
My Werewolf System: In The Vampire Diaries Universe

Alex Davis had lived a life full of hardships and regrets. At 17, he had experienced more loss than most people would in a lifetime. But the moment that changed everything was the car accident—a sudden, sharp impact that should have been the end. Instead, it was the beginning. System Activated: My Werewolf System Status: Name: Alex Davis Age: 17 Race: Werewolf (Untriggered) Attributes: Strength: 10/100 Speed: 10/100 Body: 10/100 Endurance: 10/100 Spirit: 10/100 Missions: Daily: Train your physical attributes. Reward: +10 XP Monthly: Investigate the supernatural occurrences in Mystic Falls. Reward: +50 XP, +1 Skill Point Yearly: Trigger your werewolf curse. Reward: +200 XP, +5 Skill Points, Transformation unlocked. Skills: Lockpicking (Level 1) Basic Combat (Level 1) Points: Experience Points (XP): 0 Skill Points (SP): 0 Attribute Points (AP): 0 Store: Unlocks at Level 10

B_M_2829 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
28 Chs

Chapter 16: Echoes of the Past

The cold, dark presence of the two figures in the doorway seemed to pull the warmth from the room. Alex's instincts kicked in, and he moved to protect Damon, positioning himself between the unconscious vampire and the ominous intruders.

"Who are you?" Alex demanded, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The figures exchanged a glance before one of them stepped forward. Their face was obscured by shadows, but their eyes gleamed with an unsettling light.

"Names are irrelevant," the figure said. "What matters is the prophecy—and your role in it."

Alex's mind raced. The prophecy had been a distant concern, a shadow on the horizon. But now, with these beings directly threatening him and his friends, it was suddenly very real.

"Why are you here?" Alex asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"To deliver a message," the figure replied, their tone cold. "The time for hiding is over. The prophecy cannot be avoided. You will either fulfill it or be destroyed."

The second figure, who had remained silent, took a step forward, their gaze fixed on Alex with a predatory intensity.

"You have something we need," the figure said. "And if you refuse to cooperate, we will take it from you."

Alex's mind raced as he tried to think of a plan. He had to buy time, to figure out how to handle this situation. But before he could make a move, the figures vanished, leaving only the oppressive silence behind.

He turned back to Damon, who was still unconscious. Alex's heart pounded as he realized the gravity of the situation. Whoever these beings were, they were powerful and dangerous. He needed to get Damon help and find out more about the prophecy and its connection to these new adversaries.

Alex's thoughts were a whirlwind as he raced to the hospital with Damon. Caroline, having seen the commotion, had followed, her worry evident in her eyes. They quickly got Damon stabilized, but the vampire's condition remained critical.

As they waited in the hospital's sterile waiting room, Alex's mind was focused on the threats they faced. He had to warn Bonnie and the others, to prepare them for what was coming.

Bonnie arrived at the hospital not long after, her expression tense. She looked at Alex with concern.

"What happened?" she asked. "Is Damon going to be okay?"

"He's stable for now," Alex said, running a hand through his hair. "But we need to talk. I saw those beings again—the ones I told you about. They know about the prophecy, and they're coming for us."

Bonnie's eyes widened in alarm. "We need to find out more about them. If they're connected to the prophecy, then they're a serious threat."

Caroline, who had been listening in, nodded. "We should also inform the others. We need all the help we can get."

Alex agreed, and they spent the next few hours reaching out to their allies. Tyler, Alaric, and other key members of the supernatural community were gathered to discuss their next steps. As they converged at the Salvatore boarding house, the urgency of the situation was palpable.

Tyler, looking worried, spoke up. "We've dealt with a lot of threats before, but this… this feels different."

"Agreed," Alex said. "We need to figure out what these beings want and how to stop them. Bonnie, any progress on your research?"

Bonnie nodded. "I've found some old texts that might give us insight into the prophecy and its origins. I'm hoping they can shed some light on who these beings are and how we can counter them."

As they continued their discussions, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger. The prophecy was no longer an abstract concept—it was a looming threat that was coming to fruition.

The following days were a blur of activity. Bonnie's research into the prophecy yielded some disturbing information. It seemed that the prophecy wasn't just about a single event, but a series of interconnected occurrences that would ultimately lead to a climactic battle between forces of darkness and light.

The beings Alex had encountered were identified as Shadow Wraiths, ancient entities bound to the prophecy's dark side. They were known for their ability to manipulate shadows and instill fear, their ultimate goal being to bring about chaos and destruction.

"We need to prepare," Bonnie said, her face grave. "These Shadow Wraiths are powerful and have their own agenda. They won't stop until they achieve their goals."

Alex, Caroline, and Tyler took Bonnie's warnings seriously. They began training harder than ever, honing their skills and preparing for the battles that lay ahead. Alex worked tirelessly to master the Wolf form, learning to control its power and use it effectively in combat.

Caroline continued to be a source of strength and support, always encouraging Alex and helping him stay focused. The bond between them deepened, though they both knew that the time for romance was not yet right. Their primary concern was the looming threat and the safety of their friends and family.

One evening, as Alex was training in the woods, he felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The temperature dropped, and shadows seemed to move with a life of their own. He stopped, his senses alert, and scanned the area.

From the darkness, the Shadow Wraiths emerged, their forms barely visible against the blackness of the night. They moved with a fluid grace, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"So, you've come to play," Alex said, his voice steady despite the tension. He shifted into his Wolf form, feeling the power surge through him as he prepared for the fight.

The Shadow Wraiths didn't speak, their presence a silent promise of destruction. They attacked with a flurry of shadowy strikes, their movements almost too fast to follow.

Alex dodged and countered, using his enhanced strength and agility to keep up with their attacks. The battle was fierce, each strike and dodge a testament to the training he had undergone. But the Shadow Wraiths were relentless, their dark powers making them formidable opponents.

As the fight raged on, Alex realized that he couldn't defeat them alone. He needed his friends, their combined strength to overcome the threat. He reached for his phone, sending a quick message to Caroline and Bonnie, urging them to come quickly.

Within minutes, Caroline and Bonnie arrived, their presence a welcome relief. Caroline took on one of the Wraiths, her skills and determination making her a powerful ally. Bonnie used her magic to create barriers and counter the Wraiths' attacks, providing crucial support in the battle.

Together, they fought back against the Shadow Wraiths, their combined efforts gradually pushing the beings back. The battle was hard-fought, but they managed to drive the Wraiths away, forcing them to retreat into the darkness.

Breathing heavily, Alex looked at his friends, their faces showing signs of exhaustion but also determination.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "We couldn't have done it without you."

"We're in this together," Caroline said, her gaze steady. "We'll face whatever comes next as a team."

Bonnie nodded in agreement. "We need to stay vigilant. The Shadow Wraiths won't give up easily. We have to be prepared for whatever they throw at us next."

As they made their way back to the boarding house, Alex felt a renewed sense of purpose. The battle was far from over, but they had proven that they could face the darkness together. The prophecy loomed large, but they were ready to confront it head-on.

The storm was coming, but Alex and his friends were prepared to face it.