
My Vampire Secret

Haley is a vampire girl banished to the human realm for one year because of her rebellious behavior and when she gets there she has to live wit her aunt Victoria,uncle Sybil and her cousins Christa and Christina.As she stays with them will she able to change her ways and leave this realm early or will she completely wiped from existence by her enemies

Dandelion_blue · ไซไฟ
13 Chs

Trying To Kill A Demon

Haley I found the book we can go now,Lucas what are you doing to her Coco said looking at Lucas in a kind of of irritated way.Haley let go of Lucas and stumbled over to her friend who was standing just some feet away from Lucas.

Oh Haley look at yourself,your a mess Coco said thrashing Haley's face with her thumb gently,what did you do to her you pervert.For your information I did nothing to her in fact I saved her Lucas replied face palming.It's true Coco he saved me Haley said

quietly.Then who did this to you,I swear when I find that person I'll kill them in cold blood Coco said furiously.

It was her ex boyfriend Lucas said calmly walking to Coco and Haley.I didn't ask you pervert.Coco was looking red now like she was mad at Lucas for some reason.Why don't you like Lucas Haley whispered to Coco.Well this perv here sexually harassed me on my first year in this school Coco said looking ready to explode with anger.It was a mistake I didn't want to do it on purpose,your not even my type,I prefer smart,funny,independent fierce and strong girls and also their not as flat as you Lucas said in a natural way like it wasn't an insult.

You,how dare you Coco said embarrassed at the same time furious.Haley you said that we need to destroy your so called ex boyfriend Lucas said ignoring Coco completely.Yes destroy him Haley sniffled.So you want me to kill him Lucas said sounding disappointed.Haley nodded.There has to be another way to do this without killing him Lucas said.

If he doesn't want to do it I will someone said.Lucien how long have you been standing there Haley asked surprised.along enough to hear the whole conversation Lucien replied and walked to where they were standing.Wait you want to kill my ex boyfriend Akira asked shocked.Yeah it's not like it would be the first time Lucien replied with a grin.Everyone gasped in shock.hahaha,you actually think I've killed people,I'm not that bad Lucien said jokingly.That's not funny, so are you going to kill him Coco said threateningly.No I'm not killing him but I know someone who can kill him.Lucien had some kind of dark look on his face like something was hunting him.

Until then Haley it's not safe for you to be walking around alone and also I think you should move in with me Lucas said shyly.You just want her to move in with you so she could be caught in your net of lies and assault Coco shouted now exploding with redness.

Look guys I'm happy your concerned and all but this is not a joke Jonas is very dangerous and his capable of doing things you'd never think someone is capable of doing Haley said seriously yet sadly.Well Chemistry class is starting soon we can talk about this later Haley I'll walk you to class if you want Lucas said nervously.No it's ok Coco can take me Haley said trying not to cause a commotion between Lucas and Coco.

Yes Haley I'd love to walk you to class and not assault you on the way Coco said indirectly aiming her words at Lucas.Lucas scuffed in disgust and walked out of the library.Come on Haley Coco said enthusiastically taking Haley's hand.As she was dragged away by Coco,Haley looked behind to see if Lucien would also leave but he just stood there frowning grumpily in the darkness deep in thought.Haley couldn't help but be curious about what he was thinking so the whole way to class she was thinking about it.

Maybe he's being abused by his family and his planning something.

Or maybe he lost someone because of the same thing I'm going through now.

Oh poor boy his life must be terrible like mine.

Haley,Haley,Haley!Coco shouted.Haley shook her head shaking herself out of her world of thoughts.The teacher was asking you a question Haley answer or you'll get detention for a week Coco whispered.Luckily for Haley she had attentive hearing and good memory so even though she was in her own world she could remember what he said.She stood up and answered the chemical formula for Silver ion is Ag+1.That's really good Haley keep up the good work professor Alvick said happily.

How did you know that I thought you didn't know chemistry Coco whispered surprised.I guess after sitting in thousands of class for 100 years is pulling off handy Haley said unconscious of what she just said.What do you mean 100 years? Coco asked suspiciously.Ah I mistakes again sorry I meant to say 6 years I guess I was just thinking about 100 things Haley said hastily trying to cover up what she said.Coco just shrugged and opened up her text book.

*Mean while in a small cellar hidden in a different realm.I thought you said she had no friends the man shouted furiously.Yes I thought she had no friends the girl shouted back.How dare you shout at me you do know that your life is at stake here the man said calming down a bit.The girl had been tied up for days with out food not water and was getting tired of living.What's the point,why don't you kill me already it not like your going to allow me to live when your done the girl said furiously.You know what you are right,your not useful any way the man said mischievously.Kneeling down he took a dagger from his shoe and walked slowly to the tied up girl.

I'm going to make you death very slow so you can feel the regret of your decision he said putting the sharp dagger on the girls neck.He then cut a long line around her neck making blood leak out of her neck.

Your blood smells delicious ou wouldn't mind if I lick it the man said evilly.He kneeled down leaned in and licked the blood splattered on the girls neck.She screamed in pain as she was assaulted and dying slowly.Hmm it's seems this death is a bit too slow let me make it a bit quicker the man said deviously.He took the dagger and pointed it at the girls heart,I wonder what happens if I stab you here.With that he stabbed the girl in the heart with speed of flash and she let out a loud shriek before finally taking her last breath died.

Oh Mia you were so beautiful,you could have had a life but alas your just too naive for your own good may your soul Rest In Peace the man said sorrowfully and then let out an evil laugh.

Thank you for reading this chapter,please go check out my new book Super Novakin,a story of a girl in a prophecy that is said to stop a long lasting war,follow her life as she gets trained by the people and meets new people maybe even find her soulmate.

Lots of love❤️🥰🥰