
My Wife Is A Lovely Elf Maiden (SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

(SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

Yurii_sensei · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Elf Girl Came to Propose Me?

In the rainy season, it is very wet. The door of my rental room received a visit from a special guest that was different from usual. A girl wearing a wedding dress and a small letter addressed to me.

With sweet words, the girl opened the mysterious letter and gave me a small needle.

" Uhm... W-What is the meaning of this?" I asked the girl.

Of course, I'm confused. I mean... What kind of girl comes into a boy's place wearing a wedding dress and hands him a tiny needle?

" Nice to meet you, I am your future wife."

" What The Fu##?"

That was the first response I gave my future wife.

Huh? I have a future wife?

What's more, it's an Elf girl and a Shrine Maiden?

Eh? Huh? What happened?!!

" Anoo .. May I come inside? This outfit is a little embarrassing and too revealing" said the girl with a pink blush on her cheeks.

" Err... Ah! Please come in."

I noticed the odd look in my neighbor's eyes and the little whisper that became the new gossip around me.

I didn't care about the new gossip but the figure of a girl who claimed to be my future wife. After the girl entered my rented house, she looked at the contents of my house and chuckled.

" Un! Un! As expected of my future husband. Cleanliness is very well maintained and looks comfortable for a simple residence."

" T-Thank you."

For the first time, I interacted with a girl from another world. No! No! From the world of games with a dating simulation theme to be precise. However, why is a shrine maiden girl coming to see me?

Without wasting time, I immediately headed to the kitchen to bring out a spare snack and green tea for a simple meal. Setting up such a small thing doesn't take too long, just a minute or so, and your simple meal is ready to be enjoyed.

I put down the simple banquet and glared at the girl. Judging from her build, she was a young Elf who was in her teens.

My question is... Why would a main heroine from a dating simulation game come to see me?

" Um, what's the point of this?" I said while placing a small snack in front of the girl.

" Please... Marry me!" said the girl in a high tone and bowed to form a dogeza pose.

" Puuuufuuuu!!" reflexively, I was very surprised by that statement and action.

Why would the main heroine of a dating simulation game say such words to me?

" W-What does that mean? I don't understand the situation!" I replied quickly.

" Eh? Am I not your ideal type of girl? Isn't the young Elf very seductive?"

" N-No, it's not like that. What kind of situation is this? Shouldn't you marry Lux Crambell after defeating the Demon King? Ah..."

I stopped my words.

Why did I forget that one important thing?

The world in this dating simulation game is a fantasy filled with swords and magic. Ekhem! But my presence in this world makes it into three branches which are sword, magic, and technology. You could say I enjoyed my second life after my first death. Unlike the other characters who have to defeat the Demon King to bring peace to the world, I just sit back and relax in my cheap rented house and wait for the hero to save the world.

There is no doubt in my heart about this easy life.

Eh? Why?

It's because I've seen the destruction of the world when the hero failed to defeat him. However, the main character can't fail, right? That's why I'm relaxing in this rental house and enjoying my second life in peace. Thanks to the magic books scattered in this world, I stole the special ability that the hero doesn't have, the World Creation Void.

In the game, World Creation Void was the ability to create things like magic, elementals, sentient beings, plants, and other wills at will. In other words, the hero was supposed to be the Creator God in this story but I snatched him away.

Well... If the hero encounters a pressing situation and is on the verge of defeat. I will come to his aid as the lost power of the hero.

Well, in the end, the hero was able to defeat the Demon King and took his daughter as part of his harem.

Eh? Wait a moment! If the Demon King's daughter is brought home that means...

This story will continue to the academic life of the hero and his harem!

However, why would one of the main heroines be in my place?

"Uhm, I don't know what happened but.. Wouldn't this become hot gossip for the citizens of this kingdom? About a Shrine Maiden girl who saved the world from the invasion of the Demon race coming to a place like this?"

" Eh? What's wrong with a wife picking up her husband?" replied the girl in a light tone without sin.

" H-Husband?" I replied in a confused tone.

" Ah! Talking about our marriage. The Great Spirit has given us her blessing."

" Wait a second! I'm having a really hard time digesting this conversation. Who's getting married?" I asked.

" Of course we are, my husband" replied the girl quickly.

The girl looked at me with a suppressed smile on her face. Obvious doubt was etched into the smile on her face. I'm not a guy who is insensitive to a girl's sadness.

" Well... I have all kinds of questions about this. For now, I will listen to your request. Marriage, huh? Isn't that too soon to do?" I asked.

" It's okay, the human lifespan is too short for me. Too fast is not the main problem for me!" said the girl.

" Are you running from something?" continue my question.

" Urgh!" said the girl averted her eyes.

Looks like... My question hit the spot.

" N-Nooooo..." said the girl in a lowered tone and a gentle smile on her face.

" Hey, I'm not too stupid to be fooled by that smile," I said in a sarcastic tone.

" Uuu... I'm sorry... I guess this is the stupidest plan I ever came up with."

" From the start, it was a stupid plan. We didn't know each other and suddenly you asked me to marry you. Stupidity also has a limit, "continued my sarcastic remarks.

" Uuuu... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for trying to take advantage of you .."

The girl's expression changed to that of a woman filled with guilt with a black aura piled up on her shoulders.

" I don't know what happened to you. However, if you want. I will hear your problem" I said to calm her down.

Yep, judging from the situation. Doesn't this have something to do with Lux Crambell?" my little muttered without a sound.

" Is this related to the strange behavior of the hero who brought back the Demon King's daughter?" I asked.

" Un!" the girl just nodded.

" Isn't that a serious talk in public? Moreover, his request after saving the world from the invasion of the Demon race was to have the Demon King's daughter under the protection of the law as his fiancee?" continue my question.

" Eh? Why do you know such a big secret? The Hero's one request is known only to the residents of the palace."

" O my future wife who still wears the hero's engagement ring, I'm not that stupid to understand the situation of the kingdom. All my words stem from the hero's behavior on the front lines against the Demon King."

" Ahh... Umm .. That's right" The girl's expression turned gloomy and looked at the hero's engagement ring.

" Speaking of marriage... You're too stupid for this one important thing. How can I accept a future wife who still wears an engagement ring on her ring finger?"

" T-That's right.." said the girl in a gloomy tone.

" You realize your folly now?"

" Un! I understand. So, I had to throw everything away to get away from the hero. My first love was not conveyed and married a strange, unknown young man."

" Hey! I can hear you!" I shouted.

" Ah! I'm sorry!! My bad habits are very hard to contain. Teehe~" said the girl forcing a cute smile on her face mask.

" So, what about that stupid plan of yours? Do you want to continue or leave this place immediately?" I said while offering an alternative solution.

" Ekhem! My future husband. Let's get married and live this unclear relationship" said the girl with a sweet smile on her face.

On that day, a single person like me suddenly had a wife who ran away from her first love. A woman who doesn't want her love to be divided and hurt.

Hmm .. That means...

I got married based on an escape from polygamous love that the main heroine didn't want.

Will my married life be okay?