
My Woman, My Everything.

" Let's bet," " What kind of bet Mr. Amor- Knight?" " Marriage bet." " Marriage is not a game Mr. Knight." That's how I got married to a man of power, what about my revenge? what to know what me revenge is about? then read this story. Thank you.

Firdausm · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

Karma is a bitch. part 1

Most kids in this world want love. yes you read this right L.O.V.E., some are raised by single parents, others lost both parents. Others neglected when new siblings came, parents Don't care about them.

To me, Love is like poison, Love is fear, tears, hate, Love is sick, Love is everything and everywhere.

20 years ago.

" GET OUT, DON'T MAKE ME SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN YOU WITCH." shouted a man as he kick a lady who was holding her three year old child tightly.

Yes that child was me, My name is Lucy Katherine Rogers. When I was three years old, my dad kicked me and my mother out of the house, and brought in his new wife and his 3 children, me step sisters and brother. Yes my dad cheated on my mother, took every single thing from her. My mother was Jackie Rogers. The only survivor of the great fire that broke down in the Rogers home, So my mother inherited what was left of the Rogers, She married Benson Gu, After two years in marriage, my mother found out about my father's other family, but it was too late, My father took everything from her, 2 years later he kicked us out of the house. My mother found us a small apartment, She worked 5 jobs just to have enough to feed me, I also studied hard, mother said if you study hard, you will get a scholarship, and get into fancy schools, and have good education, I wanted to become a doctor, study medicine, so I can cure mother sickness, but Destiny had a different thing for me, before I graduate from senior year in high school, mother's condition worsened, One day, She was so tired that when she went to bed, She didn't wake up the next morning, her breathing a fast, She was sweating, I called 911, doctor said she needed surgery immediately, the amount of money needed was too much, I remember the 15 year old me going to my father begging him to help, he did even come out to look at me. After all he cut ties with my mother and I, but at least he could have help, Mother died, I was taking in by my mother's friend, She was a gangster, had 1 daughter who is my best friend she is 3 years older than me, her name is Addison I graduated from high school when I was 15, yes 15, I got a good university which was broad, I was the youngest, but that didn't bother me, being cheated on, My so called fiancé broke off our engagement, and is dating my eldersister Jenny, She is the oldest, Then there is Jane, the second, then Jacob the third, I was the fourth child, I never considered them my family, I only have three family members, My mother Jackie, Addison and her mother. I graduated from university when I was 18, I became a doctor, opened 5 hospitals, 3 children hospitals and 2 hospitals, I lived my life full of secrets, Until I got that phone call, which brought me the one place I don't want to be.

After arriving at city A

Addison:"stay where you, I had a mission but it is over, I will pick you up in 35 mins."

Lucy:" it's been 8 years since I saw you, I will be waiting for you babe ~~~"

Addison: "you perv."

Addison :" just stay where you are, I will call you when I get to the airport okay."

Lucy : "okay I be here waiting for you my love."

35 mins later.

Lucy:" Addie you are here."

Addison:" yeah, I was really excited to see you, we have to celebrate, luckily, I know the best night club we can go, we have to get wasted today."

Lucy: " I don't think that's a good idea."

Addison:"come on Lucy, we haven't seen each other for years, just 2 drinks won't hurt, plz.😢😢😢😢"

Addison took Lucy back to the hotel Lucy was staying in.

" So are you goijng to tell me why you suddenly, out of the blue came back." Addison asked Lucy while they where busy unpacking clothes.

" 20 years have pass since I saw my so called father's face, he didn't call not text, to him, I may have been just air, Suddenly a few days ago, I was looking at some medical document when I got a message, it was from my dad"

"What did it say." Addie asked with disgust.

" My dear daughter, your elder sister Jenny is getting engaged to Marcus your ex fiancé, we are inviti ng you to join us.

Thank you


Lucy turned to look at Addison who had the face of disgust.

Lucy:" His daughter, I wonder even if he remembers my name."

Both girl finished unpacking, the both got dressed and headed to the club. The club was very very cool, they have music and people dancing, it looked so fancy, it had all kinds our drinks.

" Give two strong ones," Addie said to the bartender when he came for their order.

" I don't this is a good idea babe, you know I have never tried it before, and I don't want to get drank"

" Lucy, it's been a long time since we get to spend time like this, you know I have always dreamed if the day we can reunite, you have grown into such a beauty, I heard you even said no to a marriage proposal from a prince you are now grown, forget about Marcus, you don't even know him that well, just two drinks won't hurt, am your big sister, you know how much you mean to me, I will do anything for you, right now you are stressed, so just go with the flow, get wasted for once, who knows maybe you will hook up with someone later." Addie said to Lucy while giving Lucy a teasing smile.

" I guess there is a first time for everything, i will get wasted this time, but I can't promise there us a next one."

"okay Lucy I got you."

The two girls drink and drink, just two cups turned into 2 to 4 on the 6 cup, finally the 7th cup, Lucy was too intoxicated.

"you know Addie, life is not fair, everything I loved has been taken from me, mother is gone, big brother Daniel, he promise to take care of me, but then he left without a good bye, Sadie said she needs a break from me, now I only have you, promise you won't leave me."

First time drinking, and she is already gone, good th ing am a professional, at drinking, and who the f%$# is Daniel, is he your boyfreind." Addie asked the drunken Lucy sleeping on the stool.

" No big brother Daniel was Lucy's big brother, protect, Lucy no.like him romantically." Lucy answered.

"okay, I should probably get you home before things get out of hand."

Addison carried Lucy in her hand as she send Lucy back to the hotel.

At the hotel.

"Okay Lucy I can only leave you here, remember your room is on the forth floor, the room number 639, remember 639, The alcohol has taken any event yet, you are just getting started, so when you reach your home, take a nice cold bath before you sleep okay?"

" Am fine Lucy, I just feel hot all over my body, haha I feel sick Lucy."

"Am not Lucy, Lucy, am Addie, remember Addison, you are hopeless, just get going, I have important things to do right now, if I finish early, I will come as soon as I can to check you okay?" Addison told Lucy concern on her face.

"Okay Lucy, i will go take a bath, with bubbles and duckies."

Addison stood there and watched as Lucy walked in circles an she goes to elevator.

Addison POV:Poor thing, I really wish I could have done much for her, at 15 going into college she got bullied a lot, but when I call to check on her, she always put a face on like nothing happened, luckily I had a body guard to protect her. She doesn't know how much she means to me. without her, there won't be t his strong, girl here. Lucy, you will always be my little sister, my only reason to live. Even though you lost half your memory, I will protect you from them, I just hope you will be safe.

With that Addison left.

Lucy reached the forth floor then the effects if the alcohol kicked in, She started feeling dizzy, her head started spinning, every step she took feels like the world is shaking, her body felt like it was on fire.

"I don't feel so good, what kind of drink did I order, I should have listen to Addie when she said I shouldn't drink too much. My body, it's burning, my throat is burning too I need.....i need."