
Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Virana Greenfield, I'm 18 years old and i just moved to Los Angeles weeks ago. I found out being a lone vampire makes me feel a bit better... I feel like I don't wanna hurt anyone.

...But I'm that kinda unique vampire..

I learnt other vampires don't come out during the day... But from twilight, they become active, but there's one thing about me.. I can come around any time of the day,

But I'm yet to find my true parents.

"Aargh.. I must not be late for school". I rushed to have my shower...

I locked my door and went to school.


"So, a neon is a chemical element, it's a gas that doesn't react with anything and that shines with a bright light when electricity is passed through it." Mr Welbrough said.

" I found the class kinda boring, so I picked my pencil and began to draw a vampire face at the back of my notebook.

Yeah, that made me feel better.

Soon, I realized someone standing beside me.

" What're you doing?.. Virana??. He asked me.

" Uh..just drawing a piece of...

" This is a vampire.." he said.

" Actually, vampires aren't real" he said.

" Then what i ?" I thought.

" I don't think you're right... They do live Among us..." I told him.

" What are you saying?" Mr Welbrough said.

" Yeah, some lives in Transylvania" Anna said.

Transylvania?" I asked

" Yeah, another Transylvania's been discovered in the last 40 years... In the outskirts of this same Los Angeles... In the woods.

" Uh... Why did I come to live over here when Transylvania's not really far from me.. wow, this is a real opportunity.. I'm gonna meet new vampires"... I thought.

I got home that same day and began o think about what Anne said in school...

" Wow.... Vampires... Transylvania.. I thought that was not in America"

I have to find Transylvania.

I packed few of my clothes into my bag and a bottle of water jus In case, I wore my hood and went out of my apartment

I kept my phone in my pocket

I got to the woods, a very thick Forest.. not long after I'd walked, I found a dead end and then I saw a castle from a distance..

I found a way I could walk through

After some time, I got to the castle.

" This must be Transylvania"

Everywhere was really dark.. Although I could see clearly, since I was a vampire.

I took my phone and checked the time.

" I've really spent a lot of time walking here.

The castle was a long abandoned castle.

I found swords on the ground.. Amours and human skeletons.. I also found skeletons with Vampire teeth.

This place... It looks like a war had taken place here..

I saw the throne and I went there..

I saw another skeleton of a vampire and a seor beside it.. sitting on the throne.

I have no idea who it was, but I'm thinking it's Dracula Vlad.

" Hilarious then he would have been murdered on his own throne, damn!"

As I was moving closer to the throne, I mistakenly stepped on a rope and then I got trapped.

"Aargh! damn!! What do I do"

A wolf came sniffing around where I was. "Argh, what's this.. I guess it's dinner' A huge man said.

'' Hey, watch it, see, she's human" another said.

" Aaa? What're you?!" I asked

I quickly brought out my phone and turned on the flashlight.

" Hey, get the light outta my face

" Oh, she thinks we're vampires" he said.

' oh no? We're werewolves..."

" I'm a vampire actually, " I told them

" Hey, then, what're you doing here?"

" You supposed to be in class..." He said

" Class?" I asked

" Yeah, Vampire Night school" he said

" You have to be there now, or else, you'll be in detention" he said

" Before I leave, I'd like to ask you a question...

Why are dead bodies here?" I asked

" Oh , actually, there was a war . Between Werewolves and vampires.. about 800 years ago.

" But now, we're United" he said.

" Wow, now you jerks can take me to class" I said
