I need no teammates in this new life with my ability to upgrade and combine things, I shall create things beyond even the gods ability.
Although Fleur was still out of it for a while, I was able to get both her and me relatively decent, so I was able to rejoin the fourth-year students as they staggered back into the castle for lunch after the exhaustive physical lesson.
"Hey, you new teacher! what did Fleur want with you?" I heard a voice behind me ask and as I turned around, I could only smother my internal giggling at how puffed-up Draco Malfoy looked.
He looked like a bleached rooster with how his face was still red from all the running and he was limping from the arrows the centaur's obviously shot at him.
"No actually who in their right minds would have those subhuman creatures attacking their students!" He questioned angrily and both his cronies Crab and Goyle squared up as though they were going to throw a punch at me if my answer was unsatisfactory.
I could only shrug as I answered blandly. "Well, I certainly wasn't going to be stuck with the chore of sending rocks and stuff to motivate you all." Well, that and I wasn't capable of using the magic of this world so it's not like I could just send stinging hex's or whatever at the brats.
Draco was a proud pureblood so he could understand me basically delegating my work to those thought lesser of and probably assumed I forced the centaurs to do my bidding which wasn't incorrect. "I don't care what you do with your little pets but should I and my fellow purebloods, will not be assaulted by those creatures again. I will be writing my father and he will have you fired and brought up on criminal charges!"
My first young master to face slap... How adorable.
I leaned in and my mana weighed down on everyone in the vicinity and all the students watched our confrontation clearly listening in though they certainly looked to be uncomfortable due to my magic establishing its dominance.
"Boy... I am not one of the weak little British wizards you have running around here... If your corrupt inbred little daddy tried to square up with me..." I leaned in further to the frozen and terrified blond ferret. "Your mother won't be a widow for long."
"Good talk old chap. Oh you must be hungry with how pale you are. Go ahead inside and eat dear, 'little boy." I said putting empathize on basically calling him a child.
I have changed a great deal compared to when I first got sent to Danmachi as its very much the rule of the jungle as the only police force, the Ganesha Familia only could police those below level three and so long as it didnt hurt the interests of the top Familia's and the Guild. people had basically total freedom in their actions.
Which is why the corrupt little Death Eaters who got free from Azkaban only earned my disdain as I have zero shame or compunctions in getting rid of people who try to fuck over me and mine. Not to say I am a psycho or something but if Lucius were to attempt to attack the Quidditch Cup while I was there... I would dealt with them all with zero mercy regardless of the this so called civilized worlds laws.
'Pity, the whole Black sister trio is supposedly all extremely beautiful, but they are all married and or insane and worse was willing to cuck her husband to make her master a child, if the whole Delphine Riddle story line is be considered canon.'
Completely batshit insane waifu's like Himeko Taiga, Esdeath, and for example Bellatrix are entirely too much trouble. Granted also Freya fell into that circle but I have her nice and stuffed with a baby, so she is behaving.
"Sir what did you say to Malfoy. He doesn't take people standing up to him well." A meek voice called out as I walked through the hallways passing by students going to and from lunch.
I looked and just beside the doors to the great hall and blocking off me getting some lunch was Hermione Granger.
"Miss Granger, I don't care for the racist ravings of someone I can actually throw far further than I could ever trust him." Hearing my words and having seen me speed run the half an hour for her fellow students in less than five minutes, She knew I could literally throw said ferret a good deal of distance so the image of me punting the Malfoy made her giggle.
"Very well sir. Just watch out because he is a petty person." Having said that she didnt nag or anything as she obviously had some respect for me as a teacher. Plus, I think she was hoping if she didnt annoy me I wouldn't make the next day's exercise harder as even she was limping slightly as from the arrows hitting her seeing as she wasn't an athletic person nor had the drive to be push herself physically which resulted in her being made a metaphorical pincushion till she got the message.
Too bad... I am going to add swinging bags of sand or earth to those obstacles and have Flitwick enchant them to act like Bludgers and nail people, although they would be much softer than actual Bludgers that were basically a leather wrapped slightly larger Woman's Softball.
As I sat down in my staff chair and began eating my meat lover's pizza it didnt take long for Fleur to make her way into the dining hall and even though we didnt actually do the deed, she was wearing the glow only a woman who had been well satisfied so more than a couple odd looks were passed between me and her especially when Fleur who was in her own mental world ate silently and just stared at me dreamily ignoring the snickering girls surrounding her and trying to get the details of who tamed the fiery young woman.
"Two days till the first event... Think those kids are ready?" I asked McGonagall who was sitting beside me, eating what looked to be a Shepards pie.
The older woman just hummed in thought before slightly shaking her head. "No... Its dragons of all things." She sighed and stabbed her fork into the pie obviously frustrated. "I have had these children with me for eight months out of the year for a whole seven years so I honestly care for many of them deeply, almost like they were my own children. So no Jake, I do not think teenagers will be able to tangle with one of the three most dangerous creatures to walk this planet."
'Ah she must be thinking of Dragons, Nundus and I guess maybe a Basilisk?' I thought before wondering what kind of dangerous magical creatures where hiding in the ocean's...
"Don't worry Minerva I am sure that precautions will be taken." I tried to console but she only shrugged obviously anxious about the event so I just back my food.
I am open for commissioned chapter's if anyone wants more chapters for my stories.
Next 15 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi
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