
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Vision 13 - A Busy Night. (1)

Again, I got up from the bed. This time with a more serious expression, showing that I am taking the situation a little earnestly.

Ducas and Valerie moved aside to make a path for me and I walked towards the couch where Ducas has placed the unconscious person.

" Lion, huh? Doesn't look like one. " I muttered in hush while observing the appearance of the unconscious person.

Confused frowns appeared on Ducas and Valerie's faces because my voice was not loud enough for them to hear.

Ignoring that, the lion boy's skin was unusual. The pale pink color of his human-like skin has turned gray and the skin itself seemed a little wrinkled. He had blond-yellow hair and an average build for a body with an average height. His face was a little innocent but craggy too.

The gray skin that was visible through the blue cotton shirt from underneath his ragged cloak was due to the effect of poison. I suspected.

A normal poisoned human is all he seemed to me. He had no traits of a beast, but because of Persephone's out-loud observation speech, it was also obvious that he was not a human and I also recognize him.

Still, I activated my skill to sweep away my lingering uncertainty. Since his existence, at this particular moment, at this particular place was out of order as I know it.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient description' is activated. ]



[ Profile has been found. ]


The white glass slate screen with a solid white runic border appeared, with an extra message. which I assumed is because of the dark matter combining with my soul has increased. His Profile information was displayed on the message that appeared after that.


[ Name: Griff Hanson

Age: 32 years old

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: The unwanted one ( General ), Malika's invisible hand (rare)

Active skill: Dawning shift Lvl.2, Strength buff Lvl.1, Survival Lvl.2 ...

Passive skills: Cautious Lvl.1, Sharp senses Lvl.2, Pride Lvl.1 ...

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 61, Stamina Lvl 63, Agility Lvl 64, Magic Power Lvl 58

Description: He is loyal to his own fault. I mean who decides to kill somebody just because she might cause hindrance to his queen?

*Currently under the effect of a second order advanced-level Poison. ]


I didn't need to see most of the information as his name and attribute were enough for me to confirm his identity.

How did they find him? I brooded. Griff was supposed to make his first contact with Valerie when the school was dealing with the collateral of Hidden Script.

And if I remember correctly, he tried to kill Valerie at that time, using the advantage of already existing disarray in the future, but he failed and didn't cause any more problems.

He was just a loyal soldier, trying to get rid of a problem for his luminary, at least in my eyes. But how did Ducas and Valerie find him this early?

" So. " I said while looking at Griff's condition.

Ducas and Valerie, who patiently waited until I say something, flinched being caught off guard.

" yes? " and Valerie's voice came out.

" What happened? "

It was quite bothersome that Ducas and Valerie barged into my room this late in the evening. But If the situations kept deviating like this, I cannot just ignore the matter at hand, now can I?

" He attacked us, that's what happened. " Finally Valerie let out her pent-up anger.

Silence once again took over the surrounding, hanging above us, and the giggling sound of some girls from outside filled the silent room.

I looked over my shoulder, giving a confused frown at her sudden outburst, which was not polite.

A little panic appeared on her face, realizing that she spoke her thoughts out loud. Ducas finally opened his mouth to speak, but still, Valerie's voice came first, explaining the situation.

" I am really sorry, assistant professor. Yes, we need to cure him first. He is poisoned, and we can not detect the poison level which means it is a very advanced level of a poison. Ordinary healing potion will not work on him, which is all we could acquire in Brimos. "

I wasn't really asking about his condition though, I grumbled inside. What is this animosity and care towards him at the same time?

And why she keeps changing how she addresses me? Sometimes 'Assistant Professor' and sometimes 'Sir Arthur'. Is there a hidden meaning behind it? Drop the honorifics.

All the Royal ways of etiquette in this new world are still very foreign to me, but I try my best to adapt. It became easier every day as I interacted with other people, be they the other professors or students.

Focusing back on Griff, he was evidently poisoned looking at his appearance but his expression was of peace, it was like he is already dead.

" I get it, but Where did you both find him? " I inquired further, trying to understand the whole situation, and folding my hands at my chest.

I know his health is a priority but I also need to know what happened first. I can not just partake in a situation of someone's life-and-death decision. And affect it by my foreign existence.

" We didn't find him. " Confused I turned around to look at Ducas who pushed the conversation my way. " He found us. " And Valerie finished, keeping it on neutral ground.

But what does she mean by he found them? Did Griff change tactics and moved up the attack? But why? I hope it is not because of something unusual happening in the Lion tribe.

I gestured with my chin -lifting it upwards- indicating them to continue explaining the situation further. The whole situation still doesn't make any sense to me.

" I was coming back from the market when I coincidently crossed paths with Miss Valerie. We talked for a while and decided to walk back together. "

Ducas started explaining and I listened. I wasn't expecting such a story-like opening, but I let him continue.

" We were coming back when I sensed someone following us. At first, I ignored his disturbing presence, but then when we turned through an alley. He suddenly appeared wearing a Yellow hooded jacket and attacked us. "

" Yellow hooded jacket? " I asked as confusion grew even more inside me.

Yellow hooded jacket, Isn't that the dress which was worn by those freaks who attacked us? Griff was wearing the similar dress? but he wasn't part of any gangsters. I was sure of it.

The mention of spies, surfaced the plaza incident in my mind, which also reminded me of the dreadful silvery title that is being given to me. I swallow the bitterness and Valerie continue explaining the situation further.

" Yes, Sir Arthur. " Again with the changing references, I groaned inside " He was wearing the same dress as those people who attacked us and the market. He was trying to corner us, and Ducas captured him. "

It seems I am still not off hook with the little hostility she has for me because I became Lisa's assistant. I shifted my eyes to Ducas who feeling my gaze continued further.

" At first it felt like He was fighting with using stealth skills but... "

" But? "

" His fighting style was like that of a barbarian, with how rough his punches were. I think He is more of a m-melee (he coughed there) fighter. I don't understand why he was trying to make it look like that Agility was his strong suit. Maybe he was purposefully trying to imitate them."

I was a little surprised by how accurately Ducas analyzed fighting style of Griff. He was right. Griff is from the Lion tribe, they are natural predators who used their own fangs to rip apart their enemy.

" So how did he got poisoned? "

I didn't pry too much about what and how. Since it had nothing to do with me and I didn't want to know too much, hence, making myself detached from this situation.

Let's just get the gist of it and throw these people out of my room. I settled.

" Um. It was a weird weapon he used. A needle of a sort, actually. It had the poison. He aimed for Miss Valerie, but I caught it and threw it back at him. "

" Ahh. " I nodded my head in awed and understanding, but.

You did what? I shot back in my mind without showing it on my face. He caught the needle thrown by a lion tribe member, in mid-air, and threw it back at him? Damn, sometimes I forget that he is a scam character.

With how much force griff could throw things, for someone like me, it would be similar to catching a bullet. Since Ducas was not someone that existed in my dream, or rather he should supposedly die without being known. His action always catches me off guard.

I don't think I would be this surprised if it was Lucien or Yong Hyunjung. I thought, somewhat consoling myself.

Shifting my thoughts from ideas that had no significance in the present situation. I understood the overview of what happened. In nutshell, Griff attacked Valerie and Ducas used his attack against him.

Racking my brain, I recalled that in my dreams Griff used a special type of poison to attack Valerie during the chaos. Also, he almost had her at that time, but Valerie somehow managed to use wind manipulation and deflected the poison needles.

In the end, nobody got poisoned and Griff escaped, but this time Ducas was there to help her. Again, my actions influenced the situation, I whined. Also, I already enclosed a good guess why he attacked her now. But there was something else that didn't make sense here.

" If so, he attacked you. Why are we trying to save him? " Questiongly I asked.

" That... " Ducas trailed off to my question, as her eye fell on Valerie, and mine followed.

I understood most of the things about the situation, but shouldn't it suppose to be weird that they were trying to save the person who attacked them? Feeling our gaze Valerie became a little uneasy, but she didn't try to hide the reason.

" Honestly, he is someone I am acquainted with. Actually, acquainted is a strong word... I merely recognize him. "

It was like that. I already knew that she knows who Griff was. But I didn't think she would really save him just because of that. At present, I definitely wouldn't say that their relationship is close, rather it is supposed to be strained.

And since in my dreams, he escaped even before Valerie could see his face. I didn't know how she would have acted if Griff was caught by her.

Ducas looked surprised that she actually knew him. A reaction that was totally understandable to me. She must have insisted on saving him, and Ducas, although confused, did as she asked.

" He is- " Valerie spoke, maybe to tell us about his identity. " Ah. It's alright. " but I closely cut her off.

" Hmm? "

" You want to save someone who tried to kill you. You must have your reason, which is yours. You don't need to tell us. " Racking my mind I spoke using whatever polite way came over my tongue.

I didn't want to be reminded of something that I would rather prefer I didn't know. At least I don't want others to acknowledge that I know this type of information and become part of their group.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " Trusting your comrade at any cost is good. " ]


In the middle of our serious conversation, The God Raziel commented thinking I was trusting Valerie's judgement for saving a murder, which broke the whole atmosphere.

" This? "

" Archangel Raziel? "

Valerie and Ducas both looked at their sides, surprised and awed. They must have also got the same comment from 'Raziel' that I got. We were all surprised. I sometimes forget that people here worship higher existence.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is pleased seeing the respected gaze. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments " You are always too relaxed. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " That is why we watch him. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Yes. He is Interesting. " ]


But my entire mood was damaged by the private messages they send to me. Always treating me badly. What do they mean I am interesting? I am not some animal from the zoo.

Ignoring the weird atmosphere, I got up again to approach Griff.

" Let's cure him then. "

Both dazed people regained their focus when they heard my voice, clearly still surprised by the High-Archangles-message, but they also prioritized my words.


[ The Existence Valerie has requested a medical check-up. ]

[ The Existence of a lower realm "Valerie Davison" has activated the skill 'Health Summary Lvl.1']


Valerie activated one of her skills. A tablet screen also appeared in front of me, and also a dashboard with a monitor appeared on Valerie's hand out of thin air.

Valerie look at multiple places at random on the monitor and spoke from whatever detail she picked up.

" The poison is too advanced, I cannot detect it with my Level of this skill. How can we cure him? "

" We could use an advanced potion. "

" You mean an Ampoule. "

" Something like that. "

" Ampoules of even high order will be not enough. We will need an elixir, and that might also not be enough. "

" Is it that serious? He looks fine to me. "

" I don't know how he acquires it, but the poison is of very high grade. His mind has shut down that is why he looks like that, but his body is dying. Wait a minute, I need to read some more. "

They both started discussing about the poison and methods to cure Griff. I didn't interfere with them and Persephone then approached me.

" She is right around the edge, he is dying. It is difficult to save him. But the elixirs, you stole from the Vault might help. "

Right, I had the Health Elixirs I stole from the church vault. Suddenly I remembered one of the dreams where Griff talked about the poison he used. It was right after he tried to kill Valerie.


[ Your perception has increased. ]


[ " Shit. "

Griff stumbled on the way, kicking the edge of the road, and fall down. He was in the dark silent alleyway. Now he was far away that the School trivia's chaotic voices were unhearable.

" I failed. " Dejected his voice came out rough.

He was depressed that he couldn't kill Valerie.

Crawling a little further, near the large bin, he pulled himself pulling its handle, and took the support of the wall of the building beside it to sit straight.

" I wasted a precious item as well. Ah. "

He was breathing heavily, obviously tired after running away so far. Then He took out a small bottle from his coat. Beautiful neat-cut glass bottle, shimmering like it was made up of diamonds under the moon. The bottle was empty though.

He clunch to the bottle tightly for a second, his expression became sour and he threw the bottle in frustration smashing it onto the wall opposite to him.


The bottle broke and fall into pieces, some onto the hard ground, some into the waterpuddle. But nonetheless, it shimmered like little stars in the dark.

" I couldn't kill her and now 'Hydra's' blood extract was wasted as well, perfect. " sarcastically he scolded himself.

The precious item was this Hydra blood. Because it was an item he obtained from one difficult hidden Script. And now that is gone too.


Griff took a deep breath and rested his head on the wall. ]


A completely random narrative speech resounded in a haze and then my vision focused back. Pieces of information around it also started to pull into my brain, making me remember them from my dreams.

Crazy Lion boy. I shoted, remembering some dream information from my memory. He found a Hidden Script and got the hydra's blood related to Greek and Roman mythology.

Giant snake-like eight heads, looking like wyverns, that were killed by Hercules. That one.

That blood was supposed to be highly toxic to anyone and to any race. His loyalty was scary.

" So what are we supposed to do? "

" I don't know. We need to find an Elixir, but it is too rare. "

Ducas and Valerie kept discussing. I finally pushed aside my thoughts and stepped in to interfere.

" How high grade of an Elixir needs to be, miss Valerie? "

They Both naturally stopped discussing and looked at me.

"At least Grade Three, I guess. " Valerie replied.

Ducas and I looked at her, doubtfully. What does she mean by 'I guess'? Elixirs are rare as she said so herself. I need her to be sure, we can't hand it over like candies now, can we?

Valerie feeling our gaze, spoke. " Grade Three atleast should be high enough for whatever poison he had. "

I guess she might be right. I also don't remember anything about the cure of this particular hydra's poison, only that.

Potion, Ampoule, and Elixir had five grades of each. Potions are common, Ampoules are rare, and Elixirs are inaccessible. This means Elixirs are only obtained by special methods, such as rewards from scripts or employees. A high grade of one of them should do the trick.

" Are you thinking of buying one? Assisstant Professor. It will be very expensive. " Snarky comment from Valerie.

Now I have to say, Her way of speaking to me has changed. She very cleverly changes how she addresses me, an impressive way to taunt me by the way. But now I have Silvery wing title to worry about. So not gonna work friend.

I didn't answer her, instead stretched my hand over my shoulder forming a platform. No one could see but I actually stretched my palm toward Persephone, who was standing behind me.

-Give me an Elixir.

I said using the chatbox.

Persephone gave me a look that said 'Seriously?' and took out an Elixir to place it over my hand.

As soon as the elixir touched my hand, it became visible to others too. It was like magic. A glass bottle with hexagonal cuts shining with a green hue in color appeared from thin air.

" Huh? "

" How did? "

Both of them became surprised. I casually tossed the bottle towards the Ducas and spoke, tilting my head towards Valerie.

" This must be enough. "

Valerie took the Bottle from Ducas and examined the Elixir. She read the details and her eyes widened.

" This? It is grade 3. How? "

Valerie stuttered a bit, flicking the Elixer at me with a questioning gaze. I guess it was normal. Elixirs were rare, The church must have paid a large sum of points over the years to acquire them.

" Sir Arthur. It is too precious. Are you sure? "

I am sure. Go ahead use it, save the day. It was not mine, what problem could I have?

" Life is the most precious thing, Miss Valerie. " I shrugged my shoulder.

Valerie's mouth shut up. And a 'Seriously?' expression like Persephone before, only less with less pride, appeared on her face. Why the look? Didn't I say something cool? Ducas was also looking at me with a weird expression.

" You right, Sir Arthur. " but still complied with me.

Everyone then moved around. I went towards one of the bookshelves at the edge of the room and rested my body weight there while standing straight.

At the center of the room, Valerie and Ducas moved Griff's body and laid it down in a sleeping position over the couch after removing his cloak.

"What are you going to do once he wakes up?"

Persephone floated and stood like me, also resting her head on the bookshelf, looking at me.

-Throw him out, I guess.

" He tried to kill those two. Doesn't that makes him a murderer? "

-What are you getting at?

I rebutted at her serious question.

" Are you not going to report to some official from the Legion or whatever security force this lower world continent has? "

Aren't you suppose to be an all-knowing goddess? I asked in my mind. As I thought about her question, I looked towards the couch.

Valerie opened the glass cap of the health elixir, it came out like it had no hold over the bottle, smoothly sliding off. She titled Griff's head and placed the opening of elixir bottle over his lips, green liquid began pouring inside his mouth.

I asked her earlier why is she saving the person who tried to attack him. And she just replied with 'because she barely recognizes him'.

But why am I taking part in saving him? Isn't it also because I only recognize him from my dreams? He just attempted murder. I should have him arrested. But he escaped after trying to kill Valerie in my dreams. So it will affect the future as I know it.

My head became jumbled with thoughts, and with a deep breath, I just pushed aside every one of them.

- There is a fugitive right here, who blew up the whole church in a town. Let's just say I know what I am doing.

I criticized myself with a sarcastic tone, saying I am not so innocent as well.

Persephone gave me a temporary resigned look and also shifted towards the couch in the middle, as I let out a breath.

Over the couch, The health Elixer was working its effect. The wrinkled lines over his gray skin became a little greenish and then faded away. His eyes which were peacefully closed earlier became tense.

Indicating that his mind and body were synchronizing with one another, sensing what is happening to the other one.


[ The Existence Valerie has requested an updated medical check-up. ]

[ The Existence of a lower realm "Valerie Davison" has activated the skill 'Health Summary Lvl.1']


Another message appeared in front of me and Valerie's eyes shifted toward the dashboard that she placed over the table beside the couch. Information on the screen changed and she spoke after reading the Updated Medical result.

" His body is strengthing, it can fight the poison now. But it will take some time until he wakes up."

" How much time? "

My honest thought came out with a questioning sour expression, everybody ignored it. But still, I was doing all this so that they could get out of my room as soon as possible.

" It is a good thing, Sir Arthur. He is not dying anymore. " Ducas spoke giving me a reassuring look and then shifted to Valerie. " How much longer before he wakes up Miss Valerie? "

Valerie looked through the dashboard and calculated something in her mind "Maybe six, seven hours. I thought the grade 3 Elixir should be enough, but the poison is much stronger, so it will take time. "

" Can't we feed him another Elixir, of an even higher grade? " Saying so Ducas turned towards me.

Of course, I have an even higher grade of Elixier but it is too rare, in Persephone's ring there are only a dozen or so. Does he want me to use two elixirs at the same day? I was kind of hoping to trade them once the time comes, in the future.

" Ah. I don't think mixing two different grades one after another is the best idea. It could cause serious problems-"


And then Valerie kept accessing Griff, now Ducas was observing, and Persephone kept looking at me, observing me. Look away you old hag, I am not something to take pleasure in while observing. I commented in my mind since I could not say it out loud.

Truthfully, I could have used two or three Elixir, if it meant kicking all these people out. They are not my items.

But now, even using two elixirs might be harmful for Griff. Only if I already knew the poison grade, if only there is a way to get information on it, then Valerie would have told me to use higher grade Elixir. Right. If only...

Suddenly I remembered something and hurriedly opened Griff's Profile.


[ The Active Skill 'Prescient description' is activated. ]


[ Profile is being found. ]


[ Name: Griff Hansen

Age: 32 years old

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: The unwanted one ( General ), Malika's invisible hand (rare)

Active skill: Chimera shift Lvl.2, Strength buff Lvl.1, Survival Lvl.2 ...

Passive skills: Cautious Lvl.1, Sharp senses Lvl.2, Pride Lvl.1 ...

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 61, Stamina Lvl 63, Agility Lvl 64, Magic Power Lvl 58

Description: He is loyal to his own fault. I mean who decides to kill somebody just because she might cause hindrance to his queen?

*Currently under the effect of a second order advanced-level Poison. ]


My Eyes focused onto the last line on the bottom of the screen that was lumped together with his description. It was written there 'a second order advanced-level Poison' .

Shit. I cursed, inside. I should have clearly read his Profile.

The whole situation started to become tedious now. Some much to worry about all at once. I just want a good carefree rest.

I have decided. Let's just end this whole shenanigan. But I didn't want to use a higher Elixir, I don't have many of them, and it wouldn't help anyway

Suddenly I had a great Idea. I think I have to use 'that' if I want to escape this troublesome mess.

Finally, lifting my back from the books. I marched towards where Griff was lying, a strained frown was on his face.

Ducas and Valerie's looked at me approaching him with weird determined expressions, and Persephone 'Observed me'.

I looked at Griff's face, still gray from the effect of some lingering poison. I stretched my arm towards Valerie.

" Give me a Knife. "

Valerie looked at me startled that I suddenly asked for a weapon. Right. Why would a normal person carry a knife? So I turned towards Ducas, stretching my arm towards him. Valerie's eyes also followed.

He also became a little startled but recovered quickly and took out a pocket knife and placed it -unsheathed- over my hand.

I looked at the pretty knife. I gripped its handle tightly, it had a pattern engraved in it, weird symbol markings around a clover flower.

I felt the weight of it in my palm. Some days ago, When I acquired the skill, Zoe's Heart. It dictated that, The skill will not let me have any impurities and imbalances in my body.

And when studied a little about it in my journal. I found out that this skill evolves my body in a way that it is like I have a Passive skill that could use every effect of a health-evolving skills.

' And Since the skill, Zoe's Heart is of Level 6. ' I tightly put the sharp end of the blade over my wrist. ' Combined with an ability to use any advantage of bodily health evolvement. ' People's expressions became weird.


[Some handful of Nubeculas are confused and looking at you curiously.]


Some of God and Goddess became confused, as well. Then realization appeared in Valerie, Ducas, and Persephone's eyes, but before anyone could say anything.

I put strength in my right arm and swiftly made a clean cut over my left wrist.


" WHa- "

" Sir Arthur? "

" Hey. "

People became anxious but I ignored that. Because I was focused, Maybe my blood has became evolved enough that I can use it like 'that'.

I turned to look at the other with an expression that clearly showed that their reactions are a little overexaggerated to me.

" Relax guys. I know what I am doing. "