
Chapter 38 - Chunin Exam Finals Start!

Ren finished closing and hiding the entrance to his secret training ground and then he went back to the village, reaching the Tatsumi Gate the first things he saw when he went inside was a procession of norimono moving in the direction of the Stadium.

'Why the hell there are still litters around? For the love between Madara and Hashirama, we have the fucking electricity, televisions, camera, and even videotapes and they didn't make a car...well at least they did make all the necessities to make porn movies the got their priorities right'

After that Ren went home, greeted his sister, had a shower and then together with Sakura went to the Konoha stadium , the stadium is a large dome surrounded by trees and with only one entrance, the arena itself if filled with patchy grass and a few trees and bushes, the areas that don't have grass on them seem to have a dry sandy color to them, on top of the dome are 3 buildings where the audience can sit and watch the fights.

Once inside the stadium Sakura went in the direction of the stands where she had an appointment with Ino, while Ren went to the entrance of the arena where some contestant were already waiting for the signal to go inside and present themself to the audience.

Those already present were the Suna siblings, and Neji 'It seem I'm a bit early, Misumi, Shino, Naruto, Shilamaru and Choji aren't here yet, and of course Emo-boy will be late for a better cool factor, and even the referee Shiranui Genma has yet to come' though a bored Ren.

As Ren was waiting for the other to come and chaos to start he heard a familiar sound "*cough*cough Ren! Come over I have to tell you something" it was none other than Hayate-sensei, so Ren went near him a before he could greet him, Hayate-sensei gave him the sign to follow him.

After they reached an isolate zone Hayate turn to Ren and says "*cough*cough First of all I want to thank you again for your help a month ago, and as improbable as it was yours and Hokage-sama's theory about what happened to me was true....it turns out that Yugao is really pregnant she found out the same day I had that mission" Ren was stunned for a few second then he said "Congratulation sensei!"

Hayate-sensei after thanking Ren again continued "More important is that Hokage-sama told every jonin to be prepared for an attack,*cough*cough during or after the final test, and the ANBU are stationed in all the key point in the village, but the civilians and chunin and below know nothing about it, so what I want to tell you is to be careful" then he took a sealed scroll from the pocket a gave it to Ren "And these are Hokage-sama's order"

Then he went away, then Ren checked if he was truly alone with his spiritual sense and then opened the scroll the order inside was pretty simple "In case of attack, go all out and protect as many civilians and VIP in the stadium as possible then take further action as he please as the situation evolve"

After closing the scroll and put it in his pocket, Ren went back to the waiting area, and now almost everyone is present, soon Genma came and said "Everyone it's time come with me into the arena"

Then everyone was standing tall in full display in the center of the arena 'I feel like an animal in a zoo' then Genma noticed that Naruto and Shikamaru were distracted and were looking around and said "Hey, stop looking around and face the customers, in this tournament you are the main stars"

Then the loud voice of the Hokage can be heard "Thanks everyone for coming to Konoha chunin selection exam! We will now start the main tournament matches between the 10 participants who made it through the preliminaries, please stay and watch until the end!!"

And Ren thought '10? it seem that Misumi escaped or was killed after Kabuto was found out to be a spy, that mean that I have to fight Choji if Sasuke doesn't come in time.... quoting my friend what a drag...'

And indeed soon after Genma show everyone the changed match up of the tournament and after Naruto ask what happen if Sasuke doesn't present himself and the referee replies "If he doesn't appear by the time of his match, he will receive a default loss" 'Yeah like Orochimort and Hiruzen will let that happen' though Ren,

Then Genma continue with his speech "Alright guys, this is the last test, the arena is different but the rules are the same as in the preliminaries, there are none, you fight until one of you dies or acknowledges defeat, but if I determine that the fight is over, I'll step in and stop it, you got that? Now the first fight, Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Neji, those two stay here while the rest of you go to the waiting room"

As Ren was moving to the waiting room he was lost in thought 'Now I have the time for more or less 2 match and then all hell will break loose, Naruto fight will be relative long not the fighting itself but he will brainwash Neji and that takes some beating and time, then Kankuro should give up and Shikamaru flirt with his future wife for a while and then give up, and now the question will Sasuke come before my match with Choji? well whatever happen I'll have then fight my full strength to protect the civilians in the stadium, while Oto, Suna ninja fight with Konoha, jonin, ANBU and for sure some ROOT puppet....Shit... like hell I'll show myself in front of them, I do not want the sight of the darkness of Konoha on me, least he starts planning how to use me for "the greater good" of "Konoha".'

Meanwhile the match between Naruto and Neji started and Naruto started swarming Neji with his clones, seeing that he still got time Ren chose to go back home and take the things he prepared for such occasion, he turn to Shikamaru and holding his stomach says "Shikamaru, I'm going to the bathroom it seem that I'm too nervous" then he runs out of the waiting room, goes to the bathroom once again use one of his most useful Kido the Bakudō #26. Kyokkō (Bent Light) to hide himself and using his fastest Shunpo run in the direction of his house.

He reached is destination in 2 min, then he ran to his room and took a sealing scroll from inside his pillow, he unsealed to check on the contents, and see if everything was there, what greeted Ren sight was a white shitagi (underclothes), a black kosode (small sleeves) and hakama (trousers), a pair of white tabi (socks), a pair of waraji (sandals), and a white obi (sash) and a white porcelain hollow like mask that cover the whole head, hair included, with a straight blade-like horn on the forehead and a straight hole in the center for the eyes,yes this is a Shihakusho (Garment of Dead Souls) and a Hollow Mask to hide his identity, after making sure that everything was there he put it back in the sealing scroll and went back to the stadium.

Pick Up of the Day

I can't believe my little sister isn't as cute as you.

Have a Nice Day Cya

Odyincreators' thoughts