
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Vision 7 - What is this? (4)

It was hilarious, to say the least. I recalled dreaming about the meeting between the officials of the church.

The Legion became suspicious of the church, and a crazy guy stored all the wealth of the church in one place without even asking the owners. I never saw which church but right now I am standing in the same church.

Is it just a coincidence?

Persephone looked at me. She was surprised to see the man in front of her smiling so happily.

" You look happy. "

Hearing those words I came back to my senses. I was happy indeed. I feel so lucky, I never thought I would be surrounded by the wealth of an entire organization.

I tried to compose myself and spoke to Persephone.

" Let us check the items here. "

Wealth is all good, but I am more curious about the items here. I was hoping to find some items that could be useful.

We went to the metal slab where items were placed, It was like I am in a showroom. I went closer and checked items in detail.

I picked up an item that caught my attention.

[ Item: Broken bracelet]

It was a bracelet-type item, it had had cracks all over it. It also had the word 'broken' on it but it was a defense item. The person wearing this bracelet will get fifty percent buff in his defense. It was a good item.

I picked up some more items that are placed on the table.

[ Item: Healing Potion ]

[ Item: Strength Potion ]

[ Item: Stamina Potion ]

[ Item: Magic Potion ]

I picked up some small bottles, it was potion bottles. There were all kinds of potions. Potions are low-level grade elixirs.

I moved my head and look at Persephone. I notice that she was looking at something, I got closer to her.

[ Item: Feeling Identifier ]

This... It was a low-grade item. It can only be used on one person at a time and can only detect strong feelings for a limited duration. Even so somehow I felt uncomfortable with the item in her hand.

I walked past her and left her to do, whatever, she was doing. I moved around a bit then I found an item. It was a small i-pod size tablet.

[ Item: Chatbox ]

I finally found something good. It was an item that created virtual communication. I used the chatbox item by pressing the small button its side.

[ You have used item Chatbox. A separate communication panel has been set up. ]

The small tablet lit up like a phone and vanished from my hand.

[ CHoose your target of communication. ]

The item disappeared and An arrow-like pointer appeared in my eyes along with the message.

I looked toward Persephone and locked her as a target.

[ You have chosen your target. You can communicate mentally through the communication panel. ]

Persephone turned her head towards me while still holding the item "Feeling Identifier". She must have gotten the same kind of notification.

But why is she still holding the same item? She is not really interested in that item, Is she?

-Hello one. two. three.

-What are you doing?

-I am checking. Isn't it a good item?

-Yeah. Now you can talk back.

Yup. Now I can talk back.

She is always the one talking and teasing me. While I had to listen like an idiot.

" Now you can not just ignore, or use silence as an excuse."

Persephone spoke her point out loud. I tried to say something but I couldn't.

Now I think it would have been better if I haven't found the item. Avoiding conversation with a woman is always wise, but now can't.

Nonetheless, I tried to think of it positively. It is a good item, we need to communicate. I can not just always pretend to talk to myself. Yes, It is a good item. I reassured myself.

-Check If there is any tracking device attached to anything.

I asked Persephone to check the items. I remember the kid from the Church whom I saw in my dreams. He is smart. He wouldn't have left all this wealth without precaution.

[ Persephone has used the skill 'Detection Lvl.9' ]

There were many items. I am sure some of them are very useful, but I can not just sit here and go through all of them. I will take everything, and when I have a secure place. I will check them.

-Also check if it has an item for storage as well.

I need to somehow carry them.

After a few seconds, Persephone pointed out some of the items that had tracking devices attached to them.

As I thought, That little kid from the church was smart. He left most of the items free of any security if someone has low-level detection skills or if they are unlucky. They will end up with items with tracking devices without knowing.

Fortunately, Chatbox did not have a tracking device but Feeling Identifier had it. I do not know why but it made me feel safe.

Persephone also found a bunch of storage rings and a storage bag. I divided everything into two-part and stored them in two different storage rings.

-You take half of the stuff and I will take another half.

-Are you giving half of your stuff to your Soul Partner?

She just can not stop teasing. I was diving it for security purposes, If for some reason, I lose mine, Persephone will always have hers.

I put each kind of suitcase, jewelry, and items in different magical bags, and then put all magical bags in one storage ring. Then use the item which might have the best one so far. It was a small black glass ball.

[ item: Total Isolation.]

[ You have used Total Isolation. You are now isolated from the outside world. ]

[ Effect of the item will be for one hour for a day. The duration of the effect has started. ]

A black dome-like structure of a radius of twenty meters surrounded us. It was isolation, it was transparent for us but even drones can not see through it from outside. That means I got one hour of each day free from Nubeculas. It was a scam item.

[ Some Nubeculas wanted the dome to be removed. ]

Yeah... not gonna happen. I stood up and walked towards Persephone. As I spoke, I held her hand to put a storage ring on her finger.

" I don't know why you are here with me... helping me. Maybe you are bored and found me interesting. "

" Do you think I am that petty? "

" Aren't you a Nubecula? "

Persephone looked at me with creased eyebrows but she could not retort to that. Nubeculas are existence referred to as gods and they have lived for ages. No matter how good you are, living for a long time makes you bored.

Sense of finite life makes things around us important, but if you overlived things and people. It changes many things, like caring about people who will be gone before you.

I put the ring on her index finger. Yeah, on the index finger not on the ring finger. I am not doing that. I need to set things straight.

" You might have your reasons, I might be not from this universe... An outsider... but You might have guessed that I know about many things, maybe even more than any existence, and Nubecula stronger than you. Even though I think I need to use the information more efficiently. "

I thought she will retort with something like, You don't know everything, or, Universe is way bigger, but she just listened to me.

I know I shouldn't say stuff like this, but I can't help it. These past few days she has helped me enough that I can at least confirm what she already suspects.

I took the 'Total Isolation' in my hand.

" If You want to leave someday, leave, You want to stay, stay for as long as you like. You have helped me more than I could ask for. "

I spoke with seriousness. I had to say these things to her, I have dreamt about many things but I have never dreamt about her. She is like a variable to the future I know.

" If you want I will repay it someday. The only thing I want from you is that you don't get in my way in the future. "

[ You have deactivated 'Total Isolation'. ]

[ Duration left: 51 minutes ]

I deactivated the item and put the ball inside the storage ring I had. The whole conversation took about nine minutes. I can use the item for fifty-one more minutes today.

" I am not going to betray you. "

Out of nowhere, Persephone spoke looking at me in the eyes. It was strange for someone to say that straight to my face. It was the first for me. No, someone had said the same thing to me before.


I spoke through Chatbox. Nubeculas are already giving me messages asking what I did inside the dome. I can not let them become more suspicious.

[ Some Nubeulas are curious about what you did inside the dome. ]

I walked toward the vault door. It was a serious talk, but it had to be done. I personally don't like to talk seriously, because when I talk, I talk too much, that is the reason I try to talk less.

Persephone walked with me, we reached the vault and touch the door, then we were out.

" I got everything. Now I can just rest and leave for Trivia. "

I tried to say something to lighten the mood, but Persephone did not say anything, She was thinking deeply about something. May about what I said, or what she should do.

I did not push my luck and let her think. Poking a bear is not a good idea, no matter how beautiful she is. We walked to the elevator and got inside.

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is observing you. ]

ho? He is back? I did not get much comment from him past few days, maybe Kafziel put him to work. I would hate to work for someone that sly.

The elevator door closed and I pressed the button with the number one written on it.

The elevator started to go up.

It was like before again, the awkward atmosphere. I tried to remain calm when suddenly the lights of the elevator flickered. I looked towards the roof of the elevator.

Then suddenly with a slight bump, the elevator stopped. I looked towards the buttons and then at the screen indicating the floor number. As soon as I saw the floor number, I stiffened up.


I started to panic. I pressed the button for the door to remain close or any other floor.

I do not want the elevator door to open. Why is it happening now? The elevator stopped on the second floor.

The door opened and a white hall similar to the third floor appeared, but unlike the third floor, the hallway was not empty. There were huge cube cells with one face made up of pure glass.

Just my luck.

Nubeculas has not said anything about the pods on the first floor, and I might have been able to ignore this section as well, but I cannot do that now.

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is frowning. ]

A Nubecula of the angel side is watching, and he is someone with a high sense of freedom. Now I was missing Kafziel, he might have let me go and others would not be able to say anything.

With a bitter taste in my mouth, I stepped out of the elevator. Now there is no way out. Raziel will hate me if ignore the situation. I do not care honestly, but I need Nubeculas to like me, at least till before overload happens.

I walked straight into the hallway, Persephone also came with me. I could see people inside the cell, most of them were sitting on a bed in the corner. The cell was pretty cozy if you ask me.

It had good space, a bed, toilet, sink, and other useful things but people inside had despair in their eyes. No matter how good the facility, being held captive for an experiment is not something anyone would want.

There were only names and races listed outside the cell so I used 'Prescient description' on them.

[ Subject: 1456

Race: Demihuman(Fox) ]

[ The Active Skill 'Prescient Description' is activated. ]

[ Name: James Barnes

Age: 48

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Person who has lost his positivity(General)

Active skill: Flame generator Lvl.3

Passive skills: Rationality Lvl.2, Positive attitude Lvl.2

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 51, Stamina Lvl 53, Agility Lvl 52, Magic Power Lvl 51

Description: A man who has lost his all positivity despite his positive attitude skill. He was very proud of his active skill. ]

[ Subject: 1460

Race: Human ]

[ The Active Skill 'Prescient Description' is activated. ]

[ Name: Lily green

Age: 52

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: She who loves nature(General)

Active skill: Vegetation Lvl.3

Passive skills: Small-Weapon Handel Lvl.2, Botany Lvl.2

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 55, Stamina Lvl 53, Agility Lvl 54, Magic Power Lvl 51

Description: She has great skills related to plants. She loves gardening. ]

[ Subject: 1462

Race: Vampire ]

[ The Active Skill 'Prescient Description' is activated. ]

[ Name: Alderic August

Age: 99

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Person who loves blood(General)

Active skill: Blod hunger Lvl.3

Passive skills: Madness Lvl.2, Confidence Lvl.2

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 66, Stamina Lvl 65, Agility Lvl 70, Magic Power Lvl 51

Description: A madman hungry for blood. He is a wanted criminal. ]

There were all kinds of people here, Good, Old, Psyco. It was for this reason, I do not want to come here. I do not want to be someone going out of their way to make decisions for someone's life.

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "What are you going to do?"]

What do I want to do? I want to leave. He is definitely trying to test me. I went a little deeper to observe some more, I was thinking of trying to come up with some way to leave without doing anything.

But I could only move deeper into the facility. As I walked for a while, I reached a solid cell. It looked tougher than others. I looked inside It had a boy of almost my age.

I used 'Prescient description' and as soon as I saw his stats. I was shocked.

'What is this?'