

what happens when something Normal becomes supernatural, when something meant to be ordinary becomes extra ordinary, when a fake tail becomes...... not my work, I just put it here so I can read it any time, feel free to try it note: this work is a serious r18, but if you want to, you can read it

BLACKDAOIST_999 · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs


"Hey, give us a break," I replied with humorous indignation. "She likes us. And, well, your mom is kinda hot."

"Dear goddess, I so did not need to hear that," she lamented as Kelli and I laughed again at Ali's misfortune. "Anyway, I have to be heading out too. I got a lot to get done before tonight. You're both coming, right?"

"Coming to what," I asked and noticed that Kelli was already nodding that we were.

"Paul McAlister, you know Paul, right," Ali grinned and I felt another heated blush suffuse my face. "He got a jazz ensemble together not long after New Year and they are having their first gig tonight. I thought that if you were finally awake and felt like it you might like to come and support him."

"Of course we will be there," Kelli affirmed, and I voiced my assent as well as it would be great to see Paul again.

"Then I will catch you both at the Tavern tonight," Ali replied as she left, giving us a jaunty wave goodbye.

"I am so glad they didn't decide to stick around that long," I moaned as I leaned back into Kelli's arms. "I so need a shower. I probably smell like ass."

"You don't quite smell like ass yet sweetie," Kelli replied, and I turned and hit her with my very best pout. She was undeterred, however.

"It's a near thing, though."

"Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to shower with me but now..." and I left the thought hanging in the air like a petulant child.

In response, Kelli just raised an eyebrow at me while grabbing the bottom of her loose off the shoulder t-shirt. Then she stretched, oh god did she stretch, and as her arms rose above her head the shirt she was still gripping followed them and I was left staring in lustful hunger at her perfectly shaped breasts. Her shirt fell to the floor as she let her arms arc behind her head, and she thrust her chest out in a blatant display of sensuality that was clearly meant to wind me up. It worked, like it always does, and I sauntered forward with my tail whipping back and forth in lusty agitation and latched my eager lips around one of Kelli's pink nipples.

"Are you sure I can't shower with you," she groaned in pleasure as I pulled her body tightly into my face while I continued to suckle her gently.

After another second or two I moved my lips up the swell of her breast and to her neck, giving Kelli feather like licks with my tongue as I went. I only paused when I reached her ear, and I leaned in closer to her perfect body as I gently rolled the nipple I had been devouring between my thumb and fingers.

"You can always shower with me," I whispered to her, letting the quiet words fall gently from my lips, leaving an excess of desire hanging in the air.

And with that I turned from Kelli's arms and sauntered down the hall towards the bathroom. I pulled the tie on my robe and gave a little shrug which left a small puddle of midnight blue silk in my wake, and I let my hips sway back and forth in a silent call to my lover. My tail was also lashing from side to side as well, and the flick in my ears as I turned the corner into the bathroom was a signal to Kelli that she needed to hurry up and join me before I exploded.

Ribbons of steam started to rise a few seconds after I had started the flow of hot water, and I felt Kelli slide in behind me as I was adjusting the shower to a comfortable temperature. The naked heat of her breasts pressed into my back as I straightened up from the faucet, and her strong arms wrapped around my chest to pull me closer while she planted butterfly kisses along my neck. I reached up behind my head and ran my fingers through her long fiery tresses, and mewled in pleasure at her hot breath as she nibbled ever so gently on my ear.

As much as this pleased me, my desire to get clean was enough to make me unwind her grasping hands from my breasts, even after she had started pulling on my heart shaped nipple rings. I maintained a grip on her hand, though, as I slowly stepped into the shower. I infused my movements with as much sensuality as I could muster, and I let out a lust filled moan as I let the spray of warm water cascade down my body in slick rivulets. I turned to make sure Kelli had followed me into the tub and I reveled in the delicious feeling of our water slicked bodies coming together and sliding against one another.

For long minutes we just let the heat of the shower flow over ourselves as we kissed beneath the spray. Our tongues danced and twirled in a languid waltz as our hands traced leisurely paths over every possible inch of skin we could reach without separating. God, it felt good to hold Kelli like this again. The near mind fuck I had experienced the last couple of weeks had sapped any sort of sexual energy from our relationship, and now I was going to make up for lost time. With interest damnit.

Kelli turned me around as she reached down to grab the shampoo and body wash, and the smell of strawberries filled the space as she began to work the heavenly scented lather into my hair. Her fingers massaged my scalp with practiced ease, and I began purring in contentment when she moved on to my ears. After a short while Kelli put more of the soapy liquid into her hands and proceeded to run them over every inch of me she could get to. Her slippery hands moved over my neck and shoulders, gently caressing every curve as they traveled. She paused for a moment to add some of the wash to the front of her own body and then pulled me close once more.

A gasp of pure pleasure was pulled from me as Kelli kneaded my now soapy breasts, teasingly pulling on my piercings. She moved her own slick chest against my back, using her own body to scrub mine. I felt a rush of blood and heat flood between my legs, and my labia began to tingle with anticipation. While Kelli continued to wash my body, I wrapped my tail around her leg and reached back and steadied myself by lightly gripping her thigh. I then moved my other hand between our bodies with a practiced knowledge that comes from knowing nearly every inch of a person, and found her clit with my grasping fingers.

Kelli cried out in pleasure as I used my fingers to gently tug and roll her very sensitive nub, and the rhythm of her washing only faltered for a moment. She began to roll her hips in time with my hand while moving one arm down so that she could do the same to me. I nearly yowled in an overload of pleasure as Kelli found my tiny hood, letting her fingers pinch and swirl, using well timed patience to tease my own clit into revealing itself.

For the next several minutes we barely moved, other than the slow and deliberate manipulation of each other's most sensitive sex organ. In the back of my mind I noticed that the labored effort of our ragged breathing had become synchronous, as our chests rose and fell in perfect time. Our mouths were clamped shut in utmost concentration, and the only sounds to be heard over the shower were our lustful grunts between the whistle of air moving in and out of our nostrils. I could tell this was going to be a big one for both of us, as both Kelli and I started to tremble in exertion at the same moment, and a gentle spark ignited an insistent molten heat deep in my core.

On and on we continued, our mouths opening to let forth silent screams of exploding passion, as our fingers worked to push our mutual climax beyond the orgasmic threshold. Kelli toppled over the edge into bliss first, and the sensory overload caused her to pull and pinch on my swollen clit just that much harder, and that moment of slight pain and discomfort pushed me into my own raging orgasm. A primal cry exploded from my chest as we both collapsed to the floor of the shower in a mass of shaking limbs, our strength no longer enough to keep us standing. Kelli and I could do nothing but lay there together, breathing like we had sprinted a mile, while the warm rain of the still running shower rinsed away the strawberry scented lather.

"You don't know how much I needed that sweetie," Kelli crooned in my ear. "But we really need to get up and finish so we can make it to the Tavern on time."

"I needed it too, babe. I was practically starving for your touch the last couple of weeks, but couldn't do anything about it. God it was frustrating."

"I know. Dear god I know, but we have that sorted for now. Tonight, however, I'm looking forward to meeting Paul you sexy little minx."

"Ooh, I think his head might explode when we see him together," I giggled in reply. "But it's important to me that I share everything with you so he will just have to suffer through it."

That comment made Kelli laugh for a bit, and then she gave me a playful slap on the side of my ass and told me to get up so we could finish and get ready. Truth be told, I would have much rather just stayed there with her, our naked forms sprawled together. Hot water and time are precious commodities, though, that run out before you are aware of it, so I did as she asked stood, pulling her up after me.

We certainly didn't rush to finish, but our caresses were focused on actual bathing now. We finished showering each other, letting each movement and touch express our love, and then we had to scramble to get ready for an evening out. I decided to play it simple with skinny jeans, a pair of black ankle boots with a five inch heel, and a spaghetti strap t-shirt. It was Kelli, however, that chose to go in for the kill this time with a tight black mini and demi-sleeved midriff shirt. She rounded it all off with strappy three inchers and her red hair pulled into a side pony tail. She looked so damn hot that I wanted to just say fuck it and, well, fuck the night away. Kelli wasn't having any of that, though, and as soon as we were both ready she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

It was a nice evening so we decided to take the train into the city, and walk from the main station. The bonus was that we didn't have to fight the night crowd for parking, and it was so very pleasant walking through the streets, hand in hand with my girl. We talked about little things, laughed and joked, and I made sure that everyone who saw us together knew she was my girl and I was hers. Soon enough we had made our way into Speakeasy Strip, a section of the down town neighborhood that had completely and totally gentrified, much to the locals' chagrin.

if you are interested in this novel and you want me to continue the upload, pls add it to your library and also give a review on the story I want to know how you feel about the story and how I can improve in my upload of it

BLACKDAOIST_999creators' thoughts