
Chapter 426 No One Delivers Quilts

Now they weren't just classmates, but rivals, enemies. Why should she help these competitors and even make it easier for her enemies?

As for their future at the military hospital, it depended on their individual abilities and luck.

She still played with her phone, oblivious to any fun it could offer. It was nothing but a silly little game after all, or the practically unamusing Minesweeper game, or perhaps Tetris. Yet, she could hold her phone for an entire afternoon without getting tired of it.

However, as it got closer to nine o'clock, Wei Jiani began to fret. She stopped gaming and kept glancing outside, sometimes flipping through her phone, seemingly lost in thought.

Everyone else was already in their beds, clipping their nails, reading, applying skincare products, signs that they were ready for bed. Only Wei Jiani was still lying on a bare wooden bunk with no bedding.