
My weird boring life(Dropped)

The people i met. the things i see. The urge i feel. I will tell you. In my story of life.

Vainerd · สมจริง
11 Chs


My club are planning to go to the beach.

To take photos.

beautiful photos.


BeàUtîFUl PhotōS.


Chris, the driver , leave the car as soon as we got to the beach.

Its not about the journey.

Its about the girls were making while hyping to go to the beach.


Said coffee girl.

Well, her name was Caroll.

Coffee girl is better.

" I suggest we set our camera after we stroll around here first."

I said that.

But no one is listening.

The girls have gone swimming.

Donnel was taking pictures

Of the girl's bathroom.

Chris is sleeping.

What should i do?

I joined Donnel.