
Gigolo Hayama’s Rom-Com Pitter-Patter Heart-Pounding Operation!

An hour after Miss Hiratsuka disappeared into the sunset, becoming a single

star shining in the night sky, we were at Chiba station.

Komachi had gone home with the cat, Kamakura. My little sister was still

in middle school and too young to be going into central Chiba. Eating chips

at the Food Court in Yokado by Highway 14 with her friends suited her

better. Seriously, why did middle schoolers like Yokado so much? I couldn't

stand running into her and her friends when I went shopping with our mom.

Cut it out, Komachi. Go to Mother Farm or something.

Anyway, it was almost seven thirty, the perfect time for the city to show

off its vibrant night scene. "Apparently, there are only two establishments

with angel in their name open until morning," I said.

"So this is one of those places?" Yukinoshita gave the neon sign flashing

MAID CAFÉ ANGEL TALE a dubious look. There was even a sandwich board to

the side that said, WELCOMEOW BACK—WOOF! with a picture of a beckoning

girl with animal ears.

Yukinoshita's attitude blatantly conveyed her

impression of What the hell?

I felt the same way. What the hell.

"Welcomeow back—woof!"? Are you a

dog or a cat?

"So there's a maid café in Chiba, huh…?" Yuigahama made interested

noises and gazed at it curiously.

"You have no idea, Yuigahama," I said. "Chiba has everything. Getting a

mistakenimpression of some fad from somewhere or other and then adopting

it is what Chiba does. Feel this sad, disappointing vibe. This is Chiba

quality." Indeed, you could even say that Chiba prefecture has mastered the

art of disappointment. Be it the New Tokyo International Airport, the Tokyo

Game Show, the Tokyo German Village or the "Shibuya of Chiba,"

Kashiwa…despite Tokyo's constant influence, it's Chiba's thing to obsess

over being Chiba-ish in weird ways and to rework things in its own fashion.

And when you consider the existence of the high-class residential area

Chibarly Hills, it's apparent that this fixation has led Chiba to take on the

entire world.

And so in Chiba city, Animate and Tora no Ana and their ilk have

crowded together close to Chiba Central Station on the Keisei Line,

becoming the center of a certain type of Chiba subculture. Chiba's reaction to

Akiba. And so it was only natural that a maid café would pop up around here.

"I don't really know much about this sort of thing, but…um, what's a

maid café like?" Totsuka had been reading the signboard over and over, but

apparently, it was over his head. Well yeah, the sign said, WHY DON'T WE

SPEND SOME MOE MOE MAID TIME TOGETHER? Nobody would get that. What the

heck was "moe moe maid time"? Was I gonna be a maid, too?

"Well, I've never actually gone to one myself, so I don't really know…

So I called up someone who does know a lot about this stuff."

"Oh-ho-hem! Thou hast summoned me, Hachiman?" That was when

Yoshiteru Zaimokuza emerged from the ticket gate of Keisei Chiba Central

Station. Though it was early summer, he was sweating like a pig in his trench

coat, chuckling to himself. There were salt crystals forming on his collar.

Hey, if this were ancient China, you'd be executed for the illicit manufacture

of salt.

"Eugh…" Yuigahama's face twisted. It would have been harsh of me to

blame her for it, though. Why? Because my expression was even more


"Why do you look at me thusly? You're the one who asked me to come."

"Oh, I had to invite you, but dealing with you is kind of a pain in the ass."

"I am shocked. Indeed I am. But as your abilities rival mine, I find it

difficult to restrain my might when dealing with you. So I well understand

how you might be loathe to deal with me."

"Yeah, yeah, that. That's the part that's a pain in the ass," I said, but

Zaimokuza just burst into a weird, loud gwaba-ha-ha-ha! Get lost.

I didn't actually want to invite him, but the only people I knew well

versed in this stuff were Zaimokuza and Miss Hiratsuka. Plus, Miss

Hiratsuka's predilections were shonen manga and such, so naturally, my

options were reduced to one.

I'd already let Zaimokuza know what was going

on via e-mail. I'd told him what time Kawasaki went home, that the place we

thought she worked at had angel in the name, and stuff about Kawasaki

herself. From those details, one of the shops Zaimokuza had come up with

was this Angel Tale.

"Zaimokuza, are you sure this is the place?"

"Yes, there's no question about it." Zaimokuza's fingers danced across his

phone to bring up the information Professor Google had taught him. These

things are convenient, but I worry that using cell phones or smartphones too

much just wears out your fingers, and then you'll really have a problem on

your hands. "As you see here, there are two such shops in this city. And my

ghost is whispering to me that Saki Kawasaki would most certainly pick this


"How do you know?"

Zaimokuza's reply was so abundantly ripe with confidence that my breath

caught in my throat. Perhaps he'd grasped something that eluded us. He gave

a throaty laugh.

I see… What he's got isn't confidence… It's conviction.

"Just keep your mouths shut and follow me… The maids will lavish you

with affection," he declared, making his coat flutter and rustle. It looked as if

a wind was rising from his feet.


With those words, there was nothing for it but to follow him…to the

promised land, the golden world overflowing with ambrosia, the holy

kingdom where all men are loved. Feeling my heart throb as I wondered what

the maids would do, I took one small step for mankind but one large step for

me, and then it happened.

A tug on the bottom hem of my blazer. When I turned, there stood

Yuigahama pouting.


"Nothing. I was just thinking, Oh, so Hikki goes to places like this, too.

It's kinda gross." Yuigahama kneaded my jacket with her fingertips, grinding

away at it, her expression sullen. Stop it. You're gonna give it lint balls.

"Uh, I don't know what you mean. I need a full subject, verb, and object,


"I mean, like, isn't this a café for guys? What about us?"

Hmm? Oh. Now that she mentioned it, I wondered if girls did go to maid

cafés. Thinking, Teach me, O wise Zaimokuza, I cast him a glance, and

reliable old Zaimokuza positioned himself on a slightly raised bit of

pavement, crossed his arms, and spoke.

"Worry not, broa

"Are you calling me fat?"

Well, I think you do have certain large and round parts. I won't say

where, though.

"I thought perchance this might occur, so I brought maid outfits for

infiltration and investigation," he said, smoothly producing two maid

uniforms from behind his back. They were even in plastic clothing covers

from the cleaners and in perfect condition. Seriously, did he have a metal bat

or a frying pan hidden back there, too, or what? "Ga-hum, ga-hum. Now

then, Master Totsuka, shall we proceed…?"

Oh, so he was going for that one. Nice.

"Huh? Wh-why me…?"

Zaimokuza inched forward. Totsuka took one step back, then another in

an attempt to run. What was this, a Godzilla movie? Usually, I'd play the

hero and save Totsuka, even if it meant punching Zaimokuza in the gut, but

this time, I couldn't move at all.

I-I want to see it…

Finally, Totsuka was backed against a wall. Lit from behind as Zaimokuza

was at that moment, he really seemed like a monster. "Come, Master

Totsuka… Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!"

A creature with a maid uniform in one hand looming before him, Totsuka

shook his head vigorously, tears in his eyes. "N-no…no…" Though he knew

resistance was futile, Totsuka squeezed those large eyes brimming with tears

shut in an attempt to deny the reality before him. And then…

"Sure, sure, sure! I'd love to try one on! They're cute!" Yuigahama

squealed, yanking the costumes from Zaimokuza's hands.

Ptoo. Zaimokuza spat.

The gesture apparently annoyed Yuigahama, as she gave Zaimokuza a

look that said, What an obnoxious virgin. "Huh? What's with that attitude?

You're kinda pissing me off."

Normally, Zaimokuza'd have fled a situation like this by bursting into a

coughing fit, but ensnared in a maid transfixion now, he was bolder. "Hmph,

that is not what a maid is. The maid you speak of is just maid cosplay. It has

no soul."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Yuigahama looked to me for

assistance, but this was something I couldn't help her with. As for why?

Because I got it .


"You know, I get it. It's like, you can put on a maid outfit, but it's not

gonna be right. You'll just look like some irritating college student wearing it

on a whim." Seriously, most of the time, people like that look down on otaku,

maids, and people into that sort of thing, but then they'll turn around and

worship maid outfits just for some party. What's with that? It's not a pleasant

sight to see.

"When you cosplay, you must costume your soul as well! Come back

once you've read Shirley! People like you do Miku cosplay at Comiket and

then see nothing wrong with lighting up in the smoking area!" Zaimokuza's

fervent tirade drove Yuigahama back about three steps. Moaning as if pained,

she looked for an ally, eyes darting to and fro before taking cover behind

reliable Yukinoshita's back.

Yukinoshita, now a shield, huffed and pointed to the ANGEL TALE sign. "It

looks like this place welcomes women, too."

I looked at the line where Yukinoshita was pointing, and she was right. It


Hey, so the sign hadn't been lying. They really did have "maid time."

drinking his water. He hadn't said a single word since we came in.

"Hey, what's gotten into you?"

"Ngh… Though I am fond of places such as this, when I go in, I get so

nervous… It's hard for me to talk to the maids."

"Oh." I decided to ignore him.

Hands trembling, he continued wielding the glass in his hand like a


The third person at the table wasn't saying anything at all, so this time I

tried talking to him. "Totsuka, so about this maid café…"

No reply.


Once again, nothing. My sun, who always smiled brightly at me whenever

I spoke to him, was ignoring me! Totsuka stubbornly stared in the opposite

direction without saying a single word.

"Are you mad?" I asked. Ready to die if he kept up the cold shoulder, I

picked up a fork as I spoke, ready to drive it into my own throat.

Finally, Totsuka broke the silence. "You didn't save me out there."

"Huh? Uh, well, that was because, like…"

"You tried to make me wear those cutesy clothes, even though I'm a boy."

Totsuka looked at me huffily.

He's so cute even when he's angry… Whoops. Bad. Stop right there.

Totsuka's a guy. Plus, the fact that he was mad probably meant he didn't like

being considered girlish. So if I said anything else along those lines, he'd

probably feel awkward. "That was, um, like…you know…a joke between

men. Like two wolves play-fighting. Sorta like that."


"Really. A real man never lies." Anyway, I had to emphasize the word

man here. I'd draw attention to his intense manliness by saying man over and


"Th-then…okay…," Totsuka said, blushing and finally forgiving me.

"Sorry. Let me apologize by buying you a cappuccino. In Italy, all men

drink cappuccinos."

"Yeah, thanks." Perhaps my persistent man emphasis had paid off, as

Totsuka cheered up. As he showed me the greatest smile, I cheerfully rang

the bell on the table.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting, Masters."

"Yeah, two cappuccinos, please."

"If you would please, Master, we could put some art on your cappuccinos,

like a kitty. Would that be to your liking?"

"No, we're good."

The maid showed no signs of displeasure at my refusal. "Very well,

Master. Please wait just a bit ," she said, a brilliant grin on her face.

I guess that was something like the Sure, with pleasure! they say in an

izakaya. As expected of a pro. Her service was lively, brisk, and quite


I don't think maid cafés are popular merely because of the superficial

pleasantness of words like moe moe or Master. They're popular because

they're overflowing with this sort of passion for service. They hew to the

principle of doing whatever it takes for the customer's enjoyment. Rock-

paper-scissors and drawing pictures on omelette rice in ketchup are merely

expressions that spirit of hospitality can take. Customers come precisely

because they can sense that enthusiasm in the maids.

Among these maids there was one who seemed particularly awkward. The

tray in her hand trembled, and her eyes were constantly fixed on the cups on

her tray, making her footsteps unsteady. She was bound to trip and show us

her panties… Just as that thought crossed my mind, I realized it was


"Th-thank you for waiting…M-Master." Embarrassed, Yuigahama put the

cups on the table, her face red. She was wearing a relatively plain,

mainstream maid outfit. It was the kind with a black-and-white theme and

frilly lace, and though the skirt was short, the outfit mainly emphasized her



"D-do I look okay?"

Yuigahama laid the tray on the table and spun around slowly. The

decorative ribbons and frills fluttered.

"Wow, you look so cute, Yuigahama! Doesn't she, Hachiman?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I guess." My reply to Totsuka was halfhearted.

Apparently, though, that qualified as praise to Yuigahama, and she smiled

happily. "Really? That's a relief… Hee-hee… Thanks."

Frankly, I was surprised. Yuigahama looked ditzy, as usual, but her meek

attitude and mildly embarrassed expression combined to give her a different impression than she usually made.

"Man, but, like, this outfit has such a short skirt, and the knee-highs are so

tight! The people who wore this working back in the day must have had a

rough time. If you had to wear this cleaning, you'd get as dusty as an old


I retract my previous remarks. Yup, this was Yui Yuigahama. "It's better

when you keep your mouth shut."

"What?! What's that supposed to mean?!" She clonked me on the head

with a tray. To think she'd raise a hand against her master…

"Enough fooling around." I heard a cold voice and turned. There stood a

maid from the era of the British Empire. Long skirt, long sleeves, dark moss

green and embroidered black ribbon. Her stately image gave the plain garb a

sort of extravagant air.

"Wow, Yukinon! Oh my gosh! It looks so good on you! You're so

pretty…" Yuigahama sighed in admiration.

Indeed, she was right. It really suited Yukinoshita. "You seem less like a

maid and more like Rottenmeier, though…"

Personally, I felt like that was an understandable reference, but

apparently, neither of the girls got it. Both of them looked puzzled, gaping at

me quizzically.

"I'm saying it suits you."

"Oh? Not that it's important, though," Yukinoshita replied as if she cared

not in the slightest.

By the way, Rottenmeier was the older housekeeper from Heidi. Was she

technically a maid? I suppose she was. A similar example would be the

female cast at the Haunted Mansion in Disney parks.

"It seems Kawasaki does not work at this cafe."

"So you were actually investigating…"

"Of course. That's why I'm wearing this outfit." Yukinoshita had been

following through with this undercover investigation by her lonesome. A

maid detective had been born.

And I'd had nothing on my mind beyond cheering up Totsuka…

"She's not just off today?" Yuigahama asked, but Yukinoshita shook her


"Her name wasn't on the shift schedule. And since they've been calling

her at her house, I don't think she could be using a fake name, either."

To have deduced this much, she was less a maid and more a housekeeper.

And The Housekeeper Saw It!

"Then that means that we've just been manipulated by fake information."

I gave Zaimokuza next to me a long, hard look.

He tilted his head and began groaning. "This is strange… It cannot be


"What can't be possible?"

"Ah-hum! It's simply preordained that a prickly girl should be secretly

working at a maid café! And then when you walk in, she greets you with

'Meow meow! Welcome back, Master… Wait, why are you here?!'"

"You're not making sense." I didn't give a damn about Zaimokuza's

fetishes. This guy had cost us an entire day. It was getting pretty late, so

going to another place probably wasn't gonna happen.

But, well, Yuigahama seemed happy about trying on the maid outfit, and

we'd found a nice café. So I was fine with just letting it go.


The day after we went to the maid café, there were more people in the

clubroom than there had ever been in its history. We'd been brought together

by Yukinoshita's assertion that if treating the symptoms failed, we should try

another tack and aim to treat the source of the problem.

Yukinoshita, Yuigahama, and I were basically members, so I got why we

were there. And Totsuka and Zaimokuza visited us regularly, so there wasn't

anything odd about their presence, either. Though anyone else being there

should have seemed unnatural, oddly enough, the last guy fit right in.

"Why are you here?" I asked Hayama. He was reading a book by the

window. Hey, you're supposed to be the sunny sports type. You can't be

reading books. Are you Perfect Cell?

"Hey." Hayama closed his book and waved. "Well, Yui invited me,


"She did?"

I turned to see Yuigahama proudly puffing out her chest for some reason.

"Well, I've been thinking that there's a reason Kawasaki changed, right? So I

think taking away whatever made her change is a good idea, too, but that'll

be hard if she won't listen to anybody, right?"

"Hmm, well, that's true." Miraculously, Yuigahama was attempting to

employ logic. Impressed by this tiny miracle, I commented to indicate I was


Perhaps this flattered her, because she threw her chest out even more,

leaning so far back she was practically looking at the ceiling. "Right?! So we

need an idea to turn things around. Since she changed and went bad, if she changes again, she should go back to good."

I guess this is what they mean by "The opposite of approval is approval."

Man, Fujio Akatsuki is so great.

"So why was it necessary to invite Hayama?" Perhaps Yukinoshita wasn't

so fond of him, as her tone was sharp. Hayama didn't seem to be particularly

bothered. His attention was focused on Yuigahama.

"Come on, Yukinon. There's only one reason a girl would change."

"The reason a girl would change… Do you mean the depreciation of her


"You mean like getting old?! N-no! At the end of the day, a girl is always

a girl! Yukinon, you don't get the importance of thinking with your smexy


"That again…" Yukinoshita sighed, exasperated.

But you know…I think girls who fail to notice that girls who use the word

smexy aren't overly smexy themselves lack smexiness.

"A girl would change because of…l-love." What an embarrassing thing to

blurt out. Plus, Yuigahama was more shamed for having said it than we were

for hearing it. "A-anyway! Lots of things change when you have a crush! So I

think maybe if we could just trigger that… And that's why I invited Hayato."

"U-um, but, I'm still not really following…," Hayama confessed with a

strained smile.

Come on, you jerk! If you really don't get it, I'm gonna lose it, I thought,

flaring my eyes wide and glaring at Hayama. At almost exactly the same

moment, Zaimokuza did the same.

"There's lots of other guys girls'd go for. Like, look at the guys here…

Lots of girls like Totsuka, right?"

Phew… So Hayama is aware he's a chick magnet… Wait, no—this is

absolutely unforgivable! My eyes popped, and I doubled down with the

glaring. Perfectly in sync, Zaimokuza did the same.

"I-I don't really understand that stuff, though…" Totsuka looked down,


Seeing Totsuka like that, Yuigahama crossed her arms pensively. "Hmm,

I agree that lots of girls like him, too, but I don't think he's Kawasaki's type.

And the rest of these guys are like…well, Special Snowflake is a special

snowflake, so Hayato's the only one left."

"Hey, you can't just casually leave me out."

"Y-you're out of the question, Hikki!"

Hey, no need to turn beet red and get all mad about it… But still, it was a

bit of a shock that I was even more out of the question than Zaimokuza…

And was "Special Snowflake" his nickname?

"Yuigahama's assessment is sound," said Yukinoshita. "Do you think

anyone in our class who got to know you would be swayed?"

"You have a point." Well, I was convinced. I mean, if I were a girl, I

wouldn't be interested in a loner like me. It's because, you know, loners have

ninja talents. Ninjas can't afford to have people noticing them, so we can't

help but be ignored. Seriously, my ninja skills are awesome. Believe it.

"Oh, um, but I didn't go that far, like…you're not actually that bad, and,

uh…there's lots of reasons, so unfortunately…um, I want to ask Hayato to do

this." While I'd been busy wondering how best to make use of my ninja skills

and considering becoming Hokage, Yuigahama had been attempting to move

the conversation forward. "Could you do this for us?" Yuigahama pleaded,

putting her palms together as she bowed her head.

No boy could refuse after being asked like that. Boys are complicated

creatures. A boy is happy when someone relies on him, gets distracted by the

boob jiggle when a girl smacks her hands together, and this sort of request

stimulates his desire to save someone—to be a hero—that's he's fostered

since he was small. You know, so complicated.

Apparently, Hayama was no exception to this rule, as he gave a tiny shrug

and replied, "I understand. If that's the reason, then I have no choice. Though

I have my reservations, I'll give it a shot. You give it your best shot, too,

Yui," he said, and he patted Yuigahama on the head.

No, you're the one who's going to be giving it your best shot.

"Th-thanks…," said Yuigahama, rubbing the spot where he'd patted her.

And thus, the curtain rose on Yuigahama's proposal: the Gigolo

Hayama's Rom-Com Pitter-Patter Heart-Pounding Operation! Hey, what's

with this Showa-esque naming affinity?

The gist of the plan was simple.

Hayama would muster all his strength to

HeartCatch Kawasaki, no keyblade required. See what I did there?

We readied ourselves to head home and then went to the parking lot to

wait for Kawasaki to show up. Of course, it'd be weird for Hayama to be

seen with the rest of us, so we decided to keep an eye on the two of them

from a distance.

And then, finally, the time came. Just as she had the day before, Kawasaki

walked listlessly, sluggishly, as if dragging her feet. She swallowed a yawn,

and just as she unlocked her bike, Hayama appeared as if on cue.

"What's up? You look pretty tired." He greeted her casually. It was

supposedly acting, but he seemed so natural, just eavesdropping I felt the

urge to give him a Wh-what's up? in reply. "Do you have a job or something?

Don't work too hard, okay?"

What an amazing display of casual concern… Man, seriously, Hayama

was such a great guy.

While I was halfway to falling for him myself, Kawasaki just sighed in

annoyance. "Thanks for your concern. I'm going now. Bye," she said

brusquely, pushing her bicycle as if to leave.

But then, a kind, warm, heart-melting voice called out behind her.


This was enough to bring even Kawasaki up short. She stopped in her

tracks and turned to face Hayama. The fresh early-summer wind blew

between the couple.

The suddenly blossoming rom-com atmosphere

prompted Yuigahama to lean forward, rapt, as she clenched her sweaty

palms. Zaimokuza burned with jealousy, hatred, and murderous rage, also

clenching his fists.

The invigorating wind stopped, and Hayama's voice rang out. He seemed

to be sparkling. It was as if he were radiating negative air ions or something.

"You don't have to put on that tough act, you know?"

"Yeah, whatever."

The wheels of her bicycle rattled as they spun out, but for Hayato

Hayama, time had stopped. He stood there for a full ten seconds, left in the

dust with a rather embarrassed smile on his face, before he returning to our

vantage from the shadows. "I think…I just got rejected."


"Oh, well, thanks for…" I'd thought to thank him for his trouble, but the

rest of the words refused to come out. A strange feeling cascaded through the

muscles in my stomach.

Damn it! Calm down, abs! I tried to suppress the

mounting pressure somehow, but my sides split before I could manage it.

"Pft…pfffft! GWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Th-thou has been

SPURNED! She rejected you! You were trying so hard to look cool, and she

still rejected you! Pfffft-ha-ha-ha!"

"Stop that, Za…ah-ha-ha-ha…"

"B-both of you! Stop laughing!" Totsuka scolded, and I tried to restrain

myself. Zaimokuza's bellowing made it even funnier, though, and I couldn't

help it.

"O-oh, well, it doesn't really bother me. It's okay, Totsuka," Hayama

reassured, the awkward purse of his lips looking wry.

He was a good guy. He helped us out even though he wasn't into it, and

he got hurt doing it.

Perhaps even Zaimokuza was affected by Hayama's gentlemanly attitude.

He sucked in his laughter, coughed, and composed himself. "Whatever-your-

name-is…Hayama…you don't have to put on that…pfft…tough act, you

know! Ha-ha-ha!"

"You jerk! Stop that, Zaimokuza! Don't laugh at him!" Zaimokuza and I

were cracking up, but Yuigahama's face was twitching. "You guys are so


"So this strategy has failed, too," Yukinoshita noted. "Oh well. Let's go to

that other place tonight."


Phew, that was fun.

This was the first time I'd ever been glad I joined the Service Club.



The arms on my watch showed the time to be 8:20 PM. We were meeting up

in front of Kaihin-Makuhari Station, so there I was leaning against a

sculpture that, for some reason, was big, long, and pointy. Nickname: weird

pointy thing. The place we were heading was on the top floor of the Hotel

Royal Okura: the bar Angel's Ladder.

It was the only other business in Chiba

that operated until morning and had a name starting with angel. This was

probably the first and last time I'd ever go to such a fancy place.

I had a thin jacket with me that still felt unfamiliar, and I put it on again to

get used to it.

I'd liberated this gem from my father's closet without asking,

and I guess we had roughly the same build, because it fit me perfectly. With

the jacket, I wore a black shirt with a collar, jeans, and long-nose leather shoes on my feet. Usually, I'd never dress up like this. I just didn't really care

about clothes and stuff in general. All of it aside from the jeans was my

dad's. I'd even gelled up my hair.

Outfit coordinated by: Komachi Hikigaya. I'd asked Komachi to pick out

some stuff for me to try and make me look older, so she'd ransacked the

house and pulled together this outfit. "You've got this exhausted look in your

eyes like a salaryman who's tired of life, Bro, so if you just do something

about your clothes and hair, you'll look like a grown-up."

How was I supposed to react to a remark like that? Come on… Are my

eyes that bad?

The first one to show up at our rendezvous point was Saika Totsuka.

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting?"

"No, I just got here."

Totsuka's outfit was slightly sporty in a unisex sort of way. His cargo

pants were on the loose side, and his T-shirt was slightly on the tight side. He

had a fine-threaded beanie pulled back on his head, and there were

headphones around his neck. The dully shining wallet chain at his hip swung

every time his sneaker-clad feet moved. This was the first time I'd ever seen

Totsuka out of uniform, so I stared at him, dazed.

Totsuka pulled down the beanie as if he was embarrassed for some reason

in an attempt to hide his eyes. "D-don't stare at me like that… D-do I look


"N-no, not at all! It suits you."

It kind of felt like we were on a date, somehow, but unfortunately, we

weren't. As proof of that, Zaimokuza materialized. For some reason, he was

wearing samue and had a white towel wrapped around his head like a

bandanna. I ignored him.

"Hmph. I believe this was where our party was supposed to meet… Oh-

ho! Is that not Hachiman?"

His obnoxious little act got on my nerves, but now that he'd found me,

there was nothing I could do. "What's with that outfit? Why are you wearing

a towel on your head? Are you gonna run a ramen shop?"

He sighed. "Oh, Hachiman. Was it not you who said we should dress like

adults? And so I chose the style of a working man: a samue and a towel."

Oh, so that's what he'd been thinking. Well, he already had it on, so there

was nothing that could be done about it now. Actually, we could just leave him behind, so whatever.

I think I'd reached that conclusion right around the time I heard the click,

click of Yuigahama approaching. Her eyes darting about, she pulled out her

phone. Oh, so she hadn't noticed us.

"Yuigahama." I called out to her, and she twitched before turning timidly

in my direction. Hey, wait. You were just looking at me a second ago, though.

"H-Hikki? Oh, it's you! I didn't recognize you for a second… Th-that


"What? Don't laugh."

"N-no, that's not it at all! Um, it's so different from what you usually

wear, it just startled me…" She ogled me, going "Whoa!" and "Ooh!" and

"Ahh!" before giving me a vigorous nod. "Komachi picked this out, didn't


"Oh, so you could tell."

"I knew it." Yuigahama came off as if she'd somehow been convinced of

something…but what? She was giving me a Piiko-esque fashion evaluation

for some reason, so I decided to do the same like Don Konishi.

Yuigahama wore a tube top with a plastic bra strap over the right side; the

left was off the shoulder. Apparently, she liked her heart-charm necklace a

lot, as she still had it dangling from her neck. Over her top, she sported a

short-sleeved denim jacket, and down below, she had on a pair of black short

shorts with metal buttons. Her feet were covered by some fairly high-heeled

mules with a bit that wrapped around her ankles like a vine. With every step,

her anklet rattled.

"You're kinda…not very adult-looking."

"What? Howso?!" Yuighama seemed flustered as she scrutinized her arms

and her legs. That made her look even more like a college student than her

style already did.

That accounted for almost our entire party. Now just one more…and with

that thought, a voice called out from behind us. "I apologize. Am I late?" Her

white summer dress was vivid in the darkness. The black leggings beneath it

made her slim legs look supple.

Her utterly simple, tiny mules complimented

her slender ankles. When she turned her wrist up to check the time, the pink

face of her smallish wristwatch shone cutely against her white skin.


metal strap wrapped around that smooth wrist looked like silverwork. "So

I'm right on time." Like edelweiss blooming at night, Yukino Yukinoshita radiated a composed charm.

"Y-yeah…" Nothing else came out of me. I remembered that first time I

stepped into the Service Club clubroom and how she'd overwhelmed me.

If only she had a decent personality…

"Have you ever heard of the no-waste ghost?"

"What nonsense. There's no such thing as ghosts." Yukinoshita

immediately waved my comment aside and looked our entire entourage up

and down. "Hmm…" Then, starting with Zaimokuza, she pointed to each of

us in order. "Fail."







"Hey…" For some reason, she was grading pass/fail, and I'd gotten a

different mark from everybody else.

"I told you to wear mature clothing, didn't I?"

"Not to dress up like adults?"

"You can't get into the establishment we're visiting without appropriate

attire. It's common sense that a man would wear a collared shirt and a formal


"R-really…?" Totsuka asked, and Yukinoshita nodded.

"It's a fairly standard policy at some of the more upscale restaurants and

hotels. You should keep that in mind."

"You sure know a lot about this." This didn't sound like the sort of intel

your average high schooler would have at their fingertips. I mean, the only

restaurants we went to were Saize and Bamiyan. The fanciest it got was

Roiyaho. Anyway, the only one of us wearing a formal jacket was me.

Totsuka was fairly casual, and Zaimokuza was dressed up like a ramen chef.

"M-my clothes are no good?" Yuigahama fretted, and Yukinoshita looked

slightly troubled.

"The dress code isn't so particular for women, but…if Hikigaya is the one

escorting you, that might be a little sketchy."

"Come on, come on! Lookit the jacket, the jacket!" I fluttered my jacket

like Hiromi Gou in an attempt to call attention to it, but Yukinoshita only

chuckled derisively.

"No matter how much you attempt to divert attention from them with your

clothing, your eyes are so rotten, I doubt your ability to get in."

Were they really that bad?

"I don't want to have to come back a second time because we were

refused service, so it might be a good idea for Yuigahama to come get

changed at my place."

"Huh? I can go to your place, Yukinon?! Let's go, let's go! Oh, but I'm

not being a bother, coming over this late?"

"You don't have to worry about it. I live alone."

"You're such a strong, independent woman!" Yuigahama's astonishment

was overdone.

Was that her standard, really? Was every woman who lived alone strong

and independent? But hearing that Yukinoshita lived alone, it did make sense.

She was an amazing cook, but more than anything, I couldn't imagine her

living with another human being.

"Then let's go. It's just over that way." Yukinoshita turned to the skyline

behind her, indicating an apartment building known for being expensive,

even within the region. Since I didn't watch TV much, I didn't really know,

but apparently, they sometimes shot commercials or TV shows there. (Fun

fact: Kaihin-Makuhari was often used as a location for superhero shows, too.)

Yukinoshita's gaze was fixed near the top of the skyscraper distinguished by

a pale orange light. It seemed her apartment was on one of the higher floors.

Wh-whoa, is she actually bourgeoisie? I guess if she wasn't, her parents

probably wouldn't have let their high school daughter live alon "I'm sorry you came all this way, Totsuka, but—"

"No, it's okay. I got to see everyone out of uniform, and that was fun,"

Totsuka said, smiling brightly. He was so cute, I didn't want him to go yet.

"Hey, so, Yuigahama, while you're getting changed, the three of us will

go get something to eat," I said. "When it's over, just give me a call


"Yeah, I will!"

We split with the pair, and the three of us guys fell silent as if gauging

how hungry we were.

"So on what shall we dine?" Zaimokuza asked, rubbing his belly.

Totsuka and I looked at each other.

"Ramen, I guess."

"Yeah, ramen."