
My Sweet CEO Husband

Ling Xe , an adorable woman who had lost her faith in love suddenly met a young handsome guy at a party . When she met him for the second time, he suddenly proposed! Will her new husband be able to make her fall in love with him? Will they be able to lead a sweet conjugal life? It is a story about a cute romantic couple who are always ready to face anything to protect their beloved ones.....

Fabliha · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Meeting in a blind date

Shen Yun was going through his paperwork quickly. He was feeling a little impatient. No matter how much he tried to concentrate on his work, the image of Ling Xe was floating in front of his eyes. After trying for a few time to concentrate, he left the endeavor. At that time, there was a sound of knocking at the door. He leaned back on his chair," Come in." His assistant Ms. Jia came in. She was holding a file. Shen looked at her," Have they collected all the information?" Ms. Jia handed over the file to him," Yes, sir. All the information of Ms. Xe are in here." Shen took the file without a word and then began to read out information. After a half an hour later, he closed the file with an amazed mind. " I've never expected her to face a situation so terrible like this. She really is a very strong girl. Looks like my selection isn't wrong. She's perfect to hold the position of Mrs. Yun," she thought to herself. He turned to Ms. Jia," Tell my brother that I want him to hand over the position of of CEO of Pacific Company to me. I'll take the responsibility from now on." Jia seemed to be surprised hearing this. But she didn't say anything and nodded. After working for more than 5 years by his side, she knew it very well that he was not a person to joke around. She left his room to make necessary arrangements. When she left, Shen was tapping his table almost absentmindedly. Suddenly his phone began to ring. He received the call and silently heard what the other people was saying. After a few minutes, he lifted his eyebrow," Ms. Xe is going on a blind date?" His face hardened," Make necessary arrangements to prevent that man from attending the date." Then he took down his phone and pressed a button. At the second moment, he entered the room again," Sir, do you need anything?" Shen nodded ," Yes, cancel all of my schedules of tonight. I've gotta attend a date." A faint smile occurred in her face while saying this. Ms. Jia stood stunned hearing this kind of declaration. " Something is indeed wrong with the bossy president. What the hell has gotten into him! Could it be that he has eaten something funny?" she thought to herself while cancelling the appointments one by one. Ling Xe was getting dressed up in a hurried way," Gosh, I'm going to be late today." She colored her lips in deep red. It looked as if her lips had been bleeding. She looked at the mirror confusingly. Though she dressed up within 10 minutes,it didn't look like it at all. When she was at the street, her phone began to ring. She took out the mobile from her handbag and answered the call. " Girl, are you in the date right now?" Lili asked in her usual teasing way. Ling answered with guilt, " Actually I'm heading there. I haven't reached there yet." " You're at least half an hour late from the fixed time. What am I gonna do with you?" Lili sounded a little disappointed. In the meantime, Ling managed to get a cab and after getting on it, she told the driver the destination. He nodded and started to move. Ling told," Cutie, I'm really sorry. Maybe he hasn't reached there yet. It isn't that important anyway." Lili told with an annoyed mind," Stop guessing. I've heard that he likes to do everything timely." Lili hated her carelessness when it comes to date or love. Ling should find out her own love. It's not like all the men in the world are as dirty as that bastard Jan. Ling understood right away what Lili was trying to say indirectly. She smiled while looking outside through the window. The whole city was shinning brightly. She gazed at the beautiful moon at the night sky," We can't say what's going to happen from the very start. A person can change when it needs to be." " Why are you talking like a philosopher all on a sudden? Could it be that you've already fallen in love with someone?" Lili asked teasingly. Listening to Lili's question, a image of Shen Yun appeared in her mind. Was it possible that she had actually fallen in love with him? " Ling, are you hearing what I'm saying? Hey! Answer me." Lili's voice helped her to come back to her sense," Hmm? Yeah, I'm listening. What were you talking about?" Ling was feeling embarrassed for the thought she had a moment ago. Her whole face was red," Girl, I'm almost there. I'm hanging up now." " Wait, listen!" Lili told hurriedly but Ling had already hung up. She covered her face with both of her hands," God, what am I thinking!" When the cab stopped in front of the restaurant, Ling looked up. She payed the driver and then got down from the cab. She entered the restaurant anxiously. She looked at the fixed table. There was already a young man sitting on the chair. She couldn't see his face from where she was standing. But the back of the man looked familiar to her. He was talking with someone on the phone. She didn't make it in time. The man actually arrived before her. He must be angry for waiting this long. She hurriedly went over there and sat on the chair before him. She looked at the man and said apologetically, " Sorry for making you wait...." But she couldn't finish her sentence when she saw the face of that man. When she was talking, the man switched off his phone and looked up at her face. Her heart began to beat so fast. It felt like it would actually come out at any moment. The man sitting in front of her was actually Shen Yun himself! Shen smiled gently towards her. Ling's shocking face was looking so cute that he wasn't able to take away his gaze even for a single moment. Both of them remained silent. Ling was feeling very awkward for being watched by him for a long time. Shen finally broke the silence between them," Miss Xe, we've met again." She glanced towards him confusingly. " How come Shen is her blind date! Something must be some mistakes," she thought to herself.