
My Unknown Life in Teyvat

Your average person gets knocked into the world of Teyvat 3 years before the plot unknown to him what's even happening . . . . Not if I have anything to say about it, AWAKEN

Kymani_Gwinn · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Butterfly's flight





nope nothing I'm going to get destroyed by this test. well me if there is any consolation- well there Is none your kinda fu-'

???: Mr. Atu are you done with your test time is almost over


'maybe if I pretend she doesn't exist I'll get more ti-'

???: Kymani Atu are you done with your test


"no I'm not done ye-" "done yet? you simply haven't done anything at all, this test should be simple for you." "but i-" but nothing your one of the smartest in the class but you don't apply yourself"

'whelp this is gonna be a long ass da-'

*dong dong dong dong....dong dong dong dong* 'bell my friend you save me once more'

"Sorry Mrs. Martin would love to continue this conversation but gotta go ho-" "listen there are only 2 days of testing left you can't spend your time lollygagging hoping to pass"

"listen I'll give you this single pass, I won't say anything you take this test at home and finish it. I've got a copy I'll pretend its yours so please finish it your mom's gonna be worried"

'hook, line, and sinker'

"Thanks you auntie I appreciate it. [grabs paper] I'm off Peace. [goes out of class]

*sigh* "That boy will be the death of me, how does his mother handle him

[MC looks like]

POV ???

"hmm what to do now, I'm currently at risk, the previous wildcard has died and HE is getting restless. I may have to take a risk and get someone fitting from the omega reality"

"Now which one do I pick [focusing on a singular name] ah yes he will be my masterpiece, however he must grow to fully encompass what I need"

"let's see.... Genshin Impact eh? This seems fitting, now I must lie in wait HE won't be too happy with this move I made."


"AND HE GOT FOLDED, I'm telling you Josh Broly is HIM" [looks away] *sigh* "how many times do we need to repeat this ITS KRATOS"


???: you guys chill we're in the park, literally nobody there and I can still feel people looking at y'all.

"Sorry Taraji" "fine I'll chill"

"Speaking of Josh why are we here, you didn't just call me for this argument right? you know I'll never give up."

Josh: the arguments happen because of you, I never wanted part in them. Also answering that my car finally came so I wanted to take y'all on a ride

"Pause" X3

Kymani: that was sus asf but sure I ain't tripping I wanted to buy the new Pokemon Scarlet, just jacked a few bucks from my mom probably gonna get my ass beat but its whatever.

Taraji: Dumb shit dumb results, but yeah Josh I'm going

" uh guys you seeing this "

"Seeing what?" X2

Josh: you smokin something without me? How could you.

Taraji: nice prank, I don't see anything though If your asking

"AW HELL NAH, so your telling me I'm the only one seeing that yellow butterfly"

"guys might be a protocol 10"

Josh: the one where someone sees some supernatural ass shit? FUCK, sorry dude I would help if I could but my grandma is sick can't die early

" understandable my good man, though if this isn't killing me imma kick your ass later"

Taraji: I gotta go to the hospital my Cousin is having surgery and wants me there with him

"Also understandable also just so you know Incase I disappear I always thought you were kinda hot, AIGHT PEACE" [runs as fast as humanly possible]

Josh: ha knew it

Taraji: WHAT


'SHIT THIS BUTTERFLY FAST, least glad I told my friends about protocol 1-10 while my mom was there, she should under- WOAH'

[Falls into a hole that suddenly appears]


' wait did that butterfly turn into a ma- '













[passes out for unknown amount of time]



"wait am I on a beach? WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!"

[sees clothes on nearby rock]


[Puts on clothes quickly]

'aight sweet got my fit on...now though'