
My World is Truth

AN: This story contains mature language and at times extremely graphic content. You have been warned. After a war between angels and demons, humans are nearly extinct due to a targeted attack from the demons. A thousand years later, humans are still on the verge of complete extinction and use their abnormal abilities as "Dismantlers" to help every other creature from dangers that were left behind from the war as well as new dangers. Come the MC, Morden, a 24 year old pure human trained to be a Dismantler from a young age. Despite his lack of talent, his hard work and preparation make him an exceptional hunter. When Morden leaves his village on a hunt, he discovers an incredible power hidden inside of a grand memorial. The power gained, however, is confusing, random, and at times eats away at his sanity. Great strength means distinction, but is it worth the cost of losing his mind? "Can I find a way to revive my people? Should I focus on becoming the best Dismantler in all of history? Maybe become the ruler of a kingdom?" These questions haunt Morden as he learns more about the true nature of his power as well as the hidden truths of his world that only he can find. - AN: I grew tired of reading stories where characters have crazy anime tropes. One guy is so stingy even though he's a millionaire, another doesn't think he's evil but he's just kills people without hesitation making him edgy, etc. I wanted a story where characters were believable and set in a world that was original. The main character acts in ways that a normal person does and the people around him as well. Cringe is something I try to avoid as much as possible and I try to write in a way that won't make you scratch your head and wonder why I used the same word 3 times in one paragraph. I am no published writer and I make mistakes mainly from auto corrections or mistyped. Please have mercy on my poor soul. This world that I created is as original as I could design it to be. The creatures and being found in this world are many that we know and have seen many times before but with my own twist to many of them. Most creatures live in harmony (with exceptions) despite our typical knowledge. No elf vs dwarves rivalry, very few naturally evil races or characters who are trying to ruin the world for the sake of it. I try to have as little relation to our world to give off the feel of immersion, keeping only what is necessary for our understanding (our day length, month, year, the sun, etc.). Keeping with this theme, I try to make original sounding names and places that don't have a strong correlation with what we all know. Thank you all for reading and supporting me!

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14 Chs

The First Look at Gorod

"While you're visiting Gorod, make sure to visit 'Jumping pony'," said Nyall. "It's a great restaurant and pretty cheap too."

He was an elf who looked like he was in his early twenties with a thick mustache and thick brows. He was shorter than most elves standing at 5'5" (1.65m) , but his confidence was that of someone over 6'5" (1.95m). He was dressed in a brown plain leather jacket and leather pants and had a light rapier at his side. It was very clean which meant it was either very well taken care of or he had never used it. With the attitude he carried himself with, Morden wasn't sure which one it was.

"I'm sure I'll get the chance to," replied Morden. "I don't know how long I'll be staying there but I hope to find everything I need. Hopefully I can find this Bosoc fellow and quickly."

"I'm sure you will," said Fersi. "When we go through the main gate, we will drop you off at an inn."

Fersi looked similar to Nyall except for the mustache and he was 5'10" (1.77m). He wore a black leather jacket that hugged his fairly large physique and his pants were about the same. It hugged a little to tightly, making Morden ashamed even looking his way. Then again, if Morden wore anything like that it would simply be destroyed by his movements during combat so it was far too impractical. It was starting to become glaringly obvious that these two men were not used to any sort of combat. Luckily they weren't warriors and were merchants for their village. Fersi's chiseled looks were probably for negotiating with some of his female trade "partners" and some more adventurous creatures from other races.

"Don't worry about paying for the inn. We will pay for the week. If you need more time, the rest is on you to cover. Otherwise we will point to you several locations you might find interesting."

"Thank you, Fersi, Nyall. You two are a great help for me just like your whole village. I will not forget this debt I owe."

Nyall let out a hefty chuckle. "Well friend you helped us with our draugr problem that was starting to grow out of proportion so it's nothing!"

Fersi shook his head in disappointment from the terrible pun his friend had made and tried to change the topic. The three shared the ride with small talk when they started to see the forest was clearing. City walls could be seen from a long distance away scaling twenty feet (6m) into the air.

"We're here," said Nyall. "About an hour and we will get there. Sun should start coming down soon so I recommend we find an inn as soon as we get to the city."


They arrived at the city gate and stood in the line. There were about thirty other wagons in front of them, making up of merchants, families, and mercenaries. The city was larger than Morden had anticipated and it was his first time going to a large city. All the missions he had taken on in the past had been in villages or small cities, but none quite as big as this one. It's population consisted of well over 50,000 people of all races and the line he was in was proof. In front of him were elves, orcs, dwarves, and one group even had a beautiful girl with thin clear wings. She looked like a teenager and was guarded by several orcs who were not tolerant of people even looking their way.

"I'm surprised to see a fairy here," said Morden

"It's not too uncommon," replied Fersi. "This is a big city. All races have been through here at one point or another. Although I will say it's unusual for sure. I wonder what shes here for."

While they were looking at the girl, the girl and almost everyone else was looking at them.

"Why are they staring at us Fersi?" asked Nyall.

"They're not staring at us you idiot. They see elves every day. What they don't see often is our friend here."

Morden didn't even bat an eye. He was used to turning heads. He still wasn't sure if it was because he was a human or if he was attractive. 'One can dream' he thought to himself.

After finally reaching the gate, the guards processed the group through the checkpoint and created a pass for Morden so he could use it to enter and leave the city with ease. Before they left, the captain of the guard stopped them. He wore and iron breastplate and arm and leg guards. He was a half wolf so he stood at 6'8" (2.03m) and had a scar across his face.

"Human, we don't have many of your kind coming around here. My soldiers here were so dumbstruck they forgot to ask why you're even visiting."

Morden faced him hands on his waste and said, "I am looking for information. I have personal business I want to take care of but I can't do it without answers."

The half wolf crossed his arms and pondered for a moment. He beckoned Morden to give him the pass he had just received. after handing it over, the half wolf scribbled something onto several parts and said, "My name is Rowland. I am in charge of this gate and the areas surrounding it. I know humans. Wherever you are, there are big problems that need solving. Is there something in this city that I need to know about?"

"No, sir. Just personal matters."

"Good. We don't have many problems we can't solve on our own here anyways and I prefer to keep it like that. The guards of this city aren't as strong as you but we uphold the laws here. If you are having issues with locals, call out to a guard. It is better for a guard to fix a problem you are having rather than you punching a hole through a building."

Morden understood the point he was making. There was no reason to cause trouble and there were bound to be idiots wanting to make trouble and use the local laws that Morden wasn't aware of to cause him legal problems.

"Will do. Thanks for the advice."

Rowland wished their group safety and they parted ways. Morden walked into the city with his group and took his first look. The city was bustling despite being the end of the day. The buildings were an average of three floors tall and there were signs everywhere inviting customers to visit. The buildings were mostly made of a mixture of stone and wood giving them a brown and gray hue. It felt more sophisticated than he expected yet it felt as if what he saw was only what people wanted visitors to see. Something was off, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"You don't want to stay in anything that's near the gates, Morden," said Nyall. "Everything near the entrance is heavily overpriced because people who have money will stay at the first place they see."

They went deeper into the city passing more faces than Morden had ever seen in his life. Everyone he walked past whispered as they went by and trying to sneak peeks. The voices started to speak distinctly and clearly from certain places, mainly alley ways and some trinket stalls. Morden noticed rippling in the air around him and came to a complete stop. Nyall and Fersi both stopped with him to ask what was the problem.

"Something is off. I think someone is watching us."

"You're a human in a big city, everyone is watching us," Nyall said sarcastically. They brushed it off without a thought but Morden couldn't let this uneasy feeling pass by. They continued into the city and stopped at an old inn out of the way in an alley. They entered into the building and walked up to the bar. Almost immediately, the voices in Morden's head calmed down.

"Good evening, Marsa'hal. It's been a few months," Fersi said to the person behind the bar who was sitting on a stool facing away from his group. He was wearing a cotton white shirt that was stained and was fairly skinny. The creature stood up and turned around. He was a lizard man with black and green scales. He stood at 6'2" (1.89m) but was hunched over. If he stood up straight he could easily reach over seven feet tall.

He walked over to the bar and said, "Ssserif and Ynlal, what a pleasure to sssee you two again! Should I get you two the usual? Fire wine and some fresh roasted miccce?" His tongue hissed out with every emphasis but was as genuine and friendly as he could muster but still made him look like he was ready to eat his customers.

Fersi chuckled and said, "No thank you, but we appreciate the offer. Also 'I' am Fersi, and 'he' is Nyall. Plus we hate spicy wine and we don't eat rats."

"Oh my apologiesss Fesri, I'll get it right next time. What brings you in this time and whose your friend?"

Morden sat down in the chair and said, "I'm here for information. Fersi and Nyall gave me a ride here and I'll be staying with you for a few days. my name is Morden."

"Dormen, I will remember that," said Marsa'hal. "Would you care to eat sssomething? I can cook up a mean ssstew!"

"It's Morden, not Dormen. And thank you but I'll pass on stew. I'm not a big fan of mice."

"Everyone'sss name sounds so similar to usss lizard folk so forgive me if I get it wrong." He shrugged and walked over to a pot behind him. He grabbed a bowl and poured himself a big serving of what looked like a black stew with chunks that Morden was afraid to guess what they were made of.

"Miccce are a delicacy amongst lizard men. Alwaysss around and alwaysss deliciousss. Everyone else is misssing out."

The smell reached Morden and he nearly gagged but did not out of respect for his host. In one quick movement, the entire contents of the bowl were swallowed by Marsa,hal and the dish was thrown in the sink.

'The voices calmed down and haven't acted up since I walked in here. I wonder if he might have something to do with this.'

"Excuse me, Marsa'hal. Do you have any enchantments on your building or anti magical barriers around?"

The lizard man's eyes widened and what could only be described as a smile stretched across his face. "Of courssse. It's only courtesy that I provide my guestsss with privacy barriers. Only the mossst powerful mages in the world can break through my barrier."

'Maybe someone was using an oracle or clairvoyance to watch us earlier. I don't know but it just didn't feel right'.

"Thank you but I am tired from my journey. I would like to retire for the night. Can you show me to a room?"

Their ever kind host showed Morden and the two elves to their respective rooms. What Morden was not expecting however was that the doors were locked with magic and not with a key.

"All you mussst do is imagine you are pouring your energy into the door. The magic will imprint your energy and only you will be able to open it."

Morden examined the door and as he brought his hand close to it, he noticed a very similar pattern to what he saw while trying to escape the angelic building weeks prior. The energy flowing through the door was far simpler however and putting his energy through the door did exactly as Marsa'hal said. The way it worked was what interested Morden the most. It took Morden's energy and stored it all in one location while creating what looked like a silk string that attached itself to the frame of the door. Any pressure applied by the owner of the energy signature would be able to move the string while energy signatures that did not match would try to go to the place where Morden's energy was then immediately dissipated.

"So the door takes my energy signature and fills up the 'lock'. Nobody else can open the door because it's like trying to fill up a cup that's already full."

Marsa'hal started to hop excitedly and said, "A human AND a magicccian! You could understand exactly how the lock worked with nothing but a few ssseconds and a touch. Impresssive!"

"Actually I'm not a magician. I just have some... talents that I'm trying to understand."

"Henccce the information gathering you need. If you need any help, I will be downstairsss. I don't sssleep so feel free to ssstop by any time for questionsss."

Morden stepped inside his room and closed the door. The room had a bed, a night stand, a small closet for his clothes and a lamp. It was fairly small but was exactly what Morden needed. He stored his few belongings in the closet and laid down to sleep.

'Maybe tomorrow will give me some answers.'

He closed his eyes and let the night take him.