

As the night falls and the rain begins to fall Just like the first time they met A young man who looks like he is in his early twenties and a young lady who looks like she is in her teens , stood in face to face in the rain looking at each other silently .. suddenly, someone broke the silence Yang, i have nothing to say to you .. goodnight and goodbye, " said the young lady in a tired and hurt voice as she called the guy by the nickname she gave him before she even knew his real name . .. then she walked away ,but the young man held her hands and pulled her back and said while looking at her eyes . No, we are not done talking, and you're not allowed to walk away without answering me !! , " He said, then add . And i will ask you again ?? .. .Why did you go when i asked you to stay ?? ... Why do you always run away from me ?? , what is wrong with you, kim ?? , " the young man asks, annoyed She young lady look look at him with a pain expression on her face even tho her lips had a smile on it and even tho the rain was falling on could still see her eyes were looking as if it would soon begin to flow like the rain She then said with a smirked Do you really not know ?? ...Did you ever not know ?? the young man nodded his head The young lady finally had enough And confess Yang , i loved you. ever since i first saw you and i can't...." do this anymore I have been doing it long before..hoping you would be mine one day, but it never works out Pretending to be your friend it is not easy but i try and i try to forget my feels and live with you but i gusse maybe i should have learn to live without you and i did for those few months but then there you go again .. you made things a lot harder when you came back and we became friends and now you're going again Yang, i had enough. You can't keep going and coming out of my life like that The young man was shocked by the sudden confessions and said nothing like he was in another world . Kimanda looked at him for a while , and when he didn't say anything, she asked , " Can i atless kiss you ?? , without waiting for his reply, she walk up to him with all the courage she had and their lips met It was so sudden that even before Yang could come out of his shock , then comes another one Kimanda suck and nibbles his lower lips as she had always wanted too as she knew this might be the first and the last time she ever got the chance to , so she take her time even tho she wanted more she let go of his lips and look into his shock eyes , ------- Kim Alexander at they age of 13 falls in love with a guy who is much older than her ,She has loved him for years but didn't found the courage to tell him, thinking it was a requited love,but one day she did and when she did.. the very next day he left the country without saying a word to her. years after that he show up again this time kim wasn't that little girl anymore , she was adult. she was independent free but and had everything she ever wanted except him and that feeling was still there, she still love him with every piece it of her heart

55 Chs


Wow, look like love at first sight Jordan, " Owen teased as Jordan realized what he was doing and turned away not willing to look back at the girl, and drank out all of the alcohol in his glass.

Wait, Jordan. Are you that thristy " Owen asked as he knew what was happening to the young guy beside him while everyone around was aware of it, expected kim but as she looked at him she remembered how uneasy she felt when she first saw they mistery guy and how she stare at him . And didn't want to remove her sight but had to .she even felt her palms sweat . While her heart is better than ever , she wonders if it is the same as Jordan.

They way he was staring at the girl made her realize how she was , and something clicked in her mind when Owen said, " it looks like love at first sight , "

Is it love at first sight, or am i just overreacting, " kim thought to herself.

While the music plays, Kim sits in her place as she keeps thinking about the mystery guy.

As what Owen said, she still plays in her head repeatedly, "

" It looks like love at first sight,"

Yes , she knew she liked the guy as she admires him , he attractive, young but still older then her , and he talks less to people , probably only talk to people he close to; something they have in common, he also looks Mistery, and she felt like want to explore him and learn different things from him, about him and want to know him best .

But was it love or obsession or admiration or am I just interesting in him but in a different way.

There was something about they way he look in at her in her eyes , she felt lost every time.

But does it mean I am in love , impossible, " kim said to herself, but she still kept thinking about it ,

For they past few weeks, she thought about him a lot . She sometimes felt imberessed and shy, and sometimes she felt uneasy, hot, and heartbeat faster .

She even dreamed of him , one night ,

In her dreams ,,.

A tall guy stood at the sea shore and was looking a head at the water . While the breezes played with his hair , he looked absolutely dreamy

Yang , " a young girl called out for the guy as he turned around and they young girl ran and hugged him.

She felt like she found what she was always looking for .

what are you doing out here are you leaving again , " the girl asked as she hugged him as he held her close and hugged her too as he lifted her off the ground, the girl rap her legs around him as he bury his face by her neck .

You're not leaving again, are you ? , " she asked, panting as if she had run for a long time .

No , kim, why would i leave you when you are my home , " the guy said in a low voice.

But you would leave , everyone always leaves , " kim said as tears roll down her eyes .

, kim... " the guy as he looked at her and their eyes met and kim lost again in that black eyes that was looking right through her soul.

Yang , promise me , you won't leave me , " the young girl asked .

Kim , remember no what , we will be together, I can promise that even if I leave , you are alway im my heart , on my mind , even in my dreams , and i will so anything to make us met again .

So you're leaving, I knew it , you're just like her , " kim said as she remembered someone dear to her and her teary brown eyes look at his black emotions ones .

Kim , she didn't leave you she always with you, and so will i .. so don't cry , I hate it when you cry, and i know she does too, " the guy said.


Who is she and who is yang , why does he look like that guy , and what are these dreams meant for ?? , "those were the questions on kim mind .

It has been a month now since she started thinking about him . Ever since he came into her life , he never left her mind .

Never once in her life after she met Elwyn and Jamol, she thought there would be a third person who would come into her life and make her think about nothing but him.

Kim couldn't take her mind off him for quite some time now.

At first, she wondered if he would be like some other guys that she had crushed on. That would only be on her mind for a few days, maybe a week or two, and then she would start to think about Jamol again as she tried to stop thinking about Elwyn and it helped a little but when anyone said his name. he is going to be on her mind for a few days again, and lately, his name has been mentioned a lot, but still, she could only think about the guy she met last month.

Kim sits and listens to songs that play from Ed Sheena_-_ Thinking out loud.

To crash_Adam_-_Give me a kiss .

They way they were dancing, kimanda wanted her day to come soon , and it was un-be-live-able, after her sister die kim give up on dreams , as most of her dreams she wanted her sister to be there be proud and always be around to see when she did it and how she did it.

She shook her head as it was crazy, only when she was a 10 year old she used to dream about Prince Charming but right now she was dreaming about someone named Yang .

Later that night **

Before they called off they weddingnight , they called everyone on stage to dance , kimanda didn't go to dance, but she kept thinking about this person . But when she look at everyone she smile , after a while they begin playing Indian songs .

Owen , who was known to all the Alexander's family who loves to dance when he drinks or partying, he and kevin, he was on the dance floor while others look at him amazed expected the Alexander's who was already expecting him to dance , they just chuckle and giggled as he dance in different styles, he even stripped of his short.

Did they order a stripper for their wedding night , " kim questioned as she giggled. And so did Amelia, who was now seated beside her .

He could have passed as a stripper.

He danced for a while, and so did Zoey elder sister's as they are they groom siblings.

After a while , Owen was seated on a seat, sleeping soundly.

Alexander's family giggled as it was also expected, as they celebrated birthdays, and so on , Owen has one remedy, he would drink , dance, and sleep .

After the party was over, it was 1: 05 am

While everyone was talking about they wedding kimanda was lost in her thoughts while walking back to the boat and as it was cool it even felt like snow was falling kimanda felt like she was falling more in love with this person that she just met a months back , is it possible even if it is , would she allow it , kim never let anyone come too close, she never open up to anyone except Deepak.

She then questioned.

Is it possible, Jamol, can you be replaced

Can I like someone else more than you or as mush as i like you ? Would he be mine this time?

All of these questions were gone to her first love, the one she had loved for 5 years

But he was never hers, to begin with

And when he left a part of her left too

She had liked him more than anything else, and she always thought she could never like anyone like this ever again .