Your average person gets knocked into the world of Teyvat 3 years before the plot unknown to him what's even happening . . . . Not if I have anything to say about it, AWAKEN
whelp I'm ridiculously sick and swallowing hurts so yeah that's fun especially since I just finished all my finals- yep totally not pissed
Anyways I don't got much to say since this chapters goal should be obvious by the title but for immersion or whatever I won't say what
...wait that just processed I quite literally let myself get kidnapped, whelp not surprised I don't have- wait foreseeable future?
I look at her eyes before saying " hey uh I know you said I'm gonna be in your watch and everything, but how long is 'the foreseeable future' "
she turns away from me for a second before immediately snapping back before saying " This one shall reveal this soon " she immediately turns around as if stopping further discussion
'well guess I'm fucked' I think as I follow her and we go into the temple, within the temple in the middle I see multiple statues of cloud Retainer surrounding the hallway
Each wall covered in multiple murals telling different stories, that are somewhat hard to read at the speed were moving
eventually we reach a large area with multiple doors, strangely one with red ropes is in the middle
She turns to me before saying " these will be your living quarters, besides the one with red ropes, and the one with feathers on the handle. Your completely free to explore on your own "
I give a thumbs up with both hands before saying "cool beans, but uh when exactly is this training stuff starting? oh also I assume the one covered in feathers is yours but who is the room covered in red ropes for?"
she says before turning around and walking away " Training starts next week, also your finding out who it belongs to tommorow "
'i mean that just explains nothing, now see personally me I wouldn't get kidn-' I shut up the voice in my head as I just shake my head and walk to my room
The doors in this place are oddly glowing blue energy in the cracks, gaining confidence I open the door and see a similar portal as earlier before walking through
Looking around I see the walls like the temple have a golden coating, with my 'room' having a bedroom area, and a large living room with various board games
' I genuinely wonder if this place has uno? if not I know what I'm doing today ' I think trying to kill time till tomorrow
getting bored quickly though I immediately go to the bedroom area and suddenly everything goes dark
"House keeping~" Lucifer says ringing a little bell in front of my body as I lay in the sand, I sigh at his words before pushing him away as I stand and dust myself off
"aww your no fun, anyways ready for some exciting news?" Lucifer says slightly floating in the air dramatically turning around
"sure can't be worse than the fact I got kidnapped for an undisclosed amount of time" I say rolling my eyes at his statement
"Nice Isekai novel name real money maker there~ But anyways I've come to inform you that finally I'm not alone in the hell that is your mind"
I tilt my head at his statement as I stretch out my hand vertically towards the twins building a sand castle in the distance
He shakes his head rapidly while shaking his finger before replying "actual company with my own kind~ congratulations my friend you have unlocked the ability to have another persona in your head"
I narrow my eye and look at him with a blank face while saying "oh joy another person who's going to be busy making fun me" He chuckles at the statement
"it's actually quite funny you said that actually because..." dark smoke covers an area as Lucifer does jazz hands
"Introducingggg~ your pretty old- new persona~" Lucifer says in an announcer voice reminiscent of super smash bros as a female figure appears among the smoke
"kaguya picaro!" Lucifer says as the smoke immediately clears as I see a robotic looking body with red dress shaped skin, alongside a white cloth reminiscent of wings on her back
"Was that really necessary?" Kaguya says looking at Lucifer while walking to me in a neutral tone 'oh god there's 2 of them' as she gets closer
"Yes, yes it was." Lucifer says in the most serious voice I've heard him in yet, "Y'know I'm starting to see a pattern of my persona's either being gods or demons"
I say out loud as kaguya gets as close as Lucifer before saying " It's an honor to meet you I hope I can serve you well during this time" she says with her knee bent to the ground
" ughh~ so stiff it's like heaven all over again " Lucifer says frowning in clear distaste toward Kaguyas behavior
" well for one I'm actually glad LU-CI-FER that someone actually somewhat chill, nice to meet ya also no need to bow " I say while attempting to lift her up
turns out she was as heavy as pure metal as Lucifer laughs at my struggle before kaguya got the message and promptly stood up making me fall from the sudden movement
" haha~ oh boy she is going to be a riot haha" Lucifer dies on the ground of laughter as kaguya tilts her head in confusion as I stand up again dusting myself off
"are things always like this?" she says confused at the complete chaos that was me and Lucifer
Suddenly I notice Caroline behind Kaguya as
she says " yes you would not believe their behavior, especially considering we take care of this place, isn't that right Justine?"
she says looking to her sister who for some reason is also behind Kaguya who seems done with our bullshit " If by taking care of the place you mean building sand castles sure sister "
Caroline seems to get silent as Lucifer finnally done laughing adds fuel to the fire "oh~ building sand castles, how surprisingly devious of our caring hosts "
Caroline despite her best attempts seems really embarrassed so I go in for the kill " Personally I think it's kinda cute gotta have fun when you literally live on a beach "
Everyone slightly laughs as Caroline's face turns red as she just walks away her sister following close behind her
As I enjoy this moment I hear a whisper in my ear 'strength confident rank 2' as suddenly everything goes dark
"This one demands you wake up!" I hear as a powerful gust of wind blows me onto the floor as I see a slightly angry Cloud Retainer through slits in my closed eyes
I slowly stand up back slightly aching as I rub my eyes giving clarity to my vision, as I see Cloud Retainer looking at me
"This one is disappointed it took 5 minutes to awake thou" Blinking my eyes to get my vision to 100 percent I respond
"I wasn't sleeping I was just happens that it was a very deep one" I say with a smile but she didn't seem very amused at my jokes
She shakes her head slightly covering her face with her wing before saying " well since you have awoken from your meditation you should be sprung enough to train "
Im then cought off guard as suddenly I feel extreme winds pressure that suddenly stops as I see my scenery change from a room to an open rock arena that eerily reminds me of cells arena from dragon ball
Cloud Retainer is in front of me suddenly is covered in strong winds that ruptures the wind around me 'boss fight much~ honestly I'd run given she is 50 levels higher....then again she could be a raid boss'
Ignoring the musings of the spirit in my head I
see a glowing green eye in the middle of the winds as they calm down to reveal a women
she has long black hair with a golden ornament at the top with blue feathers, wearing red glasses and very menacingly has her hands straightened outwards
"This one has chosen a form easier to learn from for a human shaped spirit such as yourself, now prepare yourself this one shall attack you soon"
Panicking I remember an Undertale character I saw one time and immediately cover my body with pride as I create 4 tendrils on my back for movement
"Interesting tactic this one is almost impressed" she says immediately moving at breakneck speeds toward me as I attempt to block
but she immediately stop with her nails piercing my skin as a small amount of blood drips down from my forehead
'listen I know it isn't the time but~ this is kinda hot' Once again ignoring the LITERAL devil whispering in my ear cloud Retainer says
"This one commends your creativity and your attempt to counter my speed however this one must inform you, there were too many openings within your movements"
"at the pace your going, your likely to be at acceptable levels of training in 2 years which is quite surprising to this one" I mentally pause before my brain processes it
"....wait 2 YEARS" and as my brain processes it I suddenly see a girl with silver hair approach the platform
"yes this one has noticed your talents, and bring able to even reach acceptable levels in 2 years is no mere feat" She then turns to the girl who was approaching
"for example this is my other disciple Shenhe
she has graduated from my training in 7 years but has still trained with me since" As the silver haired lady stops and looks directly at me
(Disclaimer I couldn't find any lore for the exact time she trained just her age so this is a rough estimate, an educated guess if I am to be so bold.)
Teacher: I have a brilliant idea let's assign work at the end of the year after finals
Teacher: *Hits author with 3 pages of homework*
whelp school was a bitch to finish, but eh guess there is only up from here
anyways sorry it took so long to post as you can see by my little meme I was a bit busy with work when I thought I was done so yeah that reality check hit different
anyways my schedule shouldn't go to shit since I don't have school anymore and am done with my sickness, been writing this gradually since Wednesday of last week
Seeya later ✌️