
My Three Crazy Soulmates

Sheis4thestreets1 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
7 Chs

Chapter 5

Time skip

5 months later

Here I was thinking I would end up taking the exams all on my own but no of course not, by some messed up coincidence Illumi just happened to be taking the hunters exam for a job and Hisoka was taking it to kill people freely isn't that fun yay for me.

I made sure I was among the first to arrive at the exam site and when I entered the exam site some green bean came and gave me the number 15 so I was happy I went over to the wall and slept to my heart's content.

I woke up when some punk decided to accidentally poured his drink over my head when I looked up about to murder whoever did that I found a white haired dimwit who would meet his end the very same day, cause no one I mean no one messes with my hair. Clothing I don't mind but my hair your dead. I think he sensed I was going to kill him so he went off on his skateboard and I happened to bump into some weird guy named Tonpa. Tonpa offered me a drink I mean he could have tried better to give me a drink laced with something that was well hidden. It was sad to know some fell for this trap, didn't people's parents teach them to never to accept anything from strangers. I stared at the drink Tonpa gave me and said in a sickly sweets voice "why don't you drink it first before you piss me off and I feel like killing you, so drink unless you want to die and drink in front of me. ALL OF IT". Killua came back to see what was going on and he noticed I really looked like I was going to kill the guy, someone disturbed my nap with a drink of his soda by pouring it over my head what did they expect me to go on laughing when my hair has been ruined no that's not the way I roll.

Tonpa was saved because the examiner was here and he said to that all we had to do was follow him I knew we had a long way to go so I gave my lil baby Kill a death glare and walked off to find out which soulmate was willing to carry me the entire way to our destination. Illumi was in disguise so I didn't want all those needles around me so I went to the next option which was Hisoka I just jumped on his back and slept.

Hisoka carried me for a while till I was woken up by some stairs, I moved off Hisoka's back and started to run with the cute boys at the back I found out the green theme boy's name is Gon, they immediately said that we should race to the finish I would beat them in speed hands down, it would be sad but then I heard the food aspect of the race and I was in I didn't hold anything back especially because free food was on the line. We ran and I was in that slight moment the flash because it took Mr. Satoz the examiner 2 good strides to reach the end. It honestly feels too good to win sometimes but food is food no one plays around when it comes to food. When the boys reached me and began to whine k told them I expected my food one the exams were over and they told me I could choose whatever dish I wanted.

I then went over to Gitarukur and climbed his back and slept we arrived at the next site where we would be tested, our examiners were Menchi and Buhara culinary hunters. We were asked to find and cook some pig, at some point while running away from the pigs Gon managed to find its week spot which was its forehead after that a bunch of people were just getting the pig and putting it over the fire to cook. I was honestly disgusted by the fact they didn't season it with at least salt but I was going to blow away the examiners minds.

I cut up the pig in even medium portions then picked various herbs and drizzled a dash of lemon on top of the meat and began to grill it slowly over medium high heat in order for it to be cooked on the inside and the outside. For Buhara I made the portion much bigger that's why I got two pigs with Buhara's pig I grilled it over the flame very slowly and when it was my turn to serve I gave them both my dishes and Menchi gave me a pass Buhara also gave me a pass but everyone else failed it was sad to see.

Just then a man came dropping from an airship, it was the Chairman of the hunters association which meant that the old man who was in front of me was an extremely powerful nen user. He spoke to Menchi about not failing all the examines except for one was a tad bit unfair so he told her to choose a new test we were asked to get some type of spider eggs.

All of you might be thinking she won't do it cause she is not required she already got a passing mark but it looked like so much fun. So I summoned my nen butterflies and merged them to make a bigger butterfly and it carried me down and I got an egg for myself and the butterfly carried me back up it was cool for people who have never seen the ability before but it was pretty basic in terms of how it worked. I would just merge the nen in each butterfly to create an even bigger one until it reaches a size I desire so I didn't even need the up draft of wind.

I personally think that people oversell the hunter exams it's not that hard if these are the tests they give, everyone important managed to get the eggs. Menchi then boiled them, I never thought an egg could taste this good. My little sweetheart Gon went and shared his egg with the guy who was almost killed by Menchi. Once we all got our eggs we then climbed aboard the airship.

Chairman Netero told us to rest but I had a lot of stored energy I mean I've been sleeping for more than half of the exam I have taken, having soulmates is really a blessing I get to be lazy the entire time while my soulmates carry me around like a queen with no complaints. Now this is the life right here

I went over to hang out with Killua and Gon I found the two of them sitting looking outside the window my baby kill was talking about life back at home, after hearing that he slashed Kikyo on her face and stabbed Milluki I actually thought he had done the world a favour but knowing that crazy bunch they were happy when he did that.

"Killua, Gon what are you guys doing sitting there lets go find a room and train I really want to see if your skills have improved Kill" they both looked at me then Gon had a huge smile on his face and he said " sure let's do it" Killua looked up at me and said " Okay but I doubt you will be able to beat us" he sounded so sure of himself. Kids of nowadays so confident it I told them that I wanted to sit down for just a bit before we went to look for a room to train.

Just as were sitting I felt a stare but just then Netero came from the opposite direction, straight up bull shit right there. I felt his presence where the stare came from but what the heck I ain't going to bring it up. Netero offered to give us hunters licenses on the spot if we managed to get the ball out of his hands it was a simple enough game, or so I thought I watched Gon and Killua try to get the ball from him it was fun to watch Gon has so much energy the boy runs on an unlimited supply of sugar, Killua looked like he was going to kill Netero in order to get the ball so before that happened I decided to be a great big sister and step in.

I made Gon swap places with me, I went into a very serious state of mind cause I do not like to lose I first tried to punch him in the gut but that man is made of steel he flinched but didn't let the ball drop then I tried matching him with speed that wasn't working out. Now as you might imagine Killua wanted to kill the man I felt that he was holding back a lot while fighting them he wasn't holding back as much against me but his strength alone was scary I have never felt more exhausted in just 20 min than in my whole life.

I give up when there is no 90 or 100 percentage guarantee that I'll win so I said " it was fun Netero you a scary guy though not even using your other hand while going against the boys and still making it look like a breeze I see why your power is feared cause you were holding back a lot while fighting me. Goodbye old man I hope we meet later on in life"

I went out with Killua he killed like two guys on the way out I knew he was pissed but what mattered at that point was getting enough rest which meant I could get to sleep all alone.

It had been a while since I slept without either Illumi or Hisoka they were constantly around me I could enjoy sleeping until then.