
My Year With Grandma

(Volume 1 Complete) I have been getting into trouble often over the last year and Mom had hit her breaking point. When faced with the choice between a state-run boarding school for troubled teens or my grandma, Mom chose what she called 'the lesser of the two evils'. Grandma. Did that imply, Grandma was evil? Is that why I hadn't met her before or why Mom never once ever mentioned her? Unfortunately, I was about to find out. A/N. Cover credit goes to: SrdVegaDesigns (Volume 2 - ongoing) Now that you met the mysterious grandmother, let’s take some time to get to know her and how she became the gifted woman she is…

Lyn_Eagleton · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Dinner Party

Two weeks went by since Gram had confessed everything to her parents which lifted some of the depression off her shoulders. She was still worried about what was going to happen next as her mother had insisted on discussing the situation with Johnny and his parents no matter how desperately she begged her not to. Deep down she was hoping not to involve Johnny at all. After all, the boy had reconciled with Hilda… again and she really didn't want the drama. She would much rather let people make what ever conclusions they felt and deal with everything on her own.

Her mother had taken her to the doctor to have her checked out. The doctor checked her diseases as well as testing to confirm or deny pregnancy. After being told the results would take a few hours, Gram left with her mother to have lunch at a local café. Gram couldn't stop apologizing for being stupid and getting herself in this situation. Five apologies later and her mother snapped. "Stop it! Stop apologizing right now, little lady." She looked up in the face of her very tall daughter. "Well… maybe you're not little, but still… Stop it!"


"But nothing. You've confessed. You stand forgiven. Leave it be."

"Easier said then done."

"Is that your way of saying the price Jesus paid on the Cross for your sins wasn't good enough? That somehow what you've done and what's been done to you is somehow beyond the capability of his sacrifice?"

"No! It's just…"

"Just nothing! He paid the price already. All you have to is accept it. You're not doing anyone any favors by beating yourself up over something that can't be undone. Confess. Repent. Accept His Grace and move the hell on."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"Gram." Sandra growled.

Gram raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Letting it go. Jeez."

The two finished their lunch date and returned home to receive the phone call from the doctor's office. He informed her that her pregnancy test came back positive, but so did the STD test. She would have to go to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription medicine to treat the disease and then get tested again once the medicine was finished to make sure it had been cleared up. Gram was livid. Not only did Johnny knock up but he gave her an STD too?!

She hadn't even told George about the pregnancy yet because he was still very angry with Johnny, and she really didn't want to make things worse while he was still in school. She figured she could hide it from until after graduation so he wouldn't do anything stupid like get suspended for beating the guy up, or worse, go to jail for assault. She knew George was just looking for the slightest little excuse to pummel the boy to death. If he knew about the disease, that would definitely be enough to send him over the edge of violence.

No matter much she wanted to hide away in her room and ignore the world, it wasn't something she would be able to do. Her mother had scheduled a dinner party for Johnny's family on a night Tristan was off work so the baby wouldn't be there for the showdown between the parents.

Thus far, nothing has been said to anyone in the Hipkins family about what happened between Gram and Johnny, so he and his parents were coming into this dinner party blind. Johnny's parents have been close friends with Paul and Sandra for many years and shared many a meal together. Johnny's dad, Marcus Hipkins, was the mayor of the city as well as a deacon at the church while his mother, Celia worked with Sandra in the ladies' ministry events. Sandra's sudden invitation was not uncommon and readily accepted by the couple.

Sandra offered her friends a gourmet meal of rib roast, garlic mashed potatoes, buttered corn and fresh baked dinner rolls served on her best china. She sat at one end of the table while her husband sat at the other. To her right sat Johnny, then Marcus. To her left sat Celia then Gram. While they were all enjoying the food, the mothers at the table couldn't help but notice their children's subtle behaviors.

Gram was picking at her food as if she wasn't hungry while occasionally lifting her face to glare at Johnny who simply smirked at her.

"So, Marcus," began Paul. "Do you have a party planned for St. Valentine's Day this year? I heard the New Years party you hosted was all the rave." He smiled as he saw Johnny's eyes widen. "Or is it 'all the rage'. I don't really keep up with today's lingo."

"We didn't host a party. We were out of town over the New Year." The man's face darkened as he turned his attention to his son. "John?"

The boy swallowed hard. "I just had a few friends over, Dad. That's all. It wasn't a party."

"Really?" Questioned Sandra. "I heard it was quite jubilant. Gertrude went to it. Didn't you honey?"

Gram looked intently at her plate. "I wish I hadn't." she muttered.

"It was just a few friends, that's all. Just wanted to have some fun." He smirked as he winked at Gram.

"You got a twisted view of fun." She growled back.

"Is that how the vase in the living got broken?!" Celia cried. "Johnny? You said it was the dog."

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"Sorry?! I bought that vase in Milan!"

"Dear." Marcus interrupted to silence his wife. "Let's talk about that later, okay hun?"

She dropped the subject but through her son a warning glare. "You know you're not supposed to have friends over when we're not home."

"Then I'd never have friends over." He snarked.

"Watch your mouth, son."

"Oh, I'm sure it was all just innocent fun." Mused Sandra. "I'm sure they weren't do anything illegal."

Marcus put his fork down and looked at his son's lowered face. "Yes, I'm sure you are right, Mrs. Marquee. Johnny is a good boy. Aren't you son?" He put his hand on the back of Johnny's neck with a little bit of pressure.

Johnny winced. "S-sure, Dad. Nothing illegal happened."

"Well, dear." Paul stated. "Dinner was delicious. Thank you very much for cooking."

"You're welcome, honey. Why don't you and Marcus retire to the study. Celia and I will clean up the table." Sandra replied

"Yes!" Celia agreed a bit enthusiastically. "And you two kids can head into the living room and visit."

"I can help with dishes." Gram said standing up with her plate in her hands. The last thing she wanted was to be alone with Johnny.

"Can't I go with you, Dad?" Johnny pleaded with his father.

"No!" Sandra and Marcus said in unison.

"You two go to the living room. Mom will join you in a bit." Paul instructed his daughter.

"You too, son. Go on."

Gram reluctantly drug her feet to the living with Johnny following right behind.

He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. "What did you tell them?" He demanded in a whispered voice.

She glared at him with all the pent-up anger she had been hoarding towards him. "What do think I told them? I told them the truth. I don't lie to people like you do." She snarled.

"And just what 'truth' did you tell them?"

"The truth truth. Ever hear of it?"

"Truth is you probably told them some BS story that I did something bad to you when I didn't."

"You did. You know you did."

"It wasn't bad. It was fun. I rather enjoyed myself having your legs wrapped around me. If memory serves, you seemed to be enjoying yourself too." He grinned.

"I don't even remember doing anything with you."

"And therefore, it didn't happen. I don't remember either, now."

"You drugged me, a**hole! You gave me a drink of water and the next thing I know is I'm waking up sore and bleeding in your bed! How can you call that fun, Johnny?"

"No memory. No proof. Don't know what to tell you."

Gram was fuming at this point. Maybe she should've let George beat him up. "I should have you arrested."

"Please. Go ahead. My dad is the mayor, and you have no proof. It'll be my word against yours."

"What you did was a crime, Johnny. You drugged my and then robbed me of all my firsts."

"So, what if I did? I don't mind being your first. And for being a virgin, you were pretty fun."

She slapped him as hard as she could. "F*ck you!"

"Been there done that." He smirked, unfazed by his stinging cheek.

"Why? You can have any girl in school, any time. In fact, you probably have so, why me? You've been sleeping with my cousin all these years, why me? Can you at least tell me that?"

He grinned, "Because I wanted you. I know you've had a crush on me so, don't try to tell me you didn't want to."

"Crush or no crush, I didn't want to. Not with you or anybody else. You can't just take what you want when you want it. Life isn't supposed to work that way."

"Well… for me, it does. I wanted you so I took you and now I forever be a part of you. You will never be able to forget me."

She clenched her fists at her side. Why aren't her parents coming yet? What's taking them so long? If they take too much longer, she just might punch him in the nose. "What about Hilda?"

"What about her? She knows I fool around. So does she. So what?"

"Well… you might want to get yourself treated because you shared your 'foolishness' with me."

"I got a shot last week. I'm good. Sorry, I guess I could've said something, huh."

She gritted her teeth. This boy was impossible. "You have no fear of God, do you?"

"I don't fear anything."

She took a calming breath to ebb her nerves. She thought she may as well get the night over with. She looked at the smug boy in front her and smiled half-heartedly at his mock confidence. She knew he was all talk and that he was afraid of something. She knew exactly what that something was too. "I'm also pregnant. Congratulations, Daddy." Satisfied with his slack-jawed silent reaction she turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.

Unbeknownst to the teens, their parents had eavesdropped and heard the entire exchange. Paul and Sandra stood satisfied with the way their friends had discovered the truth of their daughter's situation. Had they imply told Johnny's parents themselves, the chances of them not believing the story were high. This way, the truth came their own son's haughty mouth.

They entered the living room pretending to be in the dark about what had transpired moments before with the kids. "Where's Gram?" queried Celia.

Johnny snapped out of his daze at his mother's voice. "Oh… Uh… I think she said she wasn't feeling well… or something. I don't know."

"Well, I guess we'd better head out. Early day tomorrow, you know." Marcus offered Paul a handshake. "Rest assured, I will deal with what we discussed and get back with you soon."

"I appreciate it, Marcus. I look forward to hearing from you."

"Thank you so much for dinner." Celia smiled sadly. "We will be in touch again real soon."

"Thank you so much coming." Sandra took Celia hand in hers. "I pray you have peace for the coming days."

"You too, Sandra. I'm so sorry. Come on Johnny. Let's go home."

"Yes, son. Let's go home and chat about your little New Year's get together, shall we?" Marcus said through gritted teeth.