
The Meeting

Sofia's POV

'C-Carter Cohen?'

He smiled and walked over to me.

'That's me.' He looked so nice.He was way cuter than in his pictures. I didn't realize I was staring until..

'Is there something you like?' He laughed and it was adorable. We smiled for what seems like forever then I finally laughed and tucked a hair behind my hair.

Before I knew it I couldn't control my body and I was leaning in. I guess he saw because he started leaning too and looked at me confused and curiously. He was about 2 inches taller than me.

Carter's POV

Once our faces were a couple inches away, Wilson, my body guard, slammed the door open and we jumped and moved away. I could tell that the girl in front of me and Wilson have met before because they both gave each other rude looks. He reached out to grab her but I jerked her away and put her beside me. 'I was just showing her the way out Wilson. Don't worry. I'll get on the stage right after this.' He nodded then moved out of the way so I grabbed her wrist and took her out of my room.

Sofia's POV

He kept a hold of my wrist and took me to the front of the crowd. We had to yell because it was fixing to start and the crowd was going crazy. 'What's your name?' 'It's Sofia!' 'Will I ever see you again?' 'I'll be around!' He nodded then jogged to under the stage. I walked into the crowd then looked at the stage impatiently then.. I saw him.