

As the night falls and the rain begins to fall Just like the first time they met A young man who looks like he is in his early twenties and a young lady who looks like she is in her teens , stood in face to face in the rain looking at each other silently .. suddenly, someone broke the silence Yang, i have nothing to say to you .. goodnight and goodbye, " said the young lady in a tired and hurt voice as she called the guy by the nickname she gave him before she even knew his real name . .. then she walked away ,but the young man held her hands and pulled her back and said while looking at her eyes . No, we are not done talking, and you're not allowed to walk away without answering me !! , " He said, then add . And i will ask you again ?? .. .Why did you go when i asked you to stay ?? ... Why do you always run away from me ?? , what is wrong with you, kim ?? , " the young man asks, annoyed She young lady look look at him with a pain expression on her face even tho her lips had a smile on it and even tho the rain was falling on could still see her eyes were looking as if it would soon begin to flow like the rain She then said with a smirked Do you really not know ?? ...Did you ever not know ?? the young man nodded his head The young lady finally had enough And confess Yang , i loved you. ever since i first saw you and i can't...." do this anymore I have been doing it long before..hoping you would be mine one day, but it never works out Pretending to be your friend it is not easy but i try and i try to forget my feels and live with you but i gusse maybe i should have learn to live without you and i did for those few months but then there you go again .. you made things a lot harder when you came back and we became friends and now you're going again Yang, i had enough. You can't keep going and coming out of my life like that The young man was shocked by the sudden confessions and said nothing like he was in another world . Kimanda looked at him for a while , and when he didn't say anything, she asked , " Can i atless kiss you ?? , without waiting for his reply, she walk up to him with all the courage she had and their lips met It was so sudden that even before Yang could come out of his shock , then comes another one Kimanda suck and nibbles his lower lips as she had always wanted too as she knew this might be the first and the last time she ever got the chance to , so she take her time even tho she wanted more she let go of his lips and look into his shock eyes , ------- Kim Alexander at they age of 13 falls in love with a guy who is much older than her ,She has loved him for years but didn't found the courage to tell him, thinking it was a requited love,but one day she did and when she did.. the very next day he left the country without saying a word to her. years after that he show up again this time kim wasn't that little girl anymore , she was adult. she was independent free but and had everything she ever wanted except him and that feeling was still there, she still love him with every piece it of her heart

55 Chs

where is the little bride

Amelia and Eleanor talks for a while like two old friends, caught in up on a few things .

Where is the little bride?, " Amelia asked smiling pleasantly.

They are doing her make up, " Eleanor answered.

I can't wait to see her I bet she will be the most beautiful bride ever , " Eleanor added and Amelia nodded her head in agreement, while Dwayne did the same with images of Kerry as a bride.

Can I see her ? , " Ava asked Eleanor and Eleanor agree as Ava was use to live with them when her parents was having a divorce and kerry and her was close .

Dwayne give Ava a letter when no one was watching and without asking questions she took it and left , just then they heard a helicopter,It stop outside . "Seems like they are here" Eleanor said excitedly, as everyone else expects kim walk over to see who came , as the could see the through the glass wall , the saw it was the groom and his family .

While Eleanor left to met the singhs. While The Alexander's sat in the sofa , some was lost in thoughts , while some was lost in the beauty of the place .

It's good to see you again , sonia , " Eleanor said .

It's good to see you too , Ella , " sonia singh said .


Has all of the guests arrived already, " Sonia asked .

Not all but some has arrived already.

Not bad , we still have a hour more , " Sonia said as she glanced at her gold wristwatch


I hope kerry got my message, " Dwayne said to himself as he sighed inwardly as he look at Rohan.

Kim pov .

Today I have been lost in thoughts more then I had ever done before .

Have I ever been this frustrated, " no " , have I never been this unreasonable–well I did before when I lock everyone out of my life when we were all in pain–however this is different, I should be comforting my brother whoes girlfriend opps -let me correct it ex-girlfriend is about to get married and here I am sulking over a stranger who had barely said two words to me , but I can't help it , he made me felt so irritated, confused whenever I think about how he avoided me , it hurts a bit , I felt like he was being unreasonable, if he wasn't attracted to me then why did he had to act so– God I don't even have the word for it …

What is on his mind for christ sake , do man go around watching girls like that , did he too did that with other girls–no way ! ..

He catches my attention at the first day , which was by a mistake, everything that has ever happened between us was mistake and coincidence, but why did he had to look at me like that , I don't exactly know the looks but there is that looks that he always gives me when he caught me staring at him , it wasn't as if he was questioning me with his eyes or anything but God i really don't understand anything however instead of looking away he would stared back . But then all of sudden he begin to avoid eyes contact not only eyes but me – Not fair ! ..

That day flash across my mind again.

When our hands touched slightly after I ran away without my money .

Within a second he look at me , there was a look in his eyes that I couldn't understand, it seems so unfamiliar but yet I knew i had seen it before but from far . However it was just for a second then he gone back to being around one of those people who doesn't care about me , the ones that I could be right in front of but they don't give a shit about to even look at me , he is just —

What the heck !!! , ".I said in disbelief in a low voice . As I turn only to look into a familiar yet strange Amber brown eyes.

There was a handsome Indian guy , one of the most aboslute handsome guy I had ever seen in real life , though this is my first time seeing him in real life .

even he looks surprised as me , my mouth was wide open , I was about to say something but sallow hard instead.

"Kim" he said the first words .

Deepak "I said his name in a low voice unlike the ones I always use , it sounds so unfamiliar.

Do you two know each other , " Eleanor asked as I shooks my head while Deepak nodded his head saying yes .

That is great , " Eleanor said but didn't look very happy I assumed she knows this isn't good –well we are on the same page right now .

Sonia, Deepak mother just look at us even she didn't look very happy not surprising, while mom just look a little bit lost for words . While most of my siblings are confused while some seems surprised as me .

No one expects to met Deepka today , I never expected to met him this way either .


I am gonna change my dress , I said as I stood up and left Deepak who was still shock as I am .

I'm coming too , " kesha said .

am coming too , " Amanda said .

Coming too , " Amy said .

I should go and make sure they dress probably "Mom said as she follows us . Gosh she said it as of we are babes and won't be able to changes our selfs probably –but then she will need to help me dress as I would be too deep in thoughts then changing.


Is he your ex-boyfriend kesha asked and I nodded my head as I zipe up my dress.

He looks more handsome then he did in the photo , " kesha added as Amanda nodded.

He is really handsome," little chipmunk says , she is right though Deepak looks super handsomer in person .

I was fortunate to have such a boyfriend, handsome , kind , careing , loving , funny , he such a sweetheart but also annoying.

He is everything I should want but I don't….

Amy who is more handsome , Deepak or that stranger you met and long yung? .

It's hard to choose, " Amy said as everyone giggled.

But I could choose, " I said in a low voice.

Who , " Amy asked .

Yang ,' I said while everyone looked at me questioned.

Who ?? .

Deepak of course, " I said giggling awkwardly.

Did you know he was coming, " Amanda asked

"No , we lost contact over 6 months"

Did you know it's his brother that is getting married to kerry ? , " mom questioned

Yea , no ,he did tell me about his brother getting married but I was never interested so I didn't ask.

I stood in the mirror and look at myself as mom help me zipe the rest that I couldn't reach .

Deepak is here , " it's still too hard to believe.


Author pov

So congrats man today is your last day being single , " Deepak said

Thanks man , " Rohan said as he look at himself in the mirror.

How are you feeling right now , " Deepak asked.

Like to puke...."

Hehe , don't do that and ruined your beautiful suit , " Deepka said as he patted Rohan shoulder to comfort him .

How are you feeling, " Rohan asked this time.

Am not the one getting married, " Deepak said.

You know why I asked , because of kim, " Rohan said.

Yea , it took me by surprise i didn't think i see her anytime soon, though i was planning on seeing her I didn't think it would be so soon .

Sorry i didn't tell you before .

It's okay all is done , nothing qould have change even if you did tell me, " Deepak said.

You won't have been that surprised for starters, and am sure you would have come prepared with what to say to her ..

Deepak sigh as he look at himself in the mirror.

Long sigh – Do you think she give me another chance , "he asked .

Do you really want another chance , " Rohan asked .

You know in a few months your getting married too , " Rohan reminds Deepak about his marriage too .

But i don't want to married Deepika, " he said .

It's not what we want , " Rohan said as he sighed .

And what you want , " Deepak question.

Why , question when you already know the answer, " Rohan asked .

Just want to make sure as , if you want that so bad why get married to kerry .

Do i have a choice.

Why not run away , why not tell mom you wants to marry someone else , am sure as long—

look there is nothing I could do to change mom mind and kerry doesn't have a balls to do what she wants either, " Rohan said.

What about you , you don't have a balls to do what you wants too , " Deepak teased.

I do have balls , " Rohan defined himself.

Hehe , you know i don't mean it that way , " Deepak said

But there is no way kerry should have a balls that would be too weird, " Deepak said with those weird thoughts already creeping through his mind.

Fuck … , " he curse.


We finished sooner then I thought, after dressing, mom help do my hair in less then 3 minutes, now everyone was to go to the venue where the wedding is being hold .

No one see it yet and I wanna be the first to do that , so I went to the balcony and just as j thought, I could see the venue from here.

I gaps in awww , It looks beautiful. I thought they would get married in a church or in a hindi way or something but this is different.

They were many chairs that line up in –if am right that would be 36 row .however it didn't seems like the way rich people would get married everything looks beautiful yes but a bit simple for rich people , it reminds me of Deepak and I plan for our wedding. Yeah we already plan all of that .but I don't think it's Deepak idea for this, probably his brother

I watch as people made there way to their seats and then I saw Deepak and his brother making there way there too. As if he could sense I was watching them . both turn and look at me , I smile and wave lightly, Deepak did the same while Rohan chuckled. Deepak shook his head as he look at Rohan and Rohan suddenly turn serious and he turn to walk away but then turn back and blow me a kiss . Deepak look at him again and Rohan laugh as he walk away.

I wonder what it would have been like to be Deepak wife–what am I thinking?.

I looked at the sky un-a-sure of what the future have ahead of me …

Why do I keep thinking about yang when I am sure am not letting anyone in my life. Being uninterested in people helps being lonely and being lonely helps to keep all the pain asides, pain of being rejected, pain of feeling lonely when you have a lot friends, pain of not fitting in , pain of not being good enough pretty enough, and most of all pain of losing someone, someone who made themselves importante to me , someone I would miss and I don't Wanna miss anyone., I don't wanna go on with thoughts of not being able to reach.out to that person, lovie made me felt that pain , Jamol made me.felt the pain of being rejected without rejecting me , Kendell made me felt the pain of being in a crowded room but still felt lonely, she always made me felt like I can't fit in. Elwyn made me feel like am not-good enough as he choose Kendall to fucking kiss. So me not choosing between Elwyn and jamol was because i know there are 99 % that they don't feel the same ,but I didn't wanna lose them so I never told them my feelings as I didn't wanna be rejected and even if i wanted to chooes I didn't know who to choose.

What yang is the same thing., what if he rejected me ,..

Kim, ' someone call for me as the touch my. Shoulder, which made me jump in surprised.

God .. am sorry,, Deepak said apologizely , did i scared you he asked chuckling lightly

Yea a bit, " I said giggling lightly

Come on let us go , the will now begin he said holding out his arms for me and I lock our arms together and we walk down to the back stairs.

Everything is beautiful , I said and he smile.

You look beautiful, " he said in a flirting tone .

You look beautiful too , " I said giggling when he rise one of his eyebrow.

Not even handsome but beautiful, beautiful are meant for girls , " he said dramatically making me laugh.

Ohk , you look handsome , way more handsome then i though you would be , " I said which was very much true .

Good to know , " Deepak said.

Now back to the place , it's beautiful, who designed it ," I asked referring to the flowers and other stuffs.

Me , It look simpler to ours doesn't it , "he questioned and I nodded my head as I look at him .

Well I just told them what to do , I had no idea it would come out like this , " he said ans then I remembered Dad saying the redecorate the place after the date has been remove .

So you give the instructions and design this Beautiful , why am I not surprised, " I said infact am not surprised Deepak studies decoction secretly , as he couldn't do it as his mom wants him to study business.

Because you simply know me and thanks for remembering those small details, " he said with a sweet smile .

By the way why didn't you tell me you were coming , " i asked.

You block me and still expect me to tell you , how –scream and tell you , " Deepak asked in a teasing tone.

But I unblocked you three months ago even when Kerry and Rohan was supost to get married and yet you didn't tell me about it, " I asked .

Well you win , I was trying to kept some distance between us besides it has just been a few months since we broke up and i guess i wasn't over you—- I didn't know you and the Charles are friends.

By the way you should have knew I would be here after all its my only brother wedding, " he added .

I didn't– he raised one of his eyebrowes as if he was questioning me .

I didn't–I didn't know he was your brother and i also forgot it was your last name , " I said honestly.

Really , kim ,you already forgot my last name , " Deepak asked amused.

It's been only a few months, I don't know if I should cry or laugh but i wanna do both , " he said chuckling.

Am sorry , i forgot, besides i didn't even know he was your brother as you never show me his photo or anything that looks like him.

I never show him to you as I am afraid you fall for him instead of me , " Deepak said as he look away as if he is ashamed of it .

Your more handsome then him and yet i didn't fall for you , " i said as both was true, Deepak is more handsome then his elder brother but I didn't fall for him .

Ouch that is going to hurt for a while, " Deepak said as i giggled at him..

no offense, " I said still giggling

Well I am offense, " he said again

Then what can i do to make you feel less offense, " I question though apart of me know that it is a bad idea what if he wants us to be in a relationship again.

You would know soon , " he said as he led me to my seat , then he made his way to the front where the groom and pastor already was .

He look real good in that suit now that i took note of it .


You are the most beautiful bride, " Ava said and kerry smile .

By the way this is for you , but remember don't act reckless after reading it , " Ava add and kerry nodded again but the smile was gone.