
The Power Of New Classes!

Jumping back and forth, Olivia was using her newly trained body to avoid confrontation with most of the heads. Although more heads for attacking might have seemed better for Raven at first, it was now starting to work against him.

There were too many that would get in the way of each other. They would intertwine and tangle up at times, and he would have to unravel them. Seeing this, Olivia thought it was best that she continued to avoid the oncoming attacks while waiting for an opportunity.

‘Although now I’m confident that I will be able to reach him and damage him in some way, he might not think the same,’ Olivia thought. ‘Right now, even though we are holding on, he doesn’t seem to be changing his attack pattern.

‘If anything, he’s confident in his Altered powers, too confident, but I need to wait for the right opportunity. While he is like this, there might just be one chance to take him out!’