
My Wolf King

In her Past life Annabelle was cheated and betrayed by her husband kenrir and her best friend Isabelle.Annabelle was an orphan she married to guy who was king of wolves her best friend was very closed to her and always there for,Isabelle and Annabelle made a promise that they will never love same person but both of them fall for same person name Kenrir,Isabelle thought Annabelle broke her promise Isabelle start getting jealous and decided to revenge her and make kenrri killed her,she win and kenrir killed her he thought that Annabelle killed his entire family.Annabelle got a second chance she decided not to meet him so she decided to leave the country but her fate make her meet him. When she met kenrir,he had a double personalty which make him remembered about his past.There fate make them meet again and with many secrets and rivals, will Annabelle make the same mistake and love him again will she break her promise will Isabelle get revenge in jealousy.to find out please read.

Summer_Angel · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 10

know about her? Who told you?" he questioned.

She-"It's none of your business," she answered as she stood up and started to dress herself.

The yellow-haired male, still in the room, watched her with a mixture of longing and frustration.

He-"We have unfinished business, you know," he stated, a hint of frustration in his voice.

She-"Unfinished business or not, it's time for you to leave," she said sternly.

He-"You can't just dismiss me that easily," he insisted, standing up.

She-"Watch me," she replied, determined to maintain her composure.

As he left, she took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering intensity of the encounter. The mysterious messages on her phone lingered in her mind, adding another layer of complexity to an already intricate situation.

Later that night, she found herself at the dinner date with the movie director. The evening was filled with discussions about the upcoming movie, but her mind kept wandering back to the enigmatic encounter with the yellow-haired man.

The director-"Your character has so many layers. It's fascinating," he remarked.

She-"Yeah, it's a complex role," she replied, absentmindedly.

After the dinner, she headed back to her apartment. The night was silent, but her thoughts were loud. She couldn't shake off the feeling that her life was becoming entangled with a story she had no control over.

Back in her apartment, she received another mysterious message on her phone. This time, it was a picture of her with the yellow-haired man, taken from a distance. The message read: "A love story that transcends time. You can't escape fate."

Confused and disturbed, she couldn't comprehend the connection between the strange messages and her life. Little did she know, the mysteries of her past were resurfacing, and the choices she made would shape the destiny intertwined with her Wolf King.

As the night unfolded, she sat in her dimly lit apartment, staring at the cryptic message on her phone. The image of her and the yellow-haired man stirred an inexplicable mix of emotions within her. She couldn't fathom the depth of their connection or the implications of the enigmatic messages.

Trying to unravel the mysteries surrounding her, she decided to revisit the past. Opening a dusty old photo album, she traced the timeline of her life. There, among the faded pictures, she found a photo that sent shivers down her spine – a picture of her and the yellow-haired man in what seemed like another lifetime.

Memories flooded back, breaking the barriers of her forgotten past. She recalled moments of laughter, shared glances, and a profound connection that defied explanation. It was as if time had woven a tale that bound their destinies together.

Determined to confront the yellow-haired man, she went to the place he mentioned earlier – the spot where their paths first crossed in their past lives. The night was still, and the air was charged with an otherworldly energy as she stood there, waiting.

Suddenly, he emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding the attention of the night. The moonlight highlighted the contours of his face, revealing a mixture of longing and uncertainty. The air crackled with an unspoken tension as they faced each other.

He-"You can't escape what we are, what we were," he spoke, his voice resonating with an ancient connection.

She-"Tell me the truth. Who are we?" she demanded.

He-"We are part of an age-old prophecy, a story that repeats across time. A Wolf King and his chosen queen," he revealed.

She-"Prophecy or not, I won't be controlled by some predetermined fate," she declared defiantly.

Yet, as they spoke, fragments of their past lives emerged. Flashbacks revealed a love that endured centuries, battles fought side by side, and a tragic separation that echoed through time.

He-"You can't deny the bond between us. It's etched in the fabric of our existence," he argued.

She-"I won't let an ancient prophecy dictate my choices. I'll forge my own path," she retorted.

The tension between them intensified, mirroring the struggle of love against the constraints of destiny. The night held its breath, awaiting the resolution of a story written in the stars.

In the midst of their confrontation, a new revelation unfolded. The mysterious messages were orchestrated by a clandestine force seeking to manipulate their destinies. Someone else was pulling the strings, a puppeteer in the shadows orchestrating a cosmic drama.

As the truth unfolded, they found themselves standing on the precipice of a choice – to succumb to the predetermined script or defy fate and carve a destiny of their own making. The ancient prophecy held them captive, but the power to break free lay within their hearts.

The night wore on, and the unresolved tension lingered. The tale of the Wolf King and his chosen queen was far from over, and the chapters of their intertwined destiny awaited new twists and turns.

Underneath the moonlit sky, they stood at the place where echoes of their past reverberated, casting shadows on their uncertain future. The yellow-haired man, Fenrir, and the enigmatic woman, Annabelle, felt the weight of their shared history pressing down on them.

Fenrir-"Annabelle, our connection goes beyond the realms of ordinary comprehension. We are entwined in a story that spans lifetimes, and the choices we make now will echo across eternity," he spoke, his eyes reflecting a blend of determination and yearning.

Annabelle-"I can't simply accept this. It's too fantastical, too surreal," she confessed, grappling with the conflicting emotions within her.

Fenrir-"The proof lies within our hearts. You can sense it, can't you? The inexplicable familiarity, the unspoken bond that defies reason," he urged, reaching out to her.

Annabelle hesitated but felt a magnetic pull drawing her closer to Fenrir. The echoes of their past whispered through the air, awakening dormant memories within her.

Annabelle-"What are we meant to do? Are we just pawns in some cosmic play?" she questioned, her gaze searching for answers in Fenrir's eyes.

Fenrir-"We have the power to shape our destiny. The ancient prophecy is a guideline, not a script. The Wolf King and his queen can choose their path," he declared, his voice resonating with conviction.

The night embraced them in its mystical aura as they grappled with the profound choices ahead. Annabelle contemplated the words echoing through her mind, wondering if she could transcend the predetermined narrative and forge a destiny of her own.

Fenrir-"Annabelle, the forces that seek to control our fate are closing in. We must decide whether to defy their expectations or become prisoners of a story not of our making," he emphasized, his hand reaching for hers.

Annabelle felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on her shoulders. The ancient prophecy, mysterious messages, and the enigmatic connection with Fenrir created a tapestry of uncertainty.

Annabelle-"I won't be a pawn. I want to break free from this cycle, write my own story," she declared, her voice resonating with newfound determination.

Fenrir-"Then, my queen, let us face the challenges together. Our love will be the force that defies the constraints of fate," he proclaimed, his eyes shining with unwavering commitment.

As they embraced the unknown, their intertwined destinies began to unravel the threads of the ancient prophecy. The night whispered promises of a future they would forge together, transcending the boundaries of time.

The tale of the Wolf King and his chosen queen entered a new chapter, filled with the uncertainty of untold adventures and the promise of a love strong enough to overcome the echoes of the past.

To be continued...