

Born with an unrivaled tribrid bloodlines inherited from her witch mother and human father, Evelyn stands at the crossroads of light and darkness. She holds the key to both the salvation and annihilation of Zitherland. However, her bloodline powers were sealed from birth by her mother. As a result, she grew up among humans without any knowledge of her dormant powers and abilities. A weak and mediocre human mage. But as Evelyn faced life-threatening encounters and uncovered secrets about her identity through the voice in her amulet, her dormant powers started to awaken. What's more, the balance of power in the realms of Zitherland was beginning to teeter as well. With demons lurking and darkness closing in, can she rise above her own shadows and internal demons to save her world? Will Evelyn's destiny shatter the realm or bring forth its ultimate redemption? Embark on an odyssey of power, passion, and sacrifice that will leave you breathless. ————— Even though, this novel has a female MC... You should try it out because it is unique and full-packrd with action... My esteemed readers and fans should join my discord server let's connect together. There will be spoilers of the novel climax here in that community https://discord.gg/SdzyYgTa

De_Prodigy · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

P2: Sealed Bloodline Powers

Far from Wiccaland, on a grassy plain, a woman was writhing in agony. She lay on her back with her legs spread apart, tightly gripping onto some sturdy grasses as she endured the pains of childbirth. Her scrunched-up face and occasional muffled sounds revealed the intensity of her struggle.

This grassy plain was part of Humaldor, the human settlement located far from the Formation Border that divided the mortal realm.


In Zitherland, the mortal realm comprised two settlements: Wiccaland and Humaldor. These lands were divided by a barrier formation created by the Supreme Human and the Supreme Witch to restore peace. The conflicts between humans and witches have led to skirmishes and scuffles, prompting the separation of the two races into distinct settlements.

No human or witch can cross the border without the 'Token of Exit,' which is a requirement to pass through the barrier.

There is also the dark realm of Zitherland, known as Zithran, which is a different plane where demons and demonic subclasses reside.


Meanwhile, in another area of the plain near the labouring woman, the air began to shimmer with visible waves of energy.

The air around that area distorted, growing denser until a large disc-shaped rift emerged. The swirling energy surrounding the circular rift caused it to rotate rapidly within the distortion field.

The rotating rift, composed of distorted energy, grew in size and transformed into a portal. The portal immediately ejected two figures onto the ground.

Iranol and the newborn baby emerged from the portal, tumbling onto the grassy plain.

With the help of the portal, they've managed to cross the formation border and found themselves in the human settlement.

Quickly regaining her footing, Iranol picked up the baby and dusted her off. Seeing that the baby was only wrapped in a cloak, she reached for a pouch tied to her back. Iranol retrieved some clothes and gently dressed the newborn with them.

Noticing her surroundings, she took in the picturesque scenery that differed from Wiccaland. The grassy plain in Humaldor was sunnier, bathed in lush greenery.

The baby stifled out a cry as she felt the burning heat of the sun. Iranol, who realized that the sunlight might be too harsh for the baby, sought shelter in a nearby tree's shade.

Still keeping a watchful eye on the portal from which they had emerged, her thoughts raced. She marveled at Queen Leviathan's ability to create such a portal, a feat that only the three Supremes of Zitherland could accomplish.

However, panic gripped her as the portal began to shrink in size. Without sufficient spiritual energy sustaining it, the portal would soon dissipate. The implication is that the one who opened the portal is no longer providing it with spiritual energy.

Something is not right!

"Queen Leviathan is in trouble. What is happening?" Iranol muttered, her voice laced with worry.

"Your Majesty, you must not die. Please, you promised to join me here when you pushed me through the portal.

"I will infuse the portal with my spiritual energy to stabilize it, to give you time to join us." Tears welled up in her eyes, tracing a path down her face.

Iranol placed the baby under the tree and cast a camouflage illusion around her, effectively hiding her presence. To any onlooker, the baby would appear as if she was part of the tree itself, protected by the power of illusion. This is the unique ability of the Phantom bloodline, to cast illusion spells.

Without wasting a single millisecond, Iranol hurried towards the shrinking portal and began channeling her spiritual energy into it.

But her efforts seemed futile as the portal continued to shrink despite her attempts.

After some time had passed, a frail-looking woman was hurled out of the portal with great force, and it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

The woman didn't simply fall to the ground. Instead, she tumbled and skidded before somersaulting and coming to a stop near the tree, just a short distance from the camouflage illusion spell.

Iranol hurried to the woman, her heart pounding with concern. The woman was now covered in blood, her appearance a stark contrast to her regal stature as the queen of the witches. Disheveled hair was scattered across her head, bruises marred her body, and a noticeable indentation was visible on her chest armour—this was not the dignified queen that Iranol had known.

Dispelling the camouflage illusion, Iranol revealed the baby to Queen Leviathan. A weak smile graced the queen's face as she tried to reach for her newborn daughter, but her efforts were thwarted as she fell to the ground.

One of her legs was broken, which left her in pain and unable to move. Iranol gently placed the baby in the queen's arms before going to retrieve the shield that had fallen when she somersaulted earlier.

As she secured the Dragon Scale Shield, a scream pierced the air, originating from the nearby bushes. Iranol's instincts kicked in, and she swiftly moved towards the source of the sound to investigate.

After a few minutes, Iranol returned carrying a woman and a baby.

It was the same woman who had been in labour earlier, but based on her condition, it appears that she is now unconscious. 

Carefully, Iranol laid the woman and her newborn son on the ground beside Queen Leviathan.

"I found her in the nearby bushes. She passed out after delivering her baby boy," Iranol explained, her face etched with concern.

"Why is she here instead of receiving proper care at home during childbirth?" the queen inquired, her voice strained with the effort of speaking.

"I'm not sure, my queen... But she was wielding this sword," Iranol said as she brought out the weapon.

"And judging by the way the grasses were slashed, it seems she came here to practice."

"For now, let her be. We will find a way to send her back," Queen Leviathan declared, her attention fixed on resolving their current predicament.

"I depleted my powers trying to escape from the witch settlement, and now they have been further drained. Let's prioritize finding a solution to our current situation," she continued, acknowledging the urgency of their circumstances.

The queen unclasped a diamond amulet from around her neck and placed it gently around her daughter's neck. "Iranol, now Hunith and the witches are after us, especially since I used an unfamiliar power to escape. Sooner or later, they will discover that the power I used was of demonic origin."

"Demonic origin!" Iranol's eyes widened in surprise. "Does that mean...?"

"Yes, I have demon blood flowing within me. Actually, I wasn't born a hybrid. Ten years ago, something happened that infused me with the bloodline of a demon," the queen revealed, her voice growing weaker with each word. "I somehow devoured the Incubus sent by the Supreme Devil to seduce and drain me to death."

"Since then, I have evolved into a hybrid; part witch, part succubus. This is a secret I have kept hidden from everyone except you."

As the queen shared her extraordinary tale, Iranol grew increasingly astonished. She had never heard of a witch devouring a demon to become a hybrid of that demon. It made the queen's existence even more mysterious

"Now they will come for the baby, you, and me. We must take action to protect the baby, especially now that we are in human territory. I'm certain that she will possess a unique combination of human, witch, and demon bloodlines.

"So leaving her in any of the realms would be perilous. If humans, witches, or demons discover her, she will face immediate persecution," Queen Leviathan explained, her words laden with concern.

"But I have a plan. Whether you choose to join me depends on your stance. I won't force you to act against your will, for you have been my most loyal servant and I consider you a friend," the queen added, her gaze filled with gratitude.

Iranol knelt before the queen, her unwavering loyalty shining through her eyes. "Anything for you, my queen."

"You saved my life when the demons almost took it. Since then, I have pledged my loyalty to you alone. Even if the task requires my life, I am willing to give it," she declared, reaffirming her commitment to Queen Leviathan.

"You won't die, not now at least, but the task ahead might seem like it. Please rise," the queen assured her, a glimmer of hope amidst the challenges they faced.

Queen Leviathan's plan has been set in motion. She intended to seal the baby's witch and demon abilities onto the Spatial Diamond Amulet using a curse that only the child could break once she had matured enough to control those powers and protect herself from harm.

The human woman lying beside her, Dorcas, would play a crucial role in their plan. The queen plans have her adopt the little girl. It was necessary to safeguard the child's identity.

"However, I will need your spirit essence to be sealed in the amulet along with her powers. It will only awaken when she breaks the seal. It will guide and teach her how to harness her witch abilities."

"I am willing to do this for you, Your Majesty."

"But what will happen to you?" Iranol inquired with concern etched across her face.

"Don't worry about me. After completing all of these, I will be fine," the queen replied with a bitter expression on her face. She knew the sacrifice she was making, but it was the only way to ensure her daughter.

—— — ——

With her dwindling power, Queen Leviathan performed the intricate blood curse spell.

The amulet, mixed with a drop of her blood floated above her and radiated golden light before soaring toward the baby. A vortex of dark aura enveloped the child, causing energy to surge and pulsate around her tiny form.

Meanwhile, the queen reached out and placed her hand on Iranol's forehead, extracting her spirit essence. It was a delicate and perilous process, channeling Iranol's essence into the center of the vortex within the amulet.

Spirit essence extraction was considered one of the ancient forbidden arts, but the queen had no choice. She had to ensure the baby's protection and the awakening of her powers when the time was right.

Spirit essence is similar to one's consciousness and memory. Once removed from a person, their body will fall into oblivion. Chances are that they will wake up after years in a coma with lost memories of their past lives. The years one can spend in oblivion can span decades, centuries, or even millennia, depending on the circumstances under which one's spirit essence was separated from their body.

Hours passed as the spell neared completion. The glow of the amulet dimmed as it hung around the baby's neck, its colors blending into a mixture of gold, red, and black hues. Queen Leviathan shifted her gaze to Iranol's lifeless body, and she let out a sigh mixed with sadness.

With the spell completed, the queen tended to Dorcas and carefully brought her back to consciousness. There was something familiar about Dorcas - an unexplainable connection that stirred within Queen Leviathan whenever she touched her. But she has no time to ponder it further.

Using her hypnotic abilities, the queen altered Dorcas' memory and implanted the belief that she was the mother of the baby girl.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, the queen pressed a loving kiss on her daughter's forehead. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that she would soon depart for Wiccaland, carrying Iranol's body with her. She had made her choices and sacrifices for the sake of her child's future.

As the queen set off on her journey, questions filled her mind.

How would her daughter survive as a human, unaware of her true nature? Would she ever break the seal and tap into the immense potential of her powerful bloodlines?


End of Prologue Chapters...

And so, dear reader, let's embark on this extraordinary journey together. Join me as we witness the trials and triumphs of this tribrid girl. Her path is strewn with secrets, magic, and the unyielding strength of her heritage. Grab your popcorn, chocolates, candies (or whatever your favorite snack maybe) and settle in for a captivating adventure, as the subsequent chapters unfold before us.

Are you interested in learning about feud between the Queen and her elder sister, the root cause of the conflict between humans and witches, the categorization of witch bloodlines, the identity of the father of the Queen's daughter and his whereabouts, and the identities of the three Supremes of Zitherland: the Supreme Human, the Supreme Witch, and the Supreme Devil?

Chill. "I gat you"

I would greatly appreciate your reviews, comments, and constructive criticism. This is my first web novel.

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