

A mysterious smile saw the girl walk. She looks smiling and looks happy. A long-lost sweet face. The longing never ends.

My dear. This is a curse or destiny. His name is known throughout the country. The girl is so brave and seems to have no soul to love. But in my eyes. People might see that he has everything. Money, property and everything but the girl seemed to look happy that was displayed in front of others. I can feel it how I try to build a game that I think is worth it. The girl had a mysterious smile and a smile that always stole my attention. I want it.

This is a will or a need. Am I so cruel. You're also like a crazy girl in people's eyes. My dear, please do not run away. If you run away, I'll catch up. Forgive me.

I hate people trying to have you. I also want you to look at me. I also hope I can protect you. Am I so cruel.