

Kenzo was unaware of the impact he had on others, mainly because he remained unaffected by the succubus he had encountered. The magnetic pull he exerted on women was inherent, whether he was consciously aware of it or not.

As Kenzo managed to sit up, his body gradually loosening, the lady hadn't been around for a while. It seemed improbable that she had brought him here unassisted; she must have had help. Despite his vulnerable state, Kenzo was confident in his ability to defend himself against these individuals. As he stood up, his legs were unsteady, and his condition was evident, reminiscent of someone who had taken a Viagra pill.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing the nurse who hurriedly went to aid Kenzo.

Despite Kenzo's intent to jab the pen into her neck, his weakness hindered him. Guiding him back to his bed, she couldn't shake the question of why he seemed so tense. Was it because of her? As Kenzo reached for the pen in his pocket, she found herself within striking distance. 

"Y-You know, I could assist you with that," the nurse proposed, though Kenzo's hand was already gripping the pen.

Even in his current condition, he kept his cool, but the nurse's suggestion caught him by surprise.

"Help me?" Kenzo asked, a bit confused about what she meant.

Watching where her eyes occasionally glanced, he got his answer. 

"Oh, you mean that," Kenzo replied dismissively.

At that moment, survival required pushing aside thoughts of intimacy clouding his mind, a distraction from the looming threat of killers chasing him.

The nurse's hungry gaze hinted at hidden desires, adding an unsettling tension to the room. Kenzo realized he'd be helping her more than himself.

Despite her plain appearance, there was something captivating, depending on individual tastes. Kenzo noticed her swift removal of scrubs before he responded.

Her hand rested on his leg, tracing a suspenseful path along his inner thigh.

Kenzo sensed her desires, and his every fiber responded to her gentle touches.

"Can I take it out?" The nurse's submissive tone revealed her eagerness for this moment.

Expecting her to prioritize his health, Kenzo was surprised to realize why she had saved him.

Caught in a moment of wanting to beg, she composed herself but quickly snapped out of it, feeling embarrassed as she rushed out of the room.

Kenzo, uncertain about her actions, didn't dwell on it. He needed to leave, aware that the lady might have left trails leading to his location.

In his injured state, he knew assassins would seize this opportunity to dispose of him.

And he was correct; he heard movements in the other room, but it wasn't just one person, and their steps didn't match the nurse's rhythm.

Kenzo understood it was time to reveal himself, but fortunately, the nurse had left her scrub behind, even though he was sure it wouldn't fit him.

With little time to ponder, and his current condition untenable, Kenzo was cautious, holding a pen, prepared to throw it as a projectile if he deemed them a threat. The element of surprise was on his side.

The door creaked open, and his eyes narrowed, but the figure that entered surprised the young assassin.

"Why are you here?" Kenzo questioned as Beelithina and an enchanted man followed her.

Kenzo understood they were connected, likely how she tracked him down.

"I'm surprised you're alive," Beelithina teased, but Kenzo sensed she wouldn't let him die in dire situations.

"You didn't answer my question," Kenzo insisted, but Beelithina avoided a direct response.

"Your body... it's evolving. It created an antidote, even though you haven't become an Incubus," Beelithina expressed fascination, acknowledging the rarity of such a phenomenon.

The nurse returned, technically undressed, wearing only her pants and bra. Beelithina glanced at her before turning her attention back to Kenzo.

"Kenzo, you can really captivate a person?" Beelithina sounded genuinely surprised, and even though Kenzo was clueless, he decided to play along, thinking it might be the only way to extract information.

"I need to do more research, so I can't let you mate with that person yet," Beelithina said, knowing she'd be doing a disservice by taking away the woman's opportunity.

She glanced at the man ogling her, the one responsible for transportation. With a snap of her fingers, his desire instantly shifted to the nurse.

The nurse's focus remained on Kenzo, but she was mesmerized by the beauty Beelithina displayed. The nurse couldn't believe such beauty existed, yet it also meant she was vulnerable to her powers. Beelithina redirected the nurse's desire to the cab driver.

Succubi were designed for this—propagating lust.

"Let's go, Kenzo," Beelithina said, turning to leave. Behind her, all she heard were two bodies dropping to the ground. She didn't need to look back to know what happened, a smile creasing her face. Kenzo had just revealed his cold-blooded nature.

Kenzo, an assassin, needed to keep things quiet, but he learned from Beelithina that he had to engage in intimacy to transform into an Incubus.

This realization stuck with him, and he planned to act on it.

Although Kenzo was pleased Beelithina showed up, he started to grasp the benefits of his newfound abilities.

These powers granted him the skill to change shape, and Kenzo envisioned a future where he wouldn't have to wear a mask.


Upon returning home, Beelithina became more cautious, ensuring Kenzo remained hidden. She discreetly used a paper bag with holes to lead him inside.

No one witnessed her actions, except for Mrs. Woo, the nosy neighbor, who couldn't resist the urge to snoop but she had to bid her time and wait for her moment. 

"I know it! A woman dressed like that is sure to bring trouble! We have kids and she wears...that!?" Mrs. Wong nagged but she didn't need to wait long for her snooping to begin because shortly after she dropped this strange man inside the house, Beelithina left.

Mrs. Wong thought about this long and hard, who am I kidding, she didn't think about it at all, this was how much of a busy body she was.