
is it love? attraction?


my one or two sided love story ?

i wanted to pour out my emotions that i have been holding for years.

i went to study medicine in barbados in the year 2015 month jan. my first semester was fine went good. in the next semester i met a guy who was from U.S and had a pakistan origin.

1st glance

i still remember to this day the first glance of him where he was standing in the lobby with his friend and i was walking by to my friends room, i don't what was that feeling i couldn't even describe that feeling i had spark when we both saw each other . i don't know what he felt about me till today. but i didn't knew then that i had feelings for him.

2nd-1st meeting

the next day my room mates friend and my senior introduced me to him in my room, i was soo thrilled!!!!! and there was this funny incident happened….after we chat for a while he was saying us bye and he bumped into the wall by looking at us :) i couldn't forget that moment. me and my room mate literally laughed out loud he felt embarrassed.

as time went by i wanted to seek an opportunity to talk to him we began to see each other but never really talked their was only hi and bye for few weeks. we both had a common friend who was from nigeria, he and my nigerian friend used to go on night walk to the beach mostly everynight , one night i was sitting in the lobby alone bored and relaxed and they were on their night routine walk my nigerian friend noticed me and ask if i would like to join? i was eagerly waiting for a chance so i said yes. we three went on for a walk it was around 9:00 pm , we went half way to the beach and came back as it was getting late so we returned to the campus and said good night to each other. that night I was soo thrilled i had butterflies in my stomach. AND I HAD A VERY GOOD SLEEP.

the other part continues.

i still don't understand what is the meaning to my recurrent feelings till this day?!!!!!!!

hebsibacreators' thoughts