
Two Lives

Both teenage boys had been prepared to just tune out on their way back to the academy, yet ending up together on the ride was a welcome surprise. There wasn’t much to catch up on, as the two of them hadn’t really missed much. Gary had left the day before yesterday, whereas Numba had left yesterday.

The Werewolf had mixed feelings about returning. Part of him was looking forward to it, because the AFA was a dream of his. However, another part of him regretted leaving so soon. After visiting his group of friends, he couldn’t stop worrying about them, his gang and also Slough as a whole. Truly, being a gang leader, even one mostly in name, there was a lot on his plate.

Since they were alone in the bus, and the bus driver wasn’t paying attention, Gary and Numba started discussing their special lessons, though just to be sure they kept it vague. Time passed as they discussed strategies and planned what they would do until the next lesson.