
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Vision 15 - Cannot be Leisurely... (1)

Inside Lisa's office, a day later when I told Lisa that I would take Professor two face, I mean Professor Eddie's Class.

Arthur: "These are the Advance Magic Class's documents containing every student's marks. These are materials for your next class. And this is the document that you have to sign, stating that I will be taking second-year classes on your behalf."

Placing one file after another, I stated the information contained in those files.

Skipping through all the files, skimming through them, Lisa picked up the last file I placed on her desk.

She read the file before speaking to me.

Lisa: "Are you sure you want to teach this class? We don't really have to be bothered by this. Any other Professor could easily be assigned to teach Basics."

I know, and I would very much like to pass this on to someone else but-

Arthur: "Miss Lisa, I can do this. Acting Headmaster asked you personally because there is no one better than you to teach Magic. He has also signed on this and I assure you I won't do anything that will make it look otherwise. I am your assistant remember."

Lisa: "I already know that."

Arthur: "Then do you just don't trust me?"

I spoke with a little lack in confidence since despite my all efforts I wasn't really sure.

Lisa: " I do."

Assuring me she lifted her head at me, giving me a look that seemed that she was offended that I thought she didn't trust me.

Well even if you give me that look, the number in the heart icon above your head hasn't changed. I countered her reaction in my head.

Arthur: "Then just let me take this off your hands, and you can get back to your research."

Taking the file from her hands, I said so, after she signed it.

Then I left her room and walked through the hallway, passing through a couple of other teachers' offices, and reached the reception area.

Todd: "Good morning, Assistant Professor."

The receptionist Todd, now in a normal suit, having his normal white hair draping over his forehead, and with an uninterested expression, greeted me.

Todd: "Good morning, headmaster."


I meant he greeted us. Me and Hekate, who was in my arms since I left Lisa's office.

I questioned it first and even asked Lisa, whether I should take her with me or not, because I am already being rumored to have been chosen by this cat.

Now if I also started to be seen by her, I don't know what rumors will spread.

Usually, the witch goddess in her cat form is always with Lisa, and she spends most of her time in her office.

They are also often seen together. But everyone knows Lisa's dedication to her research, so it was not weird for others to find their headmaster and most genius Professor together.

And just because I am Lisa's assistant is not a reason enough for other people that I was getting their headmaster's affection.


Hekate meowed and then snuggled her head under my chin pulling me out of my thoughts.

Persephone: "Does she want to bury herself under your skin?"

Giving out a remark full of annoyance, Persephone darted her eyes at Hekate. She stood beside me like usual.

-It is because I am your soul partner.

I grumbled, sending a text through the chatbox, at which she just shrugged.

But the reason must be because the energy holding the contract is dense-ing.

She must be able to sense Persephone's soul better through me now. Also, I should be able to comprehend dark matter better.

Coming out of my thoughts, I turned my head towards Todd, refreshed.

Arthur: "A very good morning Todd. I am glad I choose to go through the reception area since I got to meet you."

Todd looked straight into my eyes, confused.

Arthur: "Days have finally become peaceful now. I am also going to teach one class of my own. You must know about it. Basics of magic? Professor Eddie used to teach that."

At my words, all interest was suddenly lost from Todd's face. It was so hilarious how his confused look, which showed curiosity earlier, now seems to lose all interest.

Todd: "You have a good day, Sir Arthur."

Arthur: "You too."

Hearing 'Sir Arthur' instead of 'Assistant Professor', I understood his intentions, which was that this conversation should end.

Then I marched on, getting out of the reception area, all giddy inside, and I reached a small garden.

Trees were tall and the scene of the buildings in wood brown color was marvelous.

The whole trivia in a form of a mansion with rooms converted into classes was very dashing to me.

I passed from the tiled path making its way onto the garden, walking on it.

A border-bricked wall was to my left side, and from the alternating fences at its edge, several trees were creating a forest effect that was complementing the grey and white sky.

Persephone: "What are you doing now?"

A graceful voice prickled my ears and I held onto the cat in my arms a little better.

-Going to the class?

I questioned. I am walking with her, she can see alright right?

Persephone: "And what? What else are you planning for the future?"

The question caught me off guard. What I am planning? What are you? My mother?

Still thinking on that thought. I wasn't planning anything, ...maybe I was.

Walking through the little garden with one or two benches in the middle, since it was in the corner of the trivia.

I started to think as I ran my fingers through the cat's fur, as she became comfortable.

Let's see.

Ducas and Valerie are getting along, relationship with Lisa is going well, she even stopped telling me to call her 'professor', an honor bestowed only on me in this school.

I might be close to getting Lisa's affection number to increase. Todd must be keeping a close eye on me, trying to find some history regarding me, and won't kill me now.

I can't let him die either since his strong strength will be very helpful while going through the scripts, an inevitable future.

The biggest nuisance, the troublesome professor is also out of the picture for now.

Hmmm... it seems inside the school everything is alright for me, for now.

Now only if Felicity could maintain Griff from going wild.

Suddenly some voice, through the window of one of the buildings across the small garden, came into my ears.

?: "You know Cara? Today the Marquis family of Atlas has announced its heir."

Cara: "I did. Apparently, the heir of the Royal Hanson Family was someone from our school. She was in your class, right Darla?"

Darla: "It was Felicity."

Cara: "Ah. That blonde hair girl, she had that cold aura around her. No wonder, she was a Royal."

Darla: "It is Miss. Royal Highness now, Cara. She left for household last evening and announced her succession this morning."

Cara: "Yes ma-dam. Let's go now our class is about to start. I heard we are getting a new professor today."

The sound of the two girls then became distant.

It seems Felicity left for her household and became a full fledge Royal now. Griff must also be with her since he is incapable of leaving her side.

Wait. Doesn't that mean I have no actual problem around me? Ducas might go with Valerie, Felicity is gone, Griff is too, and Eddie is sick.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "What are you thinking while smiling so happily?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Something indecent?" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Shut it!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is laughing looking at your expression" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysius' is taking a sip of his wine. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' feels good looking you being affectionate with a cat ]


Ah.yes. They are always gonna be here.


I can now just live comfortably till the Hidden script on the Highest floor of trivia happens, while raising the affection number of Lisa.

Happily, content with the situation, I rubbed Hekate's fur and she purred in my arms.

-I am going to try and live leisurely.

Persephone: "It is weird because I can feel your satisfaction, which means you meant what you said."

-I did mean what I said. why shouldn't I mean it?

Persephone: "...Let's just let you enjoy this feeling for however long it will last."

She mumbled something under her breath, that I couldn't hear.


Persephone: "Nothing."

yeah, as if I believe that, but whatever. I let the thought slide.

Walking through the garden, then entering through the door which leads to the second-year classroom inside the mansion. I was standing before the second-year classroom door, Basics of Magic was also edged beside the door.

Now is the time. Then Persephone made a remark.

Persephone: "Have you ever taken any class before?"


Persephone gave an ambiguous expression, but ignoring her I opened the door.

Persephone: "Perfect."


Opening that huge door, a loud sound emanated due to its weight and the classroom came into view.


Classroom, as big as two living rooms combined in a mansion could be, and a chandelier on the roof.

There was a podium at the center a little higher than the wooden floor, seemingly made up of oak wood. Behind the podium was a blackboard completely covering the whole wall.

Scanning through the carved windows, on the wall further from the podium, my eyes landed on the students, that were sitting on the seats arranged in a column. Rows were one above another, like stairs.

All of the students looked professional, in neat dresses, which complimented all of their beautiful and handsome faces.

I walked over to the podium and some cheerful students that were still below came up to me.

?: "A very good morning Assistant Professor."

A student with Honey hair color, cut short, giving her a mature look, with her Honey color innocent eyes, and raised cheeks, greeted me.

Well, I am just an assistant, but people called me assistant professor, maybe to always remind me that, I am not actually a professor, or maybe because they did it in respect for Lisa.

Arthur: "Good morning, Miss Cara."

I greeted her back, she seemed surprised that I knew her name. I already used 'Prescient information' on her when she was approaching me.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient information' has been activated.]


[Profile has been found.]


[ Name: Cara Larson

Age: 34 years old

Blessing: None

Active Attribute: The one who loves to paint (General)

Active skills: Sensors Lvl.2, Water touch Lvl1, Boost Lvl.1

Passive Skills: Piercing shot Lvl.1, Friendliness Lvl.2, Calm Lvl.1

Overall stats: Strength Lvl 37, Stamina Lvl 39, Agility Lvl 37, Magic Power Lvl 45

Description: Along with her perfectly cute face and short-cut hair, and feminine body, she is misunderstood for being Tomboyish, when her real personality is as shy as a girl could be. ]


Impressive Profile, in my opnion, may be normal for others, but I felt it was good.

So she is shy, I guess her passive skill calm and friendliness, gives her the courage to approach people despite her shyness.

?: "Good morning assistant professor. Sir Arthur, if you are here then Professor Yates must be taking this class, right?"

Another Student, who was of the same height as Cara and had the same innocent walnut eyes, and long walnut hair, tied in a ponytail, spoke.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient information' has been activated.]


[Profile has been found.]


[ Name: Darla Russel

Age: 35 years old

Blessing: None

Active Attribute: The one who loves to play (General)

Active skills: Detect Lvl.2, Water sense Lvl1, Buff Lvl.1

Passive Skills: Courage Lvl.1, Sociable Lvl.2, Competitive Lvl.1

Overall stats: Strength Lvl 40, Stamina Lvl 42, Agility Lvl 39, Magic Power Lvl 42

Description: With her Angelic face, along with her social traits, she seems very approachable. But she has an extremely competitive personality. Her Friends are an expectation of her jealousy.]


Arthur: "Good morning Miss Darla."

Darla also showed the same reaction, as Cara when I said her name.

?: "Seriously?"

Another boy with sky blue hair and feminine eyes. Lavisious as one could look, spoke. The boy must be from a Royal family.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient information' has been activated.]


[Profile has been found.]


[ Name: Haris Holt

Age: 35 years old

Blessing: None

Active Attribute: Sharp Tongue (General)

Active skills: Air sensitivity Lvl.2, Air circulation Tornado Lvl1, De-buff Lvl.1

Passive Skills: Tolerance Lvl.1, Careful Lvl.2, Reasonable Lvl.1

Overall stats: Strength Lvl 40, Stamina Lvl 39, Agility Lvl 42, Magic Power Lvl 41

Description: A sharp-tongued Person, he likes to be straightforward and tends to speak his thoughts out loud.]


It seems I was approached by a full package of First benchers, and academic enthusiasts.

Haris: "Professor Yates will be taking this class?"

Cara: "I heard she is very strict."

Darla: "And scary."

Darla's whole body visibly shook from head to toe.

Haris: "And Beautiful and the best there is."

Cara: "Is beauty all there is for boys, when it comes to women?"

Haris: "Uh?"

Caught by Cara's question Haris became flustered.

He looked at me seemingly asking for some help. I could comprehend that through his eyes, and the other two followed, waiting for my reply.

I also felt two more gazes curiously looking at me.

The underworld goddess looked at me from the corner of her eyes, turning her head at me, and lifting it up. Her arms folded below her chest.

She felt overbearing to me.

Another gaze was from the chair behind the podium, the cat with her blue crystal-like eyes, sitting on the cushion, was focusing on me.

Wait, wasn't she just in my arms? I looked at my own folded arms, they were empty.

Shrugging my hands, I spoke.

Arthur: "Mr. Haris is right."

Haris regained the color of his pale face with a happy expression.

Arthur: "Professor Yates is the best that this school could offer to teach."

Haris seems to be struck with a lightning bolt at my remark, and the other two giggle seeing his reaction.

Arthur: "Now all of you get back to your seats."

Soon all three of them retreated. I looked as they took steps and take a seat on the first row.

'As I thought first benchers'

As I continue to watch each student one by one that were standing or talking to their neighbor, throughout the class full of them.

I went ahead and stood infront the podium, behind the chair where Hekate was sitting.

She was comfortable and hidden because of the height of the Podium.

Feeling my gaze everyone soon settled down, and when it became as silent as I could have gotten, I smacked the podium table once to gain their attention.


The whole room became silent.

Arthur: "Good. Now that I have your attention."

It is true that I haven't taught any class in my life, but that doesn't mean I could not have taught a class.

Arthur: "First notice in order is that Professor..."

I held myself from saying some weird name, like a nuisance or two-faced.

Arthur: " Eddie has gone back to his household due to personal reasons."

Students sitting at their benches started to look at the students sitting beside them, or below, or above.

Arthur: "Second is, You all are 'not' getting a free period for this time frame."

Some became dejected, some snickered at my little joke.

Arthur: " Rest assured. You are not left to rot without someone to keep you alive and lively."

I never taught anyone throughout my life willingly because It is too much of a hassle.

Arthur: "Some of you might be wondering, that since I am Professor Yates's assistant, she would be teaching this class."

Darla nervously nodded her head.

Arthur: "That is not the case."

But let me tell you, if I know what I need to know, somehow this confidence comes out of me like it was delighted to be unleashed.

Arthur: "Good morning to you all. My name is Arthur Xanders, a young aspiring assistant of the most diligent, intelligent, and of course an extremely beautiful Professor. I will be teaching this class, and I am looking forward to get to know you all."

I gave them a minute or two for the whole situation to sink into their minds. Haris gave me a thumbs up, content with the fact I boasted about Lisa's Beauty.

But ignoring that, I was counting backward in my head, and with the sync it happened.

?: "What?"

?: "An assistant will be teaching our class?"

?: "Do you know he is only twenty years old."

?: "Seriously?"

Some started yapping their mouths, degrading me, and throwing remarks at me.

One of the second-year students stood from far behind the row.

A girl with an almond-cut face and condescending gaze, stood head held high.

If I were to point out something notable about her, that would be her long golden earrings and golden band on her forehead.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient information' has been activated.]


[Profile has been found.]


[ Name: Alison Brown

Age: 38 years old

Blessing: None

Active Attribute: Conceited one (General)

Active skills: Neget Lvl.2, Calculate Lvl.2, flames Lvl.1

Passive Skills: NonTolerance Lvl.1, Reason Lvl.2, Quickwitted Lvl.1,

Overall stats: Strength Lvl 42, Stamina Lvl 56, Agility Lvl 51, Magic Power Lvl 40

Description: She deliberately tries to see things through a rational perspective. She likes to be known and viewed as someone intelligent. ]


'Nontolerance? That is not a good Passive skill.'

She came out of her seat and started to come down.

Alison: "People like us came to this prestigious school, and work hard every day. We have strived for greatness since childhood."

Arthur: "Mmm... would you believe me if I said I am assigned by the Acting Headmaster?"

Alison: "Stop Joking."

The student's eyes followed her as she came down.

The scene was quite comical, since students above where she was standing were looking down, where she was standing were looking in her direction and those below were looking up.

And with each step she took their heads moved like a wave.

Alison: "You think, just because you became Professor Yates's assistant you are someone special. A twenty-year-old kid is going to teach this class? Laughable."

Most of the students seem to be agreeing with her.

?: "Only Alison could say those things with such confidence."

?: "That's Marquis Household of Phiodora."

Murmurs started inside the room.

Anyway, I moved my hand to my belt. Holding the leather keychain belts, I pulled the file, containing the signed form from Lisa, then unhooked it from my belt, and placed it over the podium.

I had this signed document but these students aren't just going to listen just because of that.

I walked around the podium, sliding my finger over the file, onto the podium, then to its edge.

Arthur: "Your accusation is completely valid, Miss Alison Brown."

As I walked to the edge of the podium, my eyes went from Miss Brown to her seat.

There was just something that took my attention, and it made me hold my sigh.

A man with a handsome face and Silver hair, sitting beside a woman with a beautiful face and fiery red hair.

'Ducas and Valerie? What are both of them doing in a basics class, they already attending Lisa's class.'

Ducas and Valerie both wore extremly distasteful faces, frowned creased so much that their eyebrows were almost touching.

Alison: "Well at least you seem to know your student's name."

Suddenly I saw Ducas unsheathing his sword and was ready to stand up, and Valerie seemed just as eager as him.

But fortunately, our eyes meet and I shook my head at them. Both became flustered and sat down while holding their emotions.

But Alison mistook my reaction as a taunt.

Alison: "What? You are looking down on me?"

She stood on the lowest floor, looking up at me with the same condescending look.

The aura of dark matter started to cover her body.

Persephone: "Quite a thin aura."

Persephone threw her remark.

Hey, aren't you concerned about me?


[Lower existence 'Alison Brown' has activated 'Flames Lvl.1']


Following the message, Alison took out her slender hand from underneath her cloak and snapped her fingers lightly.

A small flame caught her hand. She looked at the flame on her hand, moving her finger, seeming to play and admire the flame at the same time.

And the flame on her hand also moved like it was content playing with its master.

Alison: "One can increase its knowledge by reading. But Magic requires a good teacher to comprehend it because the existence of Magic is the most unimaginable thing in itself. Professor Yates should be teaching this class."

She moved her hand like a wand and flicked her index finger at me after moving it in a round motion.

Following her motion, I saw her snickering behind the small Flame that is coming at me.

I saw Ducas and Valerie becoming tense and so did Cara, Darla, and Haris.

As the small ball of flame was coming at me, I took a step toward Alison.

The flame became closer and closer to me.

And then As I walked, a silver feather, bigger than a normal feather, appeared infront of the orange-yellow flame.

The flames collided with the feather and disappeared into the air.

The expression on Alison's face became vague and unclear. I walked to the edge of the Podium, confident.

I don't really want to talk about it, but.

Back on earth, I obviously didn't have any skills but I remember this as clearly as day.

Once someone told me that people used think that I had this ability.

A girl's image came into my mind. Age same as mine, height a little shorter than me, intelligent as one could be, fair skin, blond hair with red highlights.

?: 'You know. Sometimes it seems that you have this skill.'

At that time I dismissed it as a joke.

Arthur: 'What skill?'

I thought since I was a little cold and she was a little more friendly, she was just struggling a little.

?: 'It's ridiculous really.'

In my opinion, She was wondering too much about others' opinions than needed.

Arthur: 'What is it?'

'Will they be hurt if I said that?' or 'Should this really need to be said?' I assumed that were her thoughts.

?: '... Sometimes ....it feels as if you have this ability, like nobody else, like, you just shut it off and do not see the Person infront of you as a person anymore.'

Coming out of my thoughts, standing at the edge of the stage, I looked down at Alison.

And then I just shut it off.

Arthur: "Miss Alison Brown."

Listening to me saying her name like that, her face for some reason went pale.

Then the room became deathly quiet, I peered over looking into Alison's dusk Yellow eyes.

Arthur: "Sit."

The flames on her hand disappeared.


[Lower existence 'Alison Brown' skill 'Flames Lvl.1' has been deactivated.]


She faltered as her body became stiff as a stick, then stumbled on her feet she landed on her butt.

I hopped down the stage, and lifted my head, shifting my gaze to the others.

Arthur: "If any of you has a problem, You can leave. I won't stop you, you can even have a free period. However, if any of you here are curious as to what this twenty-year-old has, that made him the teacher of this class, stay, and try to learn."

Bigbold dialogue, I know, but I was speaking sincerely.

I looked into every student's eyes that were still focused on me, but their eyes avoided mine. I sensed fear but maybe they didn't know how to counter me anymore, thus none of the students moved.

Arthur: "Now..."

I walked with the same void in my eyes, standing infront of Alison, and offered her my hand.

Arthur: "If you'll please go back to your seat, I'll begin my lesson."

She looked hesitant and afraid, but nevertheless, she mustered up her courage and took my hand to stand.

At her courage, a small smile escaped on my face.


[Lower Existence 'Alison Brown' is feeling struck.]


The sudden message made me confused but before I could think about it. Alison released my hand, straightened out her uniform, and went towards her seat after bowing to me slightly.

Shrugging in my mind, and ignoring the message, I went back onto the stage.

As I was nearing the podium, a white shadow lunged at me with full force.

Surprised, My hands moved on reflux and I caught the shadow.

The shadow turned into a white cat and she started rubbing her head all over the neck.

Persephone: "What was that?"

Then Persephone spoke, and uncertainty was apparent in her voice.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Was that really?" ]



[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "It was 'that'. I think." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking in your direction. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is looking in your direction. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dynosius' comments "What was that?. "]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yes, yes. What was that?" ]


[Nubeculas looking in your direction has increased.]


I became confused, at the sudden questions.

-What was what?

Moving my head, dodging the Hekate's cat head, I questioned Persephone.

Persephone: "That aura. Was it a skill?"

What is she talking about?

-I didn't use any skill. Is there a problem?

Then, I sensed her confusion from the Soul contract, changing the rhythm of my own heart.

Persephone: "...Dark matter around your body has become dense. I think you unleashed it just now."

Unleashed? How is that Possible?

I became tightlipped at this new information, but Hekate keep snuggling to me, making it unable for me to focus.

I grabbed her head and rubbed it gently. Then my eyes went toward others, who were looking at me with weird expressions.

Then I realized that these people is actually witnessing something far shocking than what I was trying to comprehend.

'Ah, right. Their headmaster is here, acting all cute. '

I walked onto the podium with Hekate in my arms and lifted up the file that I placed earlier.

Arthur: "Ah. I forgot to mention. I have this official document, signed by Professor Yates and Acting Headmaster, stating that I will be taking this class for the remainder of the semester."

All of them gave a look that was saying that 'Why didn't you say that before?'

But as usual, I ignored them.

I took out the cushion on the chair and put it on the Podium and Hekate on top of it.

I patted her and she acted just like a pet cat.

Arthur: "Now if everyone has settled, Let's begin this class."



[Several Nubeculas are enjoying the hilarious expression of people round you]


[Some Nubeculas are listening to you teach.]


[2800 points have been donated.]



I am guessing everyone is fine and healthy.

Finally, I am releasing a new chapter, and I feel more fulfilled than ever.

To tell you all the truth, I had to fight myself pretty hard on this chapter.

I was having too many variations about how to flow the story.

One of which is an example.

I tried to write several versions of Arthur entering the class and making students accept him.

But, after having some internal debates, I think this is the best way.

Not going to vent too much.

I hope you all like the chapter.

blank2711creators' thoughts