
Chapter 4

Annabelle- "um.." silence as she keep staring at kenrir, kenrir notice

Kenrir- "stop staring at me and say what you want to say" he said as he keep looking at his file

Annabelle- "he found out"she thinks in her mind "relax" she sighs as she look at him "i was not staring at you it just that i want talk to you but for that please look at me" she replied as she try to calm

Kenrir- "what's there to look at you besides i am doing some important work here" he replied in cold tone

Annabelle- ".....fine i don't want to fight i just want to say that Isabelle don't know about our previous life so how about you stop the car and drop me here and i will leave this city not just city i will leave this country and never come back so you and your childhood sweetheart can have a nice and peaceful future" she said as she pout as kenrir was still looking at his the document and flipping the pages as he ignored her words " hey are you listening to me" she goes near to his ear and yelled

Kenrir got surprised as he push annabelle backwards "miss why are you shouting in my ear and why are you in my car" he asked her

Annabelle shocked "seriously now you don't even know me" she commented as she roll her eyes

Kenrir- "you are wright i don't know you who are you"

Driver- "boss she is Ms.Annabelle, Ms.Isabelle high school friend"

Kenrir- "so she is that poor orphan friend who cutie always talk about" he said as he analysis her

Annabelle- "what's going on" she asked " are you pretending to forget about me"

Kenrir-"miss i don't know you why would i forget you"

Driver-"sir we've reached to the airport"

he said as he stare at his hand watch, as Annabelle stay silent and turn her head to the direction of window and start looking outside the car window

After 10 Minutes later;

A pair of groups started coming out from the airport main gate "she is here" Kenrir commented as he opened his other file and flipped pages. Annabelle heard as she turn her head towards him and than raise to the direction of airport gate

Annabelle- "why are the royal guards wearing bodyguards clothes" she asked

Driver- "Ms. Annabelle since you are Ms.Isabelle friend I will tell these royal guards are bodyguards of Ms.Isabelle in human world"

Annabelle- 'I see no wonder I feel familiar in my past life when I saw them in wolf world" she think in her mind "wait that mean her personal royal knight is also here" she asked

Diver- "no the General gave him a task so he couldn't come"

A purple hair female wearing a sexy red dress while a fancy hat on her head and expensive heels on her foot as she carrying a most expensive edition bag walk out from the airport gate as all the royal bodyguard protect, she walk to the direction of the car

Annabelle- "why am i not surprised" she whisper silently

The purple hair female stand in front of the car door as she knock the car door mirror which was in the direction of Kenrir, he pull the car mirror as she bow and said "hey kenny and hey annie" she greeted

Annabelle- "he....." she silent "calm down she don't remember anything about previous life" she take deep breath "hello Isabelle" she greeted her formally

Annabelle- "hello" she greeted isabelle as like greeting a stranger

Isabelle- "why are you behaving like strangers" she asked Annabelle

Annabelle- "i...."

Kenrir- "she must be nervous"

Isabelle- "i see well don't be nervous kenny is my childhood friend"she said as she walk to the direction of Annabelle and stand "and this is my seat"

Annabelle- "huh..." she got confused

Isabelle- "annie i always next to kenny"

Annabelle-"always" she said in mind as she open the door and step outside from the back seat

Isabelle- "thank you" she said with a smile as she step inside the car and hug kenrir as he hugs her back

Annabelle saw them hugging as she look away with sad face as she start thinking"they seem close really close, why i never noticed this in my last life"

Issebelle notice annabelle "come inside the car we have a long way to go" she said to her as annabelle open the front door and step inside the seat was next to river seat, the driver start the car as they left the airport

Isabelle- "so tell how you met her kenny"

Kenrir- "this afternoon at street she was walking road blankly and almost hit the car"

Isabelle- "really did you get hurt" she asked worriedly

Annabelle- "no your friend saved me"

Isabelle- "really"

Kenrir nods his head as yes

Few Hours Later:

The car stop in front of a forest "why we stop here" she asked and pretend to know nothing

Isabelle- "you will know soon" she replied as she step outside the car so do kenrir, Annabelle also step out the car, they stare at front

Annabelle- "why are we standing in front of a forest" she asked "don't tell me you are kidnapping me" she said c;lose her left eye and put her wright hand under her chin

Isabelle turn and walk back towards annabelle- "how do you know we are planning to kidnap you" she replied as she look into her eyes with serious expression, Annabelle look back

they stare for few seconds then start laughing, Kenrir was discussing with his assistant (the driver), he take a glance at Annabelle as discussing with his assistant. While on other side Annabelle and Isabelle was chatting happily, Kenrir stop glancing as he look at the document which was in the hand of his assistant, his assistant handover him the document as he shows him where to sign in the document.

After few seconds the two men's finish their work:

Assistant- "i shall take my leave" he said as kenrir nods his head as yes

Kenrir- "make sure to complete the task and for some time you will be in charge of my work and other things"

Assistant- "uh why boss'

Kenrir- "i have some other things to handle in wolf clan"

Assistant- "boss are you talking about them"

Kenrir- "yes"

Assistant- "but boss why would elves attack wolf clan, i mean why they became our enemies" he whisper

Kenrir- "that's what i want to know, this the reason why i am back" he replied as he think "and also why she killed my whole clan" he said in his mind as he stare Annabelle, Assistant left as kenrir walk towards the two female "ladies shall we go"

Annbelle- "you are very gentle kidnapper" she commented

Isabelle- "yeah i know he is really kind and caring" she said with voice as she blush

Knerir- "let's go" he said as he turn and start walking to the direction of forest

Isabelle- "i am glad you are back to old one just keep smiling annie" she winks at Annabelle as she start walking and follows Kenrir

Annabelle surprised- "she is wright beside she don't know anything about the past life about us" she takes deep breath than signs "i will forget about past and still be friends with issy and this time i won't break my promise, i will make sure that i won't fall for him and make him love issy, so she don't be like what she was in last, yes i can do this" she said last three word loudly as in excitement, kenrir and Isabelle stop and stare back at Annabelle, she notice "sorry" she said with shy expression.

To Be Continued