Disclaimer: I do not own the novel my vampire system. Full credit to JKSManga. I'm just wording my imagination into words. What happens when someone gets reincarnated in the story "my vampire system" with its knowledge? Follow Abraham as he begins his journey to become a superpower on his own. What time period is he in, which family does he belong and most importantly, will he follow the main plot? 3 chapters/week
[Disclaimer: Describe a suicide scene(very brief) at the end]
Abraham had continued to collect blood for hours. Most of the tents had a whole family living in them. Abraham decided to only drink the blood of adults leaving the children. After absorbing some much blood, his blood bank was already 100ml filled. Now with his blood bank skill having reached level 3, he was able to store a total of 300ml.
Abraham's stats also got increased due to the consumption of different blood. When drinking B-type blood, he would get a new point in agility. But after just 5 unique B-type blood, he heard a notification.
[B+ Blood type has been consumed]
[Agility 75]
[You have reached the maximum amount of stat points in agility]
[To proceed further you must evolve]
After the night all his stat has reached the limit and all the free stats he got from O-type blood, he put them into Charm stat. His new status was now different.
[Strength 75]
[Agility 75]
[Stamina 75]
[Charm 50]
At one point, he had to inspect each person and only select people with O-type blood. After consuming so much different blood, Abraham's entire body felt different, he felt like a completely new person. His cells were vibrating with excitement and the increase in his power was addicting and exciting.
"Abraham, you need to calm yourself down. You've taken in too many types of blood. The rush you are feeling right now, it's the addiction!" The system said urgently.
Abraham immediately took into consideration the system words and he stopped the blood collection and rushed back to his room in the traveler building. Once inside he immediately got into a sitting position and started to circulate the energy inside him.
The blood energy inside him was going wild. When Abraham returned from earth, his Qi energy was extremely high compared to his blood energy. But now, they seems to be equal. Abraham took a deep breath and started to mix them together. The process was long and needed extreme concentration.
He was lost in the whole process so much that the night was gone and the sun was already up outside and it was nearly going to set. The entire process took near 24 hours. Only after the last bit of red energy was finally together with the green energy did Abraham open his eyes. Looking at himself, there was no physical change but he knew that right now he was on a completely different level.
The whole process was very much exhausting and due to the difficulty, Abraham sweated a lot. He felt like he had just fought a demigod beast. After cleaning himself he asked the system about the limit. Abraham already knew there was a limit but for him, the limit happened extremely late. In the book, when Quinn was a vampire and reached the stat of 40, the limit happened. But unlike Abraham, Quinn didn't have the advantage of knowing Qi energy so early to increase his body stats naturally.
"Honestly, I didn't know there was a limit, but of course, I always expected one." The system replied. "But still, I'm amazed that you were able to grow this much. I thought you would have hit the limit far far sooner.
"Think of it this way. Let's pretend as if everyone had a system just like you. I have based all these numbers on my research that I did from observing you, so give or take it as it might not exactly be accurate. If a normal human being power with no training whatsoever is around five. Then a human who was at the peak would be around ten. Of course, not all of their stats would be at ten but let us pretend for the sake of the example.
"A standard vampire would have around twenty points. Then we have skilled vampires whose stats are in the higher twenties, possibly twenty-five. Then the next evolution is a noble vampire. A beginner Noble vampire would be around that thirty. For someone who is just at the vampire Level, you have already exceeded a high noble vampire limit.
This is all of course because of your extra stats when consuming different types of blood that other vampires don't have. Now I know you are going to boost about it for eternity, but there has never been someone of your level as a vampire. It normally takes many years to reach such stat and even sometimes, some vampires would never even dream of reaching such levels. If anyone was to learn of what talent and everything you have learned in a short amount of time, no one would believe it." after such long information, the system finally stopped talking.
Instead of relaxing, Abraham got up and after activating his shadow cloak, he went towards the tents again.
"Don't tell me you are going to consume blood again. I thought the feeling of addiction was no more. You need to stop immediately unless you want to turn into a bloodsucker." yelled the system inside Abraham's mind.
"Relax, for a system you are shouting too much. I'm not addicted to blood. I'm going to search for people with O-type blood to increase my charm also to the limit. After all, tomorrow I have the meeting with Robert and Gwen to travel to the planet where the dalki are present." Abraham talked while leaving the metallic fence.
Searching for O-type blood among the thousands of people present was time-consuming but thanks to his agility and level 3 Inspect skill, he was able to find some people.
It seems like Abraham was going to have another fruitful encounter. He had already collected 24 O-type blood and needed only one more to reach the limit for Charm stat. He approached another tent and from outside he heard a faint groaning sound. He also captured some rustling sounds coming from inside.
As soon as Abraham enter the tent, he was met with a horrible sight. There was a stool fallen on the ground and right in front of it, a girl was hanging. Abraham saw a young girl attempting suicide just in front of him. The girl was wiggling in pain as the rope continued to compress her neck. It looked like she was having her last attempt to resist as she was trying to loosen the rope around her neck. On seeing Abraham, the girl gave a faint wispers as a last attempt. Due to his high hearing, Abraham was able to notice the cry for help.
Abraham quickly threw a blood swipe at the top where the rope was attached. The body immediately started to fall and using his fast agility, Abraham got to stool and catch the girl. He put her on the floor and using both hands, Abraham easily thorns the rope around her neck. A circular bruise was seen all around the girl's neck. Her eyes have completely gone white and her whole body was completely stiff.
Abraham quickly gave her some Qi energy from his own. He also started to perform CPR on her. Abraham followed the sequence many times. From 30 chest compression, 2 rescue breath and providing her with Qi energy. He used his Inspect skill to monitor her hp level. Moderately, the girl started showing sign of breathing and moving. Abraham started to circulate all the Qi inside her throughout her body especially her brain. Shortly after she regained conscious but was very weak to speak. Abraham wanted to put her on a bed but looking around he didn't find even a mattress.
Abraham kept on keeping his hand on the girl's stomach to help her with Qi. While doing so, Abraham finally got a closer look at the girl in from of her. Like most of the people living in the tents, she was extremely poor and her physical condition was weak. The clothes on her body had soil all over it. When observing her, Abraham felt the same was being done by the girl. After several minutes the girl started talking.
Her name was Julia and she was all alone. She had lost all of her family members many years back during the war. From that day, her life was a living hell. She had nowhere to go at that time as she was still a child. She started begging, doing harsh job and even tolerating beating just to have a meal for a day. She was currently seventeen years old and today she had enough with her life. Julia decided to put an end to her misery. She thought that she was ready to accept death warmly but after she jumped from the stool and the rope started tightening her neck, she found that she could not accept death and wanted to live. She wanted to have a better life. But even after struggling, she was not able to free herself until Abraham came.
After telling her story, she had enough strength that she hug Abraham and started thanking him for giving her a second chance. Abraham let the girl cried her pain while he slowly pat her head.
Abraham taught her about Qi energy and helped her recover. After the girl fell asleep, Abraham went at another corner of the tent and lied down. He decided to stay the night near the girl in case something happen during the night. The next morning he needed to be present inside the traveler room to departure for the next planet.
Does anyone remember in which chapter Quinn transformed into a conscious bloodsucker?