
My Wolf King

In her Past life Annabelle was cheated and betrayed by her husband kenrir and her best friend Isabelle.Annabelle was an orphan she married to guy who was king of wolves her best friend was very closed to her and always there for,Isabelle and Annabelle made a promise that they will never love same person but both of them fall for same person name Kenrir,Isabelle thought Annabelle broke her promise Isabelle start getting jealous and decided to revenge her and make kenrri killed her,she win and kenrir killed her he thought that Annabelle killed his entire family.Annabelle got a second chance she decided not to meet him so she decided to leave the country but her fate make her meet him. When she met kenrir,he had a double personalty which make him remembered about his past.There fate make them meet again and with many secrets and rivals, will Annabelle make the same mistake and love him again will she break her promise will Isabelle get revenge in jealousy.to find out please read.

Summer_Angel · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 2

One Month Later:

Anabelle walk out from room and goes to living room,where all other orphan's kids are,some are small kids and some are youngster's,Anabelle enter the living room as they stare at her"look who is here an abandoned girl just because she has poor eyes and poor health"one of the youngestor commented,Annabelle grip tight her hand as she passes through,one of the youngster push her and she fall on ground as they start laughing

Anabelle stood and looked at them furiously "who pushed me"she said with a cold voice,a silence appeared as they looked at her furious and cold face

Old lady-"that's enough"she appeared and broke the silence "Anabelle come to my room"she commanded as she left,Anabelle followed her "man,she looks different "one of the youngsters commented

While one other side;

Annabelle follows the old lady and goes to her room " Anabelle" the old lady called her name as she looked at Anabelle Sad face..!"are you OK"she asked

Annabelle-"yes Nannie "she answered

Old lady-"are you sure"

Anabelle nods her head as yes as she smiles

Old lady-"good I called you for a reason as you know you after James and lily left to find their freedom and jobs now they are happy living in their life, after them you are the only eldest left and you just graduated, it's time for you to find your happiness"

Anabelle-"nannie I am happy "

Old lady-"fine but at least find a job and make yourself busy" she walked closer to annabelle and put her hand on annabelle shoulder

Annabelle- "fine I will but i don't want to work in this country, i always wanna do the job abroad" she shared her thoughts

Old lady-" ok then tell me where you wanna do a job in abroad and i'll help you" she replied

Annabelle- "nannie i want to find this job with my ability" she said with a proud face

Old lady- "ok but you have to give all data of the place where you gonna work and in which city"

Annabelle-"ok:" she made a heart with fingers(note: bts heart), after talking to the old lady annabelle left and left the orphan

Annabelle was walking on streets, she took out her headphones and wears it she start listening music which gives her peace, she keep walking while in deep thoughts, after two days i will save king and tomorrow isabelle come from her home city (wolf world) and tell all about what happened between her and her fiance (king), i will make sure before meeting them i go abroad and leave this country i have to do this today if not my fate will repeat and i don't want to repeat it i have to become strong and independent, first i have to learn self defense and than focus on my work when i go abroad" she keep walking on street while in her deep thoughts, while a car was in fast speed from behind her as she was still in her deep thought, she almost got hit but was saved by an unknown person, an unknown person pushed her toward him, annabelle fall on him, she didn't saw him and rushes to stand as she yelled at car driver "hell.. can't you see you...."she finish yelling as she turn and look at him "thank you for saving me:" she bows as she thanks him without noticing him

Unknown Person- "no need to say thank you my queen" he replied as annabelle heard the voice as she raised her head towards him and got shocked

Annabelle- "...you...why are you here.." she asked while shivering

Annabelle-"what are you doing here "she slip as she cover her mouth "damn I forgot,relax he don't remember me,act like stranger" she thinks in mind as she try to relax,she sighs "thank you for saving me fe....mr"she commented

Fenrir-"...it's Brandon but you can call me Fenrir,like you used to..."he answered

Annabelle-"...Mr.Brandon... I don't know you so why should I call you with name"try to calm

Fenrir-"believe me or not but we know each other from a very very long Time"he come closer and whisper in her ear "I will take my revenge"he said in cold and low voice,he move a little backwards and stare in her eye as Annabelle heard him whispering in her ear and shocked as she try calm,Fenrir smile coldly and walk a little and stop "tonight at 11:00 meet me at where we met first time in our last life"he said as he disappeared

Annabelle knees and cries...!"why....why..."she cry their whole day

Evening 7:30 pm;

Annabelle didn't go to orphan house,instead she goes to coffee shop,she ordered cappuccino coffee as she wait for her order,she thinks "why...can't....he...believe in this life and how can he appeared before the time"she was in her deep thought as she remembering Fenrir words from noon,she remember his last words before leaving "wait...he...said..our..last..life...is...he...reborn...again.. and...does...he...I...also...got.... Reborn "she keeps thinking while shivering " Then does that mean Isabelle also...no....no" she shakes her as she try to relax "first let's think how should I make him believe, wait...why...should make him believe me, I am going abroad anyways, there is no need for evidence, his family is still alive and that accident didn't happened in this life and about Isabelle after tomorrow we will never meet and she will never hate me" she sigh and cheer herself as waitress serve the coffee

Annabelle-"thank you" she smile at waitress

Waitress-"your welcome ma'am enjoy" she replied as she left

Annabelle took a sip as she realized "what should I do, he said meet him at that place where we first met, what should I say to him" he keeps thinking "most importantly, how did he know I was on the street" she got herself puzzled "never mind I'll ask him" she finish her coffee and wait's, she wait for the person, after few minutes later that person arrived, it was two people one male and one female, the two .person meet annabelle and give her visa as well as passport "this is your visa for abroad and passport" the male person said as he handover annabelle her stuff, she take her visa and passport "thank you" she said, the two person finish their procedure. They stood and left, Annabelle stared at the hand watch which was in her left hand and was shocked "how come this watch is in my hand" she commented with a shocked face