
King Slayers

Still sitting at the coffee shop in Centerfield, listening to the peaceful Jazz music that played, both Austin and Kai were waiting for Gary to decide what to do. They watched carefully, noting every detail of his body language, ready for his response. A few times Gary looked like he was going to open his mouth and Austin twitched expecting a response but their was nothing. Then Gary finally decided to speak.

“I don’t think we should get involved,” Gary said.

“Yeah, that’s it!” Austin cheered, pumping his fist. “I’m ready to fight whenever you ask, going up against one of the kings. We did it before, and we can do it again. Then we can become the King slayers… wait, what did you say?” Austin asked, realizing the words that had come out of Gary’s mouth.

“Look, I’m not saying we won’t definitely help, and especially if Jayden asked me directly for help, I would jump in a heartbeat. But we have to analyze and get a bigger picture of the whole situation.”