
Alive but how

Yui mei hand fliched and her eyes slowly opened she looked around , only to discover that she was in a strange place that gave her this vibe , that she got when she was in a place with out her brother, she was wondering where she was.

As she tried to move ,her body was numb and she could not feel some of her body , but managed to to twirl her head around and saw that the room , the room was in right now was thirce the room she used to stay in room her brother and her had rented three weeks ago or so she thought

Immediatly , she winced In pain , up to 20 maids came to her room in a blink of an eye , she, herslef was wondering whether their were witches ,it was alarming when all of maid came to her and was checking if she was fine or not

When one of suddenly freezed , when the maids named Linda looked at her as some thing just dawned on her "thier ma'am was alive , their ma'am was awake ,it was like she was informing her slef that the woman who was in front was turly her ma'am ,wait, was she dreaming she was finally awake,no she must be day dreaming.

To make sure that she was not going crazy , she walked up to yui mei and said ma'am are you really awake ,she looked at the other maids to confirm that she was seeing right , and rest of them nodded at her ,telling that they too , are seeing their ma'am .

She blinked at her and said "you are finally awake, is it really happening

Yui mei who was confused by the whole scenario unfolding before her eyes, she managed to say yes , although her voice was grouchy and dry , she was forced herself to speak because of her reaction

She turned her face and towards the maid and said why are you not you all calling me ma'am"she asked looking confused on why the hell was this woman ,who was she ,why I am here ,where is this strange place and most importantly how was she still alive and kicking ,she was shot three times , at her abdomen ,her chest and her head ,it was confusing ; how the hell was she still alive,as all these was going through her cunning mind , she still could not find the answer that she was looking for , she sighed when she realized that all the maids was gone but what made her worry was " where did all of the maids go to "she thought aloud to her slef

The door opener gently as a man in his late thirties entered the room and said ma'am ",are you feeling better ,glad that you are finally awake .

I will go and inform yonug master about the sudden development ,I will call him right away and....

" Sir " she broke his sentence and asked "why is everyone here calling me ma'am" she asked ,and why do all of you treat me like I am a treasure and I am not allowed to move , she asked

And the man simiply said "cause you are a queen and by the way my name is Kyle , but you can call me butler kia,sir will explain everything to you later for now just try and get some sleep tonight , okay ma'am

"Here he goes again with calling ma'am "she mumbled to herslef "wait , she continued can you send me that girl , what was her name again.....yes Linda ,yes I want to talk to her now she ordered him but in a calm tone

The butler simiply nodded and left her room with out saying anything else ,he opened the door and left the room.

Next five minutes.

A familiar stature opened the door and said "yes ma'am do you want me to do anything for you since you have called me" you are right yui mei said I need you to tell me how long I have been sleeping,where I am ,why I am being called ma'am and most importantly how I am still alive . She said looking at Linda with the eyes that said "you are my last hope"

"I will tell you everything that I know " but the voice did not belong to linda, she looked up and saw a familiar face ,I mean who does not know this woman , she is part of the royal family who was very influencial and was married to one of the richest men ,it is rumored she have a son ,her only child but she is not sure cause he had never made a public appearance , but this woman lives in Shanghai ,was she in Shanghai,

" Yes dear you are in Shanghai, she said as if she had read her mind ,don't worry I can't read minds but I am a good face reader I guess..... she said unsure of what she had said ,

" You probably are the best " she said as she watched Linda walk out the room, you know not even my own brother has never been able to read my mind , now will you where I am , she asked still looking at her calmly as her face remained emotionless although she was curious , but her face gave away nothing....

Two strange character married ,I can smell trouble, she mumbled to her slef but not loud enough for yui mei to hear her

She walked up to her and sat on the king sized bed and said "yui mei are you sure that you want to here this from me I suggest that you think about this one more time and wouldn't you prefer to hear the story , from me I am not even aware of everything that transpired between the two of you that night , so I suggest you wait till my son is here

"What you have a son , and he is the one who saved me , you really have a son whoa I am amazed, you are right I will wait for your son to tell me everything tommorow she said .... with what she said the woman left the room

I am sad that no one has read my chapter but I am still writing , hopefully I will get good amount of support from you guys hope you enjoyed the first two chapters

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mirabel_Riacreators' thoughts