened to allow our tongues to fight with each other to see which one could wrap more around the other one. I trembled, and shook, and we kissed and kissed and kissed. I tasted my river of cum that had sprayed over his lips and chin, and just like earlier it was one of the best things that I had ever sampled. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies, and we took very brief moments between kisses to breathe. Finally a few minutes later we were both resting and breathing heavy with our heads together and our noses touching each other, and it was nice to come down from that high together with our hearts pounding out a staccato rhythm.

While we were resting there for the moment I took a hold of his cock and gently began to stroke it, looking to get it ready because I desperately needed his length inside of me. Paul reached down too and held my hand as I rubbed up and down his shaft, in a way helping me jerk himself back to life. For someone who had never been with a girl, he was sure hitting all of the right buttons with me, and between the two of us he was ready to go again in a short few minutes. I kneeled up then and faced away from him, giving my ass a little shake while my tail swished back and forth in anticipation.

"Paul, I need you. I need you inside me right now," I begged, and I beckoned him forward to my raised ass.

It only took a few fumbles before he got his cock in place, and I moaned out in bliss as he sank himself into my waiting pussy until he was balls deep. He was hesitating then, not moving an inch, and I could feel the gentle throb as his pulse shot through his buried dick. I was not sure what he was waiting for.

"Hey Paul, you can go ahead and move now. It's going to feel great. Just start slow, but then speed up a lot and finally I want you to just pound into me hard. I'm going to need it hard right now, ok?"

Paul gave out his own moan of pleasure as he began to stroke in and out and he said to me, "Ok. I just wanted to feel you for a little bit. Sorry."

"Oh Paul, don't be sorry for that or anything. This is wonderful, and it's just as much for you as it is for me, ok?"

Paul gave a quiet mmm hmm, and kept up his rhythm of stroking. He would pull out nearly to the tip and then slowly press back in until he bottomed out again. Out and in he went, his cock stimulating the walls of my canal on all sides, with his tip occasionally bumping against my cervix. I was in heaven, and my ears and tail were quivering with the mounting pleasure. I gasped suddenly as Paul increased his pace, but it was the massaging that he started doing at the base of my tail that got my insides singing. Out and in he went pulling and rubbing on my sensitive tail, my juices flowing down his balls as he continued to thrust. He picked up the pace even more, and I started to hear his balls and hips smacking my body as he used his strength to push as hard as he could.

The heat that was building in my center was almost ready to blossom and I cried out, "Just a little more. A little more! I'm nearly there."

Then Paul did something totally unexpected and leaned over and roughly squeezed my breast while he was slamming into me. That broke the dam on my climax and I mewled out in pleasure as my body again shook and my pussy contracted around his cock in a frenzied rhythm. He had the presence of mind to slow down again at that point, and I let him continue his now gentle thrusting for a minute or two while I rode my aftershocks of pleasure. When I was done, I pulled away from him and he groaned in desire because he had not cum yet.

"Lay down on the bed baby, and I will ride us both to the finish line, ok?"

Paul nodded his head and laid down as I asked, allowing me to straddle him with my stockinged legs, and I reached back and guided him into my waiting pussy. We both moaned in unison as I sank to the bottom of his steel hard cock, and I began to slowly gyrate my hips while adding an extra up and down motion every now and then.

I looked down at him with half lidded eyes, my tail swishing over his legs, and asked, "This feel good?"

"Mmm hmm," he answered as he lifted up his hands to gently massage my breasts.

We got ourselves back into another rhythm then, my gyrations and his short thrusts from rocking his hips back and forth. We were moving together in a perfect dance, Paul massaging my breasts while I reached back and tickled his balls. I could feel his body tensing with each movement, and I moaned whenever he gave an involuntary jerk, and I knew he must be close.

"Are you nearly there baby," I asked, and he just nodded his head yes. "I'm almost there too so I'm going to speed up a bit, and I want you to cum with me, ok? I want you to cum inside me. Just let it go."

Saying that I started moving my hips around faster while adding my own up and down motion. His thrusting pelvis became more demanding and urgent and I knew we were close. With a few final thrusts Paul's body, pushed to the edge of his climax, sat up and grabbed me in a tight embrace and planted his lips on mine in a final sex fueled kiss. We both toppled over the orgasmic cliff at the exact same moment, moaning into each other's mouths and shuddering in ecstasy while I felt spurt after spurt of Paul's cum blast into my waiting canal. We kissed softly then, as we both came down one last time and looked into each other's eyes with wonder and bliss while our racing heart beats pounded on in perfect synchronization.

We stayed there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, enjoying the afterglow and the sweat slick warmth of our bodies pressed together. It was the perfect counterpoint to all of the raw physical activity that preceded it, and I am sure that we both had the same sense of absolute contentment. Our blissful cuddling lasted only a few more minutes, though, and with another gentle kiss Paul laid me down on the bed as his softening shaft slipped out of the drenched folds of my overworked pussy.

"Wait here. I'll be right back," he said.

I laid there on his bed, my head on his pillows and watched as he made his way into his private bathroom. My mind and body were still tingling as I stretched a bit and let out a soft meow, feeling our combined fluids start to slowly slide out from between my labia. I couldn't remember when sex had been this good. Paul had come back then with a couple of warm wet wash cloths, and proceeded to clean the both of us of the results of our love making. I was exhausted, and I could not have continued if I had wanted to, but Paul's gentle ministrations as he washed our combined cum from my pussy and from between my legs was the most erotic experience that I had ever had. Afterwards, he laid beside me as I snuggled into his chest, and we spent another luxurious few minutes caressing and talking.

"You are so amazing Myka. Thank you again for all of this," Paul said, and kissed me softly.

"You really don't need to thank me, you sweet man, but you are welcome all the same," and I kissed him back, enjoying running my hand over his chest and the feel of his muscles.

We talked then about many things, our hopes and dreams, post college life, the best restaurants around campus. Our initial passion giving way to a comfort with each other that felt like old friends who could tell each other anything. I could sense that we were certainly not going to fall in love, that was not for us, but that we had a bond now that could not be broken. I felt a strange feeling of accomplishment come over me and I realized then that my task was done here, though I was not sure what I really had done. It had become close to when I needed to be getting back to meet with Kelli by then, and when I thought of her my heart burst forth in an explosion of warmth for my very dearest friend.

"Oh Paul," I sighed, "This has been absolutely wonderful, but I have to get dressed and meet my friend Kelli. If I don't hurry she will be waiting and wondering what has happened to me."

Paul stood up and then pulled me into his arms, princess style, and spun me around before kissing me and bringing me over to the couch where our clothes were.

"Then let's get you dressed Miss Myka, and get you off to meet your friend."

Now I know I said earlier that when Paul had cleaned us both after we had finished was the most erotic thing ever, but I was wrong. His gentle hands helping me to slowly put my outfit back on topped the washing by an order of magnitude. His soft hands pulling and buckling the fastenings of my clothes, the feel of his breath as he kissed my shoulders while making sure everything was in its place. My god I was in heaven yet again. If I had not needed to meet Kelli then I might have jumped him again just from that. The pinnacle was when he knelt behind me and slowly ran my panties up my legs and under my skirt, buttoning them into place around my twitching tail. I almost came from that alone, it was that damned hot. Too soon, however, he was also dressed and we left his room hand in hand.

"By the way Paul, I think you should talk to your parents about your love of music and your desire to pursue it. I believe they will understand more than you think they will," I said, and I was not sure why I said it.

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head and replied, "You are probably right. I've just been too scared of what they might think. Just because you asked, I will sit down with them tomorrow."

I was smiling brightly again, for the thousandth time that night, and I knew that I had pushed Paul just enough to nudge him onto a path that would bring him and others a great deal of joy. It was at that moment that I heard some guys near us as we were passing by the dance area. They were laughing, jeering, and making some damned hurtful comments, and it was clear that they were drunk.

"Dude, what the hell is she doing with him?"

"Don't know man. Is she an escort? Guy like that had to have paid for her."

"Yeah! She probably has every disease known to man, and now he does too."

I was angry now. Scratch that. I was fucking PISSED as hell. Just because Paul had a look that said cute nerd, they assumed that he couldn't possibly be with a girl like me. And their other brilliant conclusion, that if I was with him, then I must be a fucking prostitute really chapped my ass. I let go of Paul's hand and spun to face them, the fury of a raging tiger burning in my eyes.

"Listen here you little dipshits. I don't know what rock you all crawled out from under but..."

"Myka? Myka, what the fuck are you doing here?!?"

I knew that voice all too well, and I knew the face that it belonged to, though I wish I hadn't. I had not seen Alan in almost two weeks, and while I knew that it was possible I might run into him here, I had hoped my luck would have been different. Oh well. I looked around the seating area again where the pricks and their dates were sitting and I noticed a very miserable looking Madeline sitting there as well. The fact that they had stayed together was a bit of a surprise to me, then Alan opened his mouth again and I just about spit lightning when he spoke.

"And what the fuck are you doing with a looser like this? You break up with me and it only takes you a couple of weeks to jump into the next bed you find. Jesus Myka, you are such a slut. I don't know what I ever saw in you to begin..." SLAP.

Alan was drunk, and could not have seen it coming, but I doubt that he would have been intelligent enough to anticipate that slap if he had been stone cold sober. Some of his buddies had gotten up to assist him, but I was on fire.

"Don't you DARE try to pin your fuck ups on me you piece of shit. I was not the one who couldn't keep it in my pants, was not the one who went behind your back and was fucking your roommate. You want to know why I was with Paul tonight. Because he was honest. He was honest and kind, and he treated me like I was the best thing in the world, that I was a priceless relic to be cared for and treasured. I was with him because while we were together he was with me, and only me. You were probably with Madeline, or Cammy, or Sandra, or even Nikki in your head when we were in bed together. I would bet good money right now that you were sleeping with some of them before we got together and while we were together weren't you?!?"

Alan's uncomfortable silence, and the way he twitched when I had rattled of the names of some other girls that he had known let me know all I needed to know. God I had been so blind, so damned naïve.

"Just so you know, Paul was so kind and generous tonight that he thought of my pleasure before his own. With you I always felt like I had to ask for my turn, and you always made it feel like I should be grateful that you did what you did for me. I guess you can be really charming when you want something, because I fell for it hook, line and sinker, though I guess con-men are always charming aren't they?"

One of Alan's buddies stepped up then and decided to spout off as well.

"Listen here bitch. A skanky little cunt like you doesn't have the right to talk shit about a guy like that for no reason. You need to apologize and learn your place."

Oh it was so on now! I was about to step up to the plate and beat the ever loving piss out of this dickhead, and strangely I knew that I could if I had tried. Then Paul put his hand on my arm and squeezed gently, and I immediately felt my calm return.

"I need to ask you gentlemen to please say you are sorry to Miss Myka here. You are being very rude and I for one will not stand for it," Paul said, with a confidence that I didn't know he had.

"Fuck off kid, this isn't your concern," Alan said angrily, drunkenly backing up his friend.

"Ok, I can see that you are all really drunk, and we have an issue with some tempers, so again I will ask you to apologize to Myka, and then I think you need to leave the estate. The party is over for you gentlemen."

"I call bullshit, pissant," the buddy said. "You think you and your little whore are gonna make us go?"

"No actually, we are not. However..." Paul then looked over at the stairs as one of the yellow arm banded chaperones he had apparently texted walked into the room.

"Is there a problem here," he asked, and suddenly everyone was quiet.

"No Nick, no real problem," Paul said. "These gentlemen, however, have consumed entirely too much alcohol, I believe, and I asked them to leave the party after they were extraordinarily rude to Myka here. They have refused. Could you please escort them out, and as a precaution please make sure that we have their information so that they will not be able to get into any more parties we happen to have here."

"You got it Mr. McAllister. Alright boys, you and your dates need to come with me. If you don't I will call Bill, and then we will have trouble."

Alan's group looked taken aback at what was happening, but none of them were stupid enough to make a scene, and started to follow the yellow band out. There was still one little thing left that needed to be done, however.

I cleared my throat and addressed the chaperone, "Excuse me. I think you should call Bill anyway. Alan there," and I pointed at my ex-boyfriend, "is certainly not drinking legally. I know for a fact that he will not be 21 for another three and a half months. Just thought you should know."

"Thanks ma'am," he said, as he took Alan by the arm. "We'll make sure it's taken care of."

As they filed past us to head upstairs I reached out and pulled Madeline aside. I was still hurt, but even she did not deserve to be chained to a dick like Alan, no matter my feelings about it.

"Maddie, you need to go home. You need to stay away from Alan. You just saw what he is right?"

Madeline could do nothing but nod dumbly.

"Go home. Start new tomorrow. Find someone who makes you happy, and who you want to make happy. Find love, not a pale substitute," I whispered to her as I drew her into a hug and kissed her on the forehead.

Madeline could do nothing but hold me and weep while I brushed her hair with my hand, and I felt myself turn a corner into a new way of thinking. I had power now. I had a purpose. I was not sure what it was, but I knew that by confronting Alan and forgiving Madeline I had been changed for the better and I now looked forward to what might be on the horizon.

I let go of Madeline and turned to Paul then and said, "Hey, I really have to go find Kelli. Can you make sure Madeline here gets home safely? She has had it really rough for a while and could use a friend."

"You bet Myka."

I then gave Madeline a kiss on the cheek, and gave Paul one last lingering kiss good bye and headed for the stairs.

"Hey Myka," Paul called out, "Stop by sometime and say hi will you? And say hi to Kelli for me. I'd love to meet her sometime."

"Will do," I said as I gave Paul a jaunty wave and a wink, and then I turned and practically bounced up the stairs to go and find Kelli.

My heart was beating so hard that it felt like it was trying to burst out of my chest. I had not been this happy in a long time. What Paul and I had shared was fantastic but it was for that moment, and that moment only. Now, going to meet Kelli, I felt like I was headed home and that when we left here with each other that we would be complete. I did not understand the feeling, but I knew without a doubt that it was god's honest truth and it had me skipping as I made my way back to the stage area. When I got there the crowd was much smaller, but the energy was still there and Kelli was not at our spot where we said we would meet. I was probably a bit early, or maybe she was a bit late, but I leaned against the stage and waited patiently for my friend to arrive.

It was as I was waiting there that a new feeling started to come over me, a feeling I have never felt before and never want to feel again. I was blindsided by a sense of dread that hit me like a bullet and was so overpowering that I cried out and collapsed to my knees, wanting to throw up. I did not know how but I knew in my very soul that Kelli was in trouble, a lot of damned trouble, and I desperately needed to find her.

"Hey are you ok," one of the dancers asked, having come over to help me to my feet.

"No. NO. I have to find her NOW!" I cried, running away, leaving the poor person who had helped me standing there in confusion.