

what happens when something Normal becomes supernatural, when something meant to be ordinary becomes extra ordinary, when a fake tail becomes...... not my work, I just put it here so I can read it any time, feel free to try it note: this work is a serious r18, but if you want to, you can read it

BLACKDAOIST_999 · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs


Do you know what the best thing is about being part cat? Prowling! The silent movement and the patient waiting as you slowly move in for the kill. Done right, the poor victim never sees it coming, and you walk away victorious in the hunt. I had been prowling this morning, just waiting for that perfect opportunity, and it was laid out here in front of me. Kelli had thrown off her covers in the night and was on her side with one knee up in the air nearly exposing her gorgeous pussy to me, and I was hungry. If I did this right then Kelli would not even be aware of me until her orgasm peaked and pulled her from her sleep. Mornings like this were my favorite.

I was kneeling near her feet, my head low to the bed and my ass up in the air, with my tail moving back and forth very slowly. I was aware of every movement and twitch of her body, and I could hear her soft breathing as if she was whispering in my ear, but my eyes were locked on her pink labia as I inched my way forward. The hardest part about this morning was moving her leg without causing Kelli to wake, but I very carefully placed my hand on her smooth thigh and applied a gentle pressure. The trick to moving someone while they are asleep is pretty simple. Just make sure that the push you give to them is constant and slow. Often time's people will just move in their dream and that translates into the real world. I think that Kelli does this sometimes and it makes me smile every time.

I moved in, ever more slowly, removing my hands from her legs so I didn't wake her at all, and reached out my tongue and lightly ran it up her soft pink slit. Lick, lick, lick, just enough to make contact with the skin, only letting my tongue touch her body. With my cat like ears I could hear her breathing start to increase, and my new sense of smell started detecting the first vestiges of the increase in her fluid flow. God I wanted to just bury myself in her labia and drink of her nectar, but I let patience prevail this time. It's not something I'm good at, and I never have been.

She was moaning now in her sleep, the soft caress of her voice causing my ears to twitch in desire. Still I kept up my steady rhythm; lick, lick, lick. Soon, Kelli's clit emerged from its hood and I let my tongue strokes of her pussy end with a light flick over the now swelling nub. Her vocalizations were becoming louder as I continued my gentle assault, and I could feel her body start to quiver every few seconds. I knew that I had her very close to climax now. Still I was patient; lick, lick, lick. Her smell was intoxicating, and the taste of her flowing juice nearly caused me to give in once more, but I was like iron this morning. And then a burst of Kelli's delicious liquid flowed over my tongue and she let out a long shuddering moan as her orgasm finally pulled her from her slumber.

"Oh god, Myka! What is going on?"

I looked up from between her legs with a feral grin on my face, as I pressed my tongue as deep as I could between her lips as I gave her one last hard lick. Kelli shook with one last spasm of an aftershock, and I pushed myself over her body as I moved up to claim my victory kiss from my lover. She crushed her mouth to mine and let it open so that we could allow our tongues to swirl together while she came down from her post orgasmic high.

"I know I've said it before," Kelli breathlessly gasped, "But there are way worse ways to wake up."

I smiled in contentment and rubbed my head into her chest, pillowing on her medium sized breasts with their deep pink areolae, and closed my eyes while I gently rubbed her bare stomach. Kelli pulled me tighter into herself, and then gave out a small chuckle.

"What? This isn't a funny moment," I grumbled.

"You're doing it again," she said.

"Doing what?"

"You're purring," Kelli whispered and proceeded to scratch me behind my ears.

I love ear scratching, I mean I really love it. Sex is great, don't get me wrong, but if I couldn't have sex again then ear scratching would be my go to for pleasure. And Kelli was right, I was purring, noticing the deep rumbling coming from my chest and throat for the first time.

"That is so cool! When did I start doing this?"

Kelli thought for a moment then said, "I first noticed it about three weeks ago. It was the week after New Year, and we had just finished with the chocolate and strawberries."

I blushed then, remembering that night. A bowl of melted chocolate with strawberries for dipping, though most of the chocolate did not end up on the strawberries but we ate it and them anyway. Did I mention that strawberries are a thing for me? Well they are, and it was a really good night.

"We'd just finished cleaning the chocolate up and you laid your head on my breasts like you are now and closed your eyes. You looked so damn cute that I just couldn't help but rub your ears like I am now. And you started purring. It's one of those little things you do that makes me happy inside, and I figured you knew you were doing it so I never brought it up."

"Well, I'm glad there is just one more thing about me to make you happy," I grinned, and then pushed myself up. "Now, however, I have to get moving or I am going to be late for class."

Kelli looked at me then and pouted as I got up from our bed.

"You got your turn this morning, but now you're leaving before I get mine? Can't you be just a little bit late?"

"Professor Collins will kill me if I am late again, Kelli, you know that, but it's a short day so you won't have to wait that long," I said as I made my way towards the door.

"Well fine," she huffed. "But you owe me. And don't forget Valentine's Day is a couple days away. We're have dinner and dancing here tomorrow, and then the day of we have the family Valentine's breakfast with our parents, then we are going to talk to them about us."

This was something that I was really scared about. Hell, not about me and Kelli being together, I couldn't give a rat's ass less what anyone thought about who I chose to be in a relationship with, and I know our parents are probably going to be pretty cool about this. I mean, we've been best friends ever since, well, ever, and us getting together would probably look to our parents like the next logical step. What had me ready to jump out of my skin when she said this was the fact that I had not let my parents know about my transformation yet, and I was going to have to confront the issue sooner or later. I guess Kelli decided for sooner.

"After that we are going to enjoy the day together and then we are going to go out and spend the night in the cabin," she said with a mischievous grin.

I giggled to myself when Kelli mentioned the cabin, because in truth it really is not a cabin at all. Between them, our parents own around twenty acres of property that their houses are built on. The problem is that the land has a natural spring, a pond and some areas that are a bit marshy from time to time. This means that much of the area is considered wetlands and cannot be developed past a certain boundary point. Way back when, however, Kelli and I found the pond and our dads helped us build a little three walled structure nearby that we would camp out in on occasion. It really was not much more than a roof to keep the rain off of our heads, but we still called it our cabin anyway, and it had been years since we had been back to it. I was thrilled that Kelli thought it would make the perfect Valentine's getaway, and I couldn't wait to get her under the stars and naked, even if it would be a little bit chilly.

"Don't forget you owe me tonight," she shouted after me as I bolted for the shower.

Well tonight would be a good evening as well, I thought to myself, as I stepped into the stream of hot water and washed myself as quickly as I could. Damnit, I really was going to be late again. I got out of the shower and rushed to dry myself, especially my tail. That is one thing that I have never liked since my change; having to dry my tail. Talk about a pain in the ass, almost literally.

I dressed myself as fast as I could in a pair of skinny jeans and a tight sweater, both of which showed off my assets perfectly, and grabbed a pair of black, heeled ankle boots on my way out of the closet. I had lost about six inches of height on New Year's Day, and that kind of sucked in a way. I went from being at the top end of average height for a woman to the top end of height for a short woman. On the bright side, after reading some of the research notes that Cassandra had given us, Kelli and I figured that I was probably a touch above average height for a Neko. Because of this change I now made sure to always wear shoes that had at least a three inch heel on them to be a little taller, and the heels usually made my calves pop.