
My Ultimate Dragon Ball What if's.

My Dragon Ball What if's. Read them and comment telling me more ideas for the next Dragon Ball What if's. There'll also be some reincarnation scenarios so don't think its just What if's.

DaoistRo15uY · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
57 Chs

Chapter 2-Saiyan Conflict

Majin Buu held his unconscious friend in his arms while flying quickly to some place secluded where Gohan could recover from his overtaxing trauma to his mind and body. Below the pink monster, people looked up to see Majin Buu flying, and of course they panicked in the belief that their city was next. As this happened, the military had been called in to deal with Majin Buu in their own way, and were watching him closely to prepare for a strike against the creature.

"Dragon Fly 1 can you see the target?" said the military General currently in charge of the campaign against Majin Buu, as he sent several recon choppers to see where the pink blob went, and keep their distance to prevent provocation.

"This is Dragon Fly 1, I see the target, and it's currently holding someone in front of it's body in it's arms," said the pilot, as he awaited orders from the General, and hoped that his team were not going on a suicide run.

"That's the creature's ally. He must have been hurt in someway after that other weird creature named Babidi was killed. Stay back for now. If we wait long enough, then the creature will settle down in an area where we can capture the boy, and plan an attack against the monster," said the General, as he had orders to kill the creature, and possibly bring in the boy for questioning before putting him on trial.

"Copy that General. Dragon Fly 1 continuing recon," said the pilot, as he watched with the rest of the recon team how Majin Buu went even faster, and found it difficult to keep up.

(Kami's Lookout-Several Hours Later)

"Guy's we have trouble," said Dende, as he sensed what was going on, and feared for Gohan's life while unconscious.

"What do you mean? Majin Buu's not destroying anything from what I'm sensing," said Krillin, as he saw Dende give a weak smile like that in itself was a small favor, and then turn grim with despair.

"The various governments throughout the world are watching Majin Buu and preparing a military assault against him once he lands someplace fitting of him. But that's not the real problem. Gohan is still unconscious and from what I have gathered...they plan to capture Gohan before putting him on trial for helping in the attempt in destroying of the world," said Dende, as he saw the others gasp, and knew they would succeed until Gohan did wake up.

It wasn't wise to provoke a Saiyan.

"Has Majin Buu made any attempts at landing yet?" said Yamcha, as he knew the instant Majin Buu landed, things could go bad instantly for Gohan, and they may have to step in.

"No. He's going somewhere secluded with lots of wide open space," said Dende, as he had been tracking Majin Buu for some time now, and while concerned that the monster would act wildly without its wizard of a handler...that was fortunately not the case.

For now anyway.

"Damn. If the military attacks him in such an area, Majin Buu can cut lose all he wants, and slaughter them all," said Krillin, as he knew that this would cause Majin Buu to go out, and destroy everyone that tried to attack him.

"Any word on Tien?" said Dende, as he knew their friend was out there somewhere in the world, and could use his help right now.

"None. After Bojack, he went into seclusion to focus on his training with Chiaotzu, and hasn't been seen for last 7 years," said Yamcha, as he had no way to get a hold of his old friend, and told the three eyed warrior to get a cell phone or something.

"How goes the Fusion training?" said Dende, as that was the only thing that could stand against Majin Buu, and even then it was cutting it close.

"Goku is still training with them. Piccolo and Master Roshi are watching it carefully to understand it better," said Krillin, as he sighed heavily, and ran his hand through his hair in a tired manner while looking over at his wife feeding their child.

"Well, at least that's some good news. Wait! Has anyone seen Videl? Or Chi-Chi?" said Yamcha, as he looked around, and found neither woman was nowhere to be found.

That wasn't a good sign.

"YOU BITCH!" yelled Videl, as the sound of something breaking could be heard, and another sound of someone crashing into a wall.

That wasn't a good sign either.

"What do you know?" said Chi-Chi, as she fought against Videl, and holding her own despite the much younger girl having learned a few things from Gohan.

"I know enough that you would be selfish in your own goals while making Gohan your little puppet. That's sick lady! I don't even want to know what you would do to Goten when he was older," said Videl, as she had to give Chi-Chi credit in being this strong after so many years of not training.

"Good, because I'm not going to tell you! As for Gohan, I'm only doing what it best for my family, and I will not stop until my dreams come true," said Chi-Chi, as she blocked three punches, a kick, another kick, and countered with a fist of her own that was caught by the girl.

"Your dreams? What about Gohan's? How can he get into a good College if there is no world left to go to one? You just can't see beyond your own needs!" said Videl, as she grappled with Chi-Chi, and were trying to destroy the other.

"ENOUGH!" yelled Piccolo, as he pride the two apart, and threw Chi-Chi through a wall while keeping Videl on the ground while still in his grip.

"Mr. Piccolo?" said Videl, as she saw the serious, and scary green namek in awe since he was indeed the intimidating site she remembered back when she competed in the World Marital Arts Tournament.

"Just call me Piccolo. 'Mr. Piccolo' sounds weird to me," said Piccolo, as he saw the girl nod, and took this time to truly study her.

From what the namek sensed, Videl's current power level was incredible, as it was clear she took her training seriously, and had a fierce warrior spirit. This made Piccolo smirk since it was clear that Gohan's Saiyan side while originally suppressed had influenced the human side enough to fall for Videl because of her qualities.

"You've known Gohan most if not all of his life haven't you? What was he like? I mean before...you know," said Videl, as she wanted to know the real Gohan, and hope to reach him should they ever meet again.

"Why don't you sit down, this is going to take awhile," said Piccolo, as he told Videl about Gohan, and how the boy always had hidden potential inside his body that helped out on more then one occasion with the various enemies they made.

(With Majin Buu)

Majin Buu smiled to himself at successfully finding a wide open area to land and setup a home for himself and his friend until the young half-Saiyan awakened. Placing Gohan on the ground, Buu set out to make himself a home, and made it large enough to hold the two of them with room to spare.

Once finished, Majin Buu took Gohan inside, and placed him on a bed of sorts before the pink blob sat down himself while deep in thought on what to do about his friend. There were people out to get his friend, which Majin Buu didn't like since everyone seemed to have some kind of agenda, and must protect his friend from those that would hurt Gohan. Buu was not entirely bad like Babidi made him out to be, as he was like a kid with no real direction, and Gohan was the only real friend he had who could help him.

Buu was not going to lose his only friend in this world.

In another room, Gohan groaned in pain from the killer Eternal Dragon size headache hit him, and slowly sat up before looking around to find he was in some kind of house. As got off of his bed, Gohan sensed Buu in another room, and being quite calm for once. It wasn't like the calm before the angry storm that Majin Buu had, but rather one of deep thought, and made Gohan wonder what the massive pink blob was thinking.

"Majin Buu? Is everything okay?" said Gohan, as he knew that with Babidi gone the pink powerhouse could be a mad dog without a leash, and provoking him would be dangerous even for him.

"Gohan! Buu is so happy to see you are awake! Mean old wizard died and you were hurt somehow. Mean old Father tried to take you away, but Buu wouldn't let him, and brought you here to my new house!" said Majin Buu, as he saw Gohan nod, and frown in thought at this latest development.

"Thanks a lot Buu. I appreciate this more then you know. I can only imagine what would happen if I was brought back by my Father. Though I need know what exactly you are going to do? No offense Buu, but from what the Supreme Kai told us, you aren't exactly the nicest guy to have around, and while I am your friend I feel as your friend that you should let me know," said Gohan, as he knew that if Buu was like a child, then as such should be handled like one, and be kept happy in order to prevent the pink blob from destroying the Universe.

"Buu understands. Buu is your friend and nothing will ever change that," said Majin Buu, as he smiled at Gohan, and the half-Saiyan smiled back though it ended when a whistling sound from outside that got louder before they saw a white flash mixed with fire.

(Outside-At the Moment)

The explosion was massive, as the General in charge of the operation watched with some form of anticipation in seeing the creature being destroyed by one of their new advanced missiles. Though considering how strange the entities abilities really were, the chance of the missile having any effect was a small percentage, and would have to use more then just one missile.

"We got them General!" said a solider next to him seeing the explosion with his buddies cheering next to him, but the General only frowned, and looked at the remains of the area with his binoculars.

'No. Its too easy. Even if that boy died, it wouldn't mean the creature did too, and if this thing isn't effected by bullets...,' thought the General, as his current thoughts on the matter ended when the ground shook violently where Majin Buu had setup his home, and two huge blasts of energy shot up into the heavens.

Rising from craters they were in, Gohan along with Majin Buu turned to look at the army off in the distance responsible for this, and neither of them were happy at the moment.

(Kami's Lookout)

"Oh no! Those fools!" said Piccolo, as sensed Gohan's power rising, and so did everyone else with Majin Buu's being at that same level.

"They didn't!" said Krillin, as he sensed the two power levels down below, and became frightened when sensing this power.

"They did!" said Piccolo, as he sensed Gohan was not in a good mood to be attacked by anyone right now after just waking up shortly before hand, and dropping a bomb was not the right way to start things off.

"You don't think Gohan is going to help Majin Buu kill them, do you?" said Yamcha, as he saw Piccolo frown at this, and wondered how much of Gohan's Saiyan side was now in control?

"Keep watching the situation. I need to continue helping the boys with the Fusion dance," said Piccolo, as he walked with a purpose to the two young half-Saiyans to drill Fusion into their heads in a manner that they could do it in their sleep.

(With Gohan and Majin Buu)

Gohan hovered next to Majin Buu with both not looking very happy at the moment, as they stared at the large army sent to destroy them, and the half-Saiyan of the two was feeling the need to retaliate. Without a word to Majin Buu, Gohan raised his right hand towards the military force, and created a ball of energy that could be released upon them without hesitation.

"Majin Buu, do you want to turn any of those people into food before we destroy their toys, or do you just want them gone?" said Gohan saw Majin Buu frowning in thought, and knew that Buu was thinking the same thing.

"Buu not hungry right now. Buu can always eat later," said Majin Buu as he charged up one of his own attacks, and in a similar pose that Gohan was in now before they shot their attacks at the same time that hit the army in a massive explosion that wiped them out.

"I hate uninvited guests. Shame about the house Majin Buu," said Gohan, as he wondered how Buu made it, and what it looked like on the outside.

"That's okay. Buu can make another one," said Majin Buu has he felt good letting those people know he didn't appreciate his home being destroyed like that.

"You do that while I go fly around for a bit to get some fresh air. I'll be back later on to check up on you," said Gohan, as he knew Majin Buu's energy signature, and knew the pink blob couldn't hide it from him.

"Okay! Bye bye Gohan," said Majin Buu, as he saw his friend fly off, and decided to rebuild his house.

While Majin Buu did that, Gohan took to the air, and let his mind clear up from all the fogginess his mind still had in his head. He thought back to what he just did now with army that came and attacked them to find himself surprisingly not feeling any guilt over it. Why would he? He was defending himself and making sure Majin Buu didn't go on a rampage upon retaliation for the attack.

'Hopefully, Majin Buu won't get into too much trouble, and a solution can be found to prevent more lives being taken,' thought Gohan, as he took off to find his own secluded place to think, and figure out his next move on the road of life.

If only things could be that simple.

(Kami's Lookout)

"Gohan has left Majin Buu!" said Dende happily, as he sensed his friend flying away from the pink blob, and seemed to be all right in terms of health.

"Do you know where he's heading?" said Yamcha, as he wondered if Gohan would come here, or go somewhere else to be alone?

"No. He's not heading here either. I think he's flying around simply because he enjoys it. Not that I blame him," said Dende, as he knew Gohan loved to fly when he was a kid, but his Mother had forbid him from doing it in the belief that her child would hurt himself, and hinder his brain from learning every form of knowledge she crammed down his poor throat.

As if!

"Let me go fly down to see him!" said Videl, as she wanted go to see Gohan again, and maybe convince the boy she loved to come see her.

"That may not be a good idea Videl," said Krillin, as he didn't want Gohan to perceive her as a threat, and do something that would set the half-Saiyan off.

"I have to try! I can at least let Gohan know I care for him regardless of his Saiyan side," said Videl, as she took off, and ignored the others calling out for her to stop.

"Do you really think we should stop her?" said Yamcha, as he saw the girl taking off after Gohan, and hoped she didn't get into any trouble.

"Well, its either that, or be the referee for when she and Chi-Chi get into another fight," said Krillin, as he grinned sheepishly before being hit in the head by his wife, and then questioned him about being perverted like the Turtle Hermit.

(With Gohan-Hours Later)

Gohan loved flying in the sky. It was a simple fact. To be high in the air was like being free and Gohan loved every second of it. When he first showed Videl how to fly, Gohan felt proud to know he had helped someone else discover this freedom, and never wanted to be grounded ever again.

Gohan instantly stopped floating forward while his back, as he thought about Videl, and how she didn't was able to accept who he was without hating him. He remembered how she came to understand that he was the one who defeated Cell, not her arrogant jerk of a Father, and wasn't afraid of him like others would be at school if they learned Son Gohan was half-Saiyan.

'Videl, I wonder if you can accept the fact I've changed, and more aggressive then I was when we first met?' thought Gohan, as his human, and Saiyan side had agreed the girl was a strong woman worthy of being his mate.

Gohan's human side had been submissive to Videl because she was strong like that, but the Saiyan side in him was not, and yet it loved her for the strong commanding presence she had. Videl's was power level could become incredibly strong without enough training in the right circles, she was a good fighter already, and wasn't so narrow-minded in the belief that what he could do was a simple "trick" or "smoke and mirrors" like Hercule had always claimed it was.

"Gohan! Gohan!" said Videl called to the half-Saiyan in he distance, as she flew over to him with all the power she had, and crashed right into him just when he floated upright.

"Videl?" said Gohan, as he was surprised she came to see him, and even more that she was crying right into his shirt.

"Yes its me you stupid idiot! Why didn't you come see me after you left Buu? Why didn't you come to the Lookout?" said Videl, as she held onto him, and pounded into his chest despite the fact it had the physically impacting effect of fly hitting a wall.

"I didn't think you wanted to me around me like this. From what I remember, you like the wimpy submissive Gohan, who acts goofy, and doesn't fight unless I'm Saiyanman," said Gohan, as he smirked at Videl, and she glared at him with teary eyes before punching him in the chest.

"I LIKE YOU REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU ARE YOU IDIOT!" yelled Videl, as she was getting a desire to find a frying pan, and hit him with it.

Maybe it was a woman thing.

"So loud and powerful. You have no idea how many points you are getting right now from my Saiyan side," said Gohan, as his tail wrapped around her waist, and surprised the girl slightly since Videl didn't think he had that much control over it.

'Gohan's acting like a completely different person and yet...I like it. All the boys around me are all macho pigs that can't look past their own muscles or wimps who cower under the presence of strong woman in order to please them. But Gohan is neither. He is in his own way...perfect!' thought Videl, as she felt him pull her closer with his tail, and she had to admit the feel of it was very...interesting.

"You know Videl...I seem to remember Hercule once saying that only someone stronger then him go date you. Do you think I qualify?" said Gohan, as he a mischievous look on his face, and brought her own closer to it.

"I think you meet the standards needed and if not...well my Father will just have to put up with it like always," said Videl, as she grinned too, but had a very noticeable blush on her face, and they were inches apart from kissing.

That's when the explosion in the distance was seen.

"Damn it!" said Gohan and Videl at the same time before looking at each other with the half-Saiyan smirking while girl blushed in embarrassment.

"That came from Majin Buu's direction. I think someone just provoked him into a fight and they lost," said Gohan, as he saw Videl look up at him with worry, and he knew that despite his incredible strength...the chance Majin Buu killing him was still possible.

"A hero's work is never done, is it?" said Videl, as she wanted to fight beside Gohan, but knew she was outclassed, and would be getting in his way.

"No it never does. Tell you what, when this is over, we get some alone time, and continue where we left off here. Sound good?" said Gohan, as his tail began caressing her thighs, and made Videl blush deeper while letting out an "eep!" at a part of her body where the tail was moving before slapping him in the shoulder.

"Gohan! Don't tell me your Saiyan side is also perverted?!" said Videl, as she had been told how Roshi was a pervert, and how Gohan has spent some time with the old Turtle Hermit when he was a child.

Perhaps too much!

"Who? Me? No! But I can tell from my Saiyan senses that you don't disapprove of my tail's little affectionate actions either," said Gohan, as he smirked at Videl's shocked face, and blushing while giving him a glare at the same time.

"You are being a pervert!" said Videl, as she felt the tip of Gohan's Saiyan tail rub her rear end before patting it, and would have hit him had he not give her such a passionate kiss.

There was no fighting this.

"Maybe a little, but you have to admit...the fringe benefits are nice, don't you think?" said Gohan, as he saw Videl looking shocked, and her eyes were slightly glazed over.

"Y-Yes they...they are," said Videl, as she had been blown away by his kiss, and found her mind had shut down because of it for a few seconds.

"Listen Videl, I know you've been to Kami's Lookout so I need you to head back there, and let me handle Majin Buu while having them back off for now. He's like a child, who just wants to have fun, and whatever darkness is inside of him can be suppressed," said Gohan, as he saw Videl nod in understanding, and slowly moved away from him.

"You're still a hero, right Gohan?" said Videl, as she saw Gohan smirk, and nod his head.

"Yes. Though don't be surprised if I'm not the saint I was before," said Gohan, as his tail caressed Videl's rear one more time before breaking away fully from her, and she simply returned the grin while watching him head towards Majin Buu.

'I think I might look forward to that part,' thought Videl, as she blushed at what her mind just spoke, and wondered if Gohan's Saiyan side had a hand in it.

(With Majin Buu-At the Moment)

Things had been going fine for Majin Buu for awhile after Gohan left, as he had rebuilt his house, no one was trying to destroy it, and in short...all was well!

However, such things were not meant to last, as a kid named Gotenks appeared, and then proceeded to attacked Majin Buu in the hopes of saving the world.

The boy failed, escaped, and had the battered body to prove it

Then, Satan Hercule came with to see him with "gifts" in hand, which were all secretly meant to weaken, and ultimately kill the pink blob. But true to Hercule's luck in dealing with such entities beyond his power, the "gifts" were ineffective in taking down Majin Buu, and had resort to using his brain along with the trusting child like nature of the pink blob.

Surprisingly, it worked!

In the time Hercule spent with Majin Buu, the man learned how the pink killing machine had a gentle nature to him, and wasn't the horrible thing everyone thought him out to be. Hercule even saw Majin Buu heal a dog and named it Bee with the animal being Buu's new pet to become another friend to play with.

However, with every positive influence, a negative one came shortly after, and some low level scum had decided to spy on Majin Buu before taking aim at his dog. This of course made Majin Buu very angry, more so then ever before, and caused a chain reaction that no one saw coming.

Majin Buu had split into two different entities.

The Good Majin Buu was in fact the fact pink blob everyone had come to fear and the evil Majin Buu was a skinny gray thing that looked like it had been nearly starved to death. The two different Majin Buus fought while Hercule and Bee hid behind some rocks with the skinny evil Majin Buu becoming victorious in his fight against his good counterpart before eating him to become stronger then ever!

Now Majin Buu had become what Babidi wanted from the start, only now their was no wizard to seal up the creature, and was now ready to run rampant on the world if not the Universe.

With his new sense of power that came with Majin Buu's much increased intelligence, the new improved destroyer of life could now sense power levels, and some of the strongest ones were above him. Buu was about to go up to Kami's Lookout when he sensed another power level heading his way and it was one he was familiar with and soon saw Gohan in the air in front of him.

"Hi Majin Buu. You've slimmed down. Cutting back on your sweets?" said Gohan, as he saw the former pink tub of lard now transformed into pink lean fighting machine, and the power level behind it was roughly his own.

"Funny. You are a funny guy. And...you are strong," said Majin Buu, as he grinned evilly at Gohan before getting ready for a fight.

"So that's how its going to be huh? Well, I have been itching for a fight, and you're no pushover either Buu. So...let's make this fight a good one," said Gohan, as he powered up to Super Saiyan 2, and went into a fighting stance.

"Buu remembers you went into a stage beyond that one. Why won't you fight Buu in that form like you fought your Father?" said Buu, as he wanted a good fight, and Gohan now frowned since he didn't expect Buu to remember that.

"Do you really want to wait for me to transform into Super Saiyan 3?" said Gohan, as he saw the bloodlust in the Buu's eyes, and that gave him the answer to his question.

"Yes! Give Buu a fight like you gave your Father. Such passion, such hatred, and fury is something that will make our fight all the more memorable!" said Majin Buu, as he had wanted to fight Gohan like the boy had fought his Father, and wasn't going to be denied now simply because of a former friendship.

"As you wish," said Gohan in a serious tone, as he powered up, and ascended to Super Saiyan 3 with the power shaking the Earth around him.

"YES! YES! FIGHT BUU! FIGHT WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!" yelled Buu, as he was thrilled to finally have a battle of this magnitude, and powered up further to match Gohan's level.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," said Gohan, as he came at Majin Buu, and the pink skinned monster came at him too with the ground shaking upon impact of their fists connecting.

(Kami's Lookout)

"Do you feel that? It's incredible!" said Piccolo, as he sensed the battle below, and the others sensed it too.

"Its hard to imagine that there is a Super Saiyan 3, but after seeing Goku, and then Gohan ascend to that level I really shouldn't," said Krillin, as he sensed Gohan's power, and saw now how Goku was pushed back during the Father & Son fight.

'He won't be like this for long. When Gohan least suspects it, I'm going to cut off that damn tail, and return my baby back to normal!' thought Chi-Chi, as she sensed the fight, and was not pleased how her eldest child was fighting Majin Buu.

In Chi-Chi's mind, Gohan should be home studying, and eventually preparing himself for a highly sophisticated College. How Gohan should be away from violent thugs, who call themselves "Martial Artists", and a certain girl with Martial Arts training who poisoned her son's mind by encouraging her baby to be like them.

"Can you tell whose winning?" said Goten, as he sensed his big brother fighting Buu, and holding his own at the moment in a draw.

"I think Gohan is, but every time your brother blows a piece of the pink blob off, he just has the limb grow back, and Buu just doesn't die!" said Trunks, as he wished to go down there, and fight Buu after using Fusion with Goten.

"Trunks! Goten! Get ready to fuse. If Gohan somehow loses, we need you to attack next while Majin Buu is weakened, and finish him off!" said Piccolo, as he knew that this fight would weaken if not kill Majin Buu, and this would be the chance they may need to stop the creature.

"You don't think Gohan will lose to Buu, do you Piccolo?" said Videl, as she knew this was cutting it close, and winced when she sensed Gohan's pain from a punch to his face.

"I don't know Videl. Its too close to tell. At any rate, if Gohan does die, we can always wish him back with the Dragon Balls, and everyone else Buu has killed," said Piccolo, as he sensed Gohan delivering several punches to Majin Buu, and followed up with a spin kick with an energy blast combo.

"Including me," said a gruff voice that made everyone's eyes widen and look at the one person who should not be in the living world right now.

"Vegeta!" said Bulma, as she saw her husband landing on Kami's Lookout with a halo on his head, and a scowl on his face.

"Dad!" said Trunks with joy, as he ran to his Father, and gave him a hug that the Saiyan Prince didn't reject but didn't return either.

"What? You were expecting Santa Clause?" said Baba, as she floated down on her crystal orb, and smiled at everyone.

"Baba? What are you doing here and with Vegeta?" said Master Roshi, as he saw the old witch look at him like he was an idiot, and then back to the others.

"It took some persuasion, but King Yemma decided that Vegeta could help fix this mess in a way to clean up his record, and start over in a way," said Baba, as she saw Vegeta scowl at her, and then focus on his wife staring at him before she slapped him in the face which was followed by her hugging him while calling him a "royal jerk" among other things.

"How's Goku? I'm sure he was surprised to see Vegeta?" said Krillin, as their friend was no doubt concerned for the Earth like they were, and now back in the Other World.

"Good as Goku can be. Oh, before I forget, the Supreme Kai is not dead, and is back in Other World right now trying to think up a plan to destroy Majin Buu," said Baba, as she saw Piccolo seemed relieved by that, and so did the others who knew of the Supreme Kai being last seen fighting Majin Buu.

"Any plan the Supreme Kai makes will fail. He's not a warrior. Only a warrior can defeat a monster like Majin Buu," said Vegeta, as he sensed Gohan's power, and was impressed by it since he had originally thought the boy had gone soft on purpose.

Now, Vegeta knew differently, and would make a mental note to have Gohan spar with him in the near future if he ever came back to life.

"Something's happening!" said Dende, as his eyes widened at the events happening down below, and dropped his staff at what he was entering his mind from what he was sensing.

(With Gohan and Buu-At the Moment)

Gohan was panting heavily and surprisingly so was Majin Buu from the fight with both fighters having spent a great deal of their energy. However, Gohan was not going to give up, and was determined to prove he was every bit the warrior his ancestors were. Majin Buu had a few marks on him that had yet to fully heal, which meant the blob could be hurt if enough power was put behind it, and Gohan knew he was going to have to dig deep for this to work.

'I only have one chance to destroy him with this move,' thought Gohan, as he landed on the ground, prepared to use the Kamehameha Wave on Buu while the pink monster began to make an energy attack of his own.

"That's it! This is the fight I've been waiting for! DIE! 'Obliteration Wave!'" said Buu, as he shot his attack at Gohan, who retaliated with the Kamehameha Wave, and the two energy attacks were locked in a vicious battle for supremacy.

In Gohan's mind, this was exactly like the encounter his Father had with Vegeta when they first fought each other, and like before it was pretty even from the start. The ground shook all around them, as the two energies clashed for dominance, and neither side was giving in while pushing each of their bodies to the limit.

'I won't lose. I won't hold back like I did when I fought Cell or every other time before then. I am the descendant of proud, strong Saiyan Warriors, and I...will...not...LOSE!' thought Gohan, as he unleashed all his power at Majin Buu, and pushed the energy from the pink monster back towards the fiend.

"This can't be happening!" said Majin Buu, as he was surprised that Gohan was slightly more powerful then him, and was pushing his attack back.

In the end, Gohan's attack had won against Buu's, with the energy consuming the pink monster while the energy attack left Earth's atmosphere, and went into outer space before fading away. Down below, Gohan was panting heavily from using so much of his energy in that attack, and stumbled now as the taxation of using it took its toll on him before he collapsed to the ground exhausted.

As for Majin Buu, the remains of the pink entity started floating down to the ground in little tiny chunks, and didn't move from their fallen positions. Gohan looked with tired eyes, as he saw Majin Buu's remains everywhere, and smiled to himself knowing that this was in fact a draw between them for the moment.

Gohan was too drained to fight anymore and Majin Buu was too weak to regenerate...for the moment.

The last thing the half-Saiyan saw before darkness claimed his vision was the sight of familiar footwear warn by a certain Saiyan Prince along with the man look down at him a proud smirk on his face at seeing his rival's son.

Vegeta didn't speak it, but he was proud of Gohan, and part of the Saiyan Prince wished the boy was his own son.

(Kami's Lookout-Sometime Later)

Gohan groaned in pain, as he opened his eyes to see Dende healing him on a bed in the Lookout, and saw Videl behind him looking worried. Across from them were the two chibi half-Saiyans looking at him in wonder or more precisely...his twitching Saiyan tail.

Gohan smirked slightly at their actions when Goten tried to poke it, only for the tail to have a mind of its own, and smack the boy's hand while giving a form of scolding finger motion. Trunks laughed at Goten, but stopped when Gohan's tail smacked him on the head, and began the same scolding manner it had done on the younger chibi-Saiyan.

"Trunks! Goten! Leave Gohan's tail alone!" said Bulma, as she came into the room to see her friend look at her with a smile, and he returned it with a tad bit of a Saiyan smirk on it that reminded her so much of Vegeta on those rare times he slept in to wake up next to her.

Very rare times.

"Thanks Bulma. Last thing I need is for them to grab it and pull on it like its some toy. Knowing Goten, he'll probably try to bite it, and see how it tastes," said Gohan, as he chuckled at the memory of how Goten was so much like their Father, and more so in eating things that were not supposed to be eaten.

"True. I got to admit Gohan, you had us worried there for awhile when you were under Babidi's control, and started going evil on us," said Bulma, as she saw Gohan flinch at that part, and seemed to avert his eyes from her.

"Yeah. Sorry about that Bulma. Its just...all my life, I have been this kid, who has been holding back because I was too gentle with everything, and I just can't handle being that person. I'm not some human scholar, who finds Martial Arts barbaric, but a man whose part of an ancient warrior race that prides itself on being masters of fighting, and I can't forsake that part of me. I know my Mother tried to keep that part of me suppressed, but I helped her in that regard by not fighting against it, and that was my mistake. One I fully intend to correct," said Gohan, as Dende finished his healing process, and let his friend sit up.

"I managed to heal you Gohan, but I would take it easy for a full day if I were you, and just relax here," said Dende, as he saw Gohan nod, and turned to go with Bulma along with the two chibi-Saiyans.

Leaving just Gohan and Videl.

"So...what did I miss?" said Gohan, as he saw Videl look at him for a moment before diving onto the bed, and began kissing him with a passion.

"Me for one," said Videl, as she continued to kiss him, and Gohan returned it with him rolling her over so he was on top.

"Can't argue with that," said Gohan, as he began to let his hands roam her body, and loved how she moaned under his touch.

"After your battle with Majin Buu, the thing slowly pulled itself together, and took off to someplace in East. He hasn't shown himself since and he maybe up to something," said Videl, as she snuggled against his chest, and shivered under his protective embrace.

"He's planning something big. Majin Buu's not stupid anymore, which means that Fusion dance the squirts are using will be needed, and I'll need to get ready for it too in my own way," said Gohan, as he sat up slightly, and Videl still stayed on him to keep him on the bed.

"I thought Dende told you to take it easy?" said Videl, as she saw Gohan smirk at her, and felt his tail roaming along her butt.

"I am taking it easy. If I wasn't, you wouldn't be wearing clothes right now, and we'd be doing something very naughty," said Gohan, as he saw Videl blush at that, and he could tell from his senses she was aroused.

"I thought Saiyan's didn't do things easily," said Videl, as she knew that such a challenge would provoke his Saiyan side, and saw his dark eyes change for a second to their Super Saiyan color.

"I knew there was a reason my Saiyan side liked you so damn much," said Saiyan, as he began to kiss Videl with even greater passion, and began to move his hand under the girl's shirt to her breast that made the daughter of Hercule moan out in pleasure.

"SON GOHAN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING KISSING THAT LITTLE HARPY?!" yelled Chi-Chi, as she saw Gohan tongue fighting with Videl, and didn't want her son near the girl.

The two young aroused teenagers looked up from their heated making out with red faces and neither of them spoke since they didn't really expect to be interrupted by anyone. Gohan didn't appreciate it in the slightest, as he was feeling happier with Videl then he had in the last 7 years of his life, and now his Mother was ruining it. Gohan's human side was upset at this, but his Saiyan side was far worse in the negative emotions department since he was in the process of mating with his mate, and didn't like being interrupted.

Videl was embarrassed to say the least, but at the same time it was kind of exciting since she had always been this slightly prudish girl, who was a stickler for rules, and never did anything like her boy crazy friend Erasa. However, like Gohan's own emotions, Videl was also angry at Chi-Chi for interrupting her time with the boy she loved, and felt her bloodlust rising while aimed at the woman.

"What does it look like I'm doing, wench?! I'm about to have a mate," said Gohan, as his voice was darker, hungrier, and his whole body was filled with built up tension.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" yelled Chi-Chi, as she was angry at her son not only for calling her a wench, but also acting like a Saiyan would, and actually calling the girl he was on top of his mate.

Not on Chi-Chi's watch.

Gohan growled at his so called Mother, as he slowly got off the bed before looking Videl to send her somewhat of a mental command to stay on the bed, and that he would be right back. As Gohan got off the bed, Chi-Chi became nervous since she had always been the one to run the household, and the one to keep her son on a very short leash. Now, Gohan was standing before her unafraid, and looked like he was ready for an all out fight like he had been with Cell after his ascension to Super Saiyan 2.

"You heard me. Leave. Leave this place and me alone. Never visit. Never write. I don't want to be near you ever again. You so much as come near me or Videl, I will send you to the other side personally!" said Gohan, as he saw his shocked Mother look at him, and Videl gasped behind him at hearing the theat.

"How dare you! I raised you for most of your life Gohan. I am your Mother! What you do in this world reflects not only on you, but me as well Gohan, and I will not have you become some mindless ape warrior thug like Vegeta," said Chi-Chi, as she had tried to see him earlier, but was held back by the others, and had to fight her way through.

"You can't control my life anymore Mother. Besides, who is going to complain about me being the son of the strongest warrior, and defender of the Earth? We've spent so much time isolated from everyone that you don't have any friends and you don't visit anyone! Grandpa is the only one who does visit us, as he's family, but that's it, and I'm not going to stand for you playing the 'gossip card' on me when we both know that its crap!" said Gohan, as he saw his Mother scowl at him, and then did something that forever changed the remaining Son family.

Chi-Chi slapped her son.

"Now you listen to me Gohan. You are going to stop being a Saiyan right now. We are going to remove your tail and you are going to stop seeing her ever again! I don't care if we have to change schools, but I am not going to have tha-ACK!" said Chi-Chi, as she was soon silenced by Gohan's hand on her throat, and lifted her up off the ground.

"No, my Mother, it is you who will listen to me when I say that I'm NOT going to stop being part Saiyan, and I'm NOT going to listen to you anymore. I'm going to be what I want to be and there nothing you can do to stop me," said Gohan, as he threw his Mother onto the ground, and saw her looking up at him like he was a monster.

"Fine! Be a brute like the others on your Father's side of the family. At least I have Goten and I know he'll listen to me like a real son would!" said Chi-Chi, as she turned to leave, but was stopped by the form of an angry looking Vegeta, who now did was Gohan did, and picked her up by the throat before bringing her less then an inch from his face.

"I knew Kakarot was a fool to mate with you, but I never knew how much of a fool he was until I learned what you had my wife do to his son, and it is an insult to my race. As it stands, if this were my home planet, such actions would involve your son killing you, and removing your dishonor from the family," said Vegeta, as he saw Gohan look at him with a grim look, and then released the woman from his iron death grip.

"But we're not on your home planet and even if we were on your planet...Gohan wouldn't kill is his own Mother," said Chi-Chi, as she had a bit of pride in her voice like she could control Gohan to that degree, and then saw Vegeta smirk back.

"That's right, but since you insulted a warrior of Saiyan blood in front of Saiyan Royalty, I have the right to kill you myself, and since I'm already dead...I have nothing to lose," said Vegeta, as he prepared to shoot an energy blast at Chi-Chi with everyone watching this unfold, and Goten was being restrained.

"Wait! You can't kill her. She's my Mom!" said Goten, as he Piccolo restrained the young Goten, and saw the woman had realized the error of her ways.

"She may have given birth to you boy, but this woman hardly qualifies as a Mother, and the way your older brother was raised proves it. This is the way of the Saiyans, as she has insulted our races honor, and such debts...must be paid!" said Vegeta, as he saw Chi-Chi try to run, but in her efforts to crawl away had been fruitless, and knew that Vegeta could kill her at any time.

"But...but...," said Goten, as he still loved his Mother, and felt conflicted by this.

"Goten sweetie, I care about your Mother too, but what she did to Gohan was a very bad thing, and put the world in jeopardy because of her selfish desires. Besides, when this is all over, I can adopt you, and your brother into our family!" said Bulma, as she had seen Chi-Chi looking at her for help, but the Briefs woman couldn't help her anymore, and refused to stop the Saiyan Prince from doing what he planned to do.

"If you kill me, then you betray Goku. Is this what you want?" said Chi-Chi, as she hoped to use her late husband to get them to stop Vegeta, and give her a fighting chance.

"Considering your past actions, I think Kakarot will forgive me for this," said Vegeta, as he intensified the blast, and fired it at Chi-Chi with the energy vaporizing her on the spot.

"That was depressing," said Krillin to himself and got hit in the head by his wife for his troubles.

"Shut up," said 18, who glared at the frightened man, and ignoring their own daughter's laughter at former monks expense.

"Yes dear," said Krillin, as he glared at Yamcha to shut his snickering face up, and the discrete whipping noises he was making.

"If you are all done, I think I can help," said a voice, as the figure floated down in front of them, and made everyone's eyes widen in shock.

It was the Supreme Kai.