
Annoying people really do exist in Campeek!

MONDAY. 10:00 AM.

I sigh loudly, feeling no life in me at all. I feel like digging a hole and going to sleep for 11,000 years. I look to the items in my hands once again then set both of them at the table beside the bed.

"I guess someone who's truely hurt could use it."

I wait about a minute before getting up and walking out of the tent. I plan on going straight to my tent, I don't feel like seeing or talking to anyone; want to be alone.

I come out of the tent, the morning sun hitting my face but then I sight someone standing close to the tent and he stares at me, I stare back already getting frustrated. What does he want this time?

"Sad faces don't look good on you. Or do you want to scare away innocent forest animals?" Jake makes a statement and walks past me.

I only glare at his retreating back, not being able to say anything. And now, he just made everything 10 times worse. I choose to ignore him and run towards my tent. Immediately my bed's in sight, I get on top of it, grab the blankets and scream into it, letting all my bottled-up emotions out.

"Kinsley are you okay?"

I immediately raise my head at the voice, my blonde hair messed up over my face so I quickly brush it away to see that same weird girl, who happens to be my third roommate.

"Look I'm sorry, but can you get out?" I ask with an edge to my voice.

"No, I cannot leave. I have to be here." She says with a straight face, her glasses sitting perfectly well on her nose with a book in her hands.

I sigh, rolling my eyes and going back under my covers, "Gosh I hate this place."

———7:21 PM


I'm pulled awake by a whispery voice.

"Kinsley, are you still asleep?"

I sigh inwardly, deciding to ignore the voice and go back to sleep, but the voice continues speaking.



"Are you really sleeping? It's almost time for dinner, you should eat."

I open my eyes back up unable to fall back asleep. I stare at my plain grey blanket which is currently covering every part of my body as I stay still in my position, not making an attempt to move or give any sign that I'm awake.

It takes about ten seconds before everything sinks back in— Waking up super early; leaving Jenny to play lacrosse; arguing with Jake; talking with Adrian; arguing with Jake again; getting hurt; faking a leg injury; being alone with Adrian; Madison showing up— and it was all awful.

Even if I wanted dinner, I don't want anymore. I just want to go back to sleep.

"Kinsley. Kinsley. You really should wake up to have dinner before it ends."

I frown. Now, who's this trying to ruin my peace? It's a female's voice but none that I recognize, now that I think about it, it sounds like that unknown third roommate.

"Kinsley." She calls again and I roll my eyes, getting frustrated.

"Are you asleep? Kinsley…" She draws my name in a loud manner, purposely to wake me up.

What's her problem?

"You have to wake up. Everyone's outside for dinner except us."

I continue to ignore her maybe then she'd give up.


"Oh, what do you want!" I yell at her with angry eyes as I pull the blankets off me.

She looks surprised at my outburst; I probably startled her. Her black rimmed glasses shimmering under the lights in the tent, her short brown hair down her face in waves and she has a huge yellow sweater on, she doesn't look so weird as she did when I first met her but what does she want now? Annoy me?

She composes herself, sitting straighter and giving me a serious look, "You didn't have to respond in that tone."

I glare at her once more, "If you don't want me to respond that way, then stop bothering me." I say, about to go back under the blankets when she speaks up again.

"It's time for dinner, aren't you coming?"

I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to calm down then turn to her, "If you want dinner, go eat. Leave me out."

I go under the covers.

"Actually, no, I can't just leave. You have to go with me, come on let's go together."

I roll my eyes even if she can't see me. She just wants to annoy me, doesn't she? I ignore her once more but she seems to be very persistent since she harshly pulls my blankets off of me and in a spilt second, blinding tent lights irritate my eyes.

I gasp as I stare shocked at her, "What the?" I stop myself short, "Have you gone insane?"

"Yeah, I might if you don't eat dinner."

I stare hard at her. Her skin is tone enough that it looks a little dark but it can be as a result of camp, then I notice a red mark on her cheek—looks like a mosquito bite. Serves her right.

"What is your problem? Can't you just leave? What does me eating dinner have to do with you?" I ask. "You don't want to get on my bad side, so just get out."

"Trust me, I want to leave your sorry ass but I can't." She replies and I scoff at her language.

I might kill someone this peaceful evening.

I decide to ignore her; silence is the best answer for a crazy person after all and I also have to be on my best behavior. I reach forward to take back my blankets but she doesn't let go. I pull my blankets again and she pulls them back, we continue struggling with the blankets for some seconds until I reach the peak of tolerance.

I immediately let go of the blankets, causing her to stagger a little [I wish she had lost balance and fell to the ground, then I won't be the only person who fell today]. I quickly stand up on my rock-hard bed and start yelling at her. I'm really having a bad day today, and the last thing I need is someone disturbing my peace.

"What on earth is wrong with your brain?" I yell at the top of my voice, feeling my whole body vibrate. "Did a tree fall on you this morning? Because we're tent mates doesn't mean we're friends. Didn't anyone teach you not to bother people you barely know? Well, I'll teach you how wrong that is when I shove your head into that corner and beat you up to pulp!" I angrily point to the space at my right. "Now would you leave me alone? Why are you being such a coconut head?"

If she's shocked by my anger, she doesn't show it. "You're the one being the coconut head. Just come out for dinner and I'll leave you alone." She replies in an equally angry tone.

I huff, placing my hands on my waist as I look round the tent then back to her. "Did my mum pay you for this? To monitor my eating schedules?"

"I don't know who that is and I don't care. Just come on, put on a jacket, it's cold outside and let's eat."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"If you don't eat dinner, I'll be in trouble."

"Says who?"

She eyes me, "Hell, I'm not telling you that."

This means someone asked her to do this. But why? And who? Maybe Mr. Sprayberry, he is in charge of Campeek! But she makes it sound like she was threatened to do this.

I sigh with a shrug as I hop off the bed, finally succeeding in taking my blankets back, "Well, I don't care and I hope you get in trouble because you are really getting on my nerves." I say, turning away from her to arrange the scattered bed sheets. "I even hope you get eaten by a Bear before Campeek! runs out."

"Wow, you're so childish."

I snap my head to glare at her.

She takes a seat on Jenny's bed, which is directly beside mine while hers' is lined horizontally behind our beds. I turn away to resume arranging my sheets, preparing to lay back down.

"Look, I don't really like you. I don't even like any of the students on this camp," She makes a sour face. "All I want right now is for you to eat dinner, so please let's go. I rarely say 'please'."

I drop the blankets on the bed and turn to her, "And look, I'm so sorry you're thick headed, which makes it difficult for you to process information. But when I say I'm not going out for dinner; it means I'm not going out for dinner."

She widens her eyes a little, "Wow, he did say you were stubborn."

I frown. What's she talking about?