
Family Is Always The Issue

Carter's POV

I had just got done recording my new album called 'Issues' and taking the picture for the cover and headed home. Every single time Wilson would drive by the spot that I performed at three nights ago, I couldn't help but think about Sofia and how I had almost kissed her. 'You didn't even know her name and you almost kissed her!' I mentally yelled at myself. Wilson pulls into the driveway and I get out of the limo and take the elevator up to my parent's penthouse.

When I walk in, my dad is watching sports and my mom asleep with her head in his lap and covered with a black fluffy blanket that always stays on the couch. I lay my bag onto the island in the kitchen then take my phone out and head upstairs. I plug my phone in and lay it on my black desk in my room then walk over to my king size bed and plop down on it when my 6 year old brother, Cooper, runs into my room screaming. 'Carter your dumb dog chewed the head off of my action figure!' He says as he runs and jumps on my bed. 'Fix it!' I groan then roll over and shove his dumb action figure's head back on even though it's tiny ear is missing. I snort but don't tell him. 'Thank you!' He runs out of my room and into his across from mine.

Sofia's POV

Ever since that night that I had almost kissed Carter, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Like more than normal. I was outside drawing with chalk with my 6 year old sister, Piper, when his song called 'I Got Your Back But Do You Have Mine' from his new album 'Issues' and I start blushing. 'When is mom and dad coming back?' My sister asks as she draws a bee with blue chalk. 'I don't know Piper. Probably next week. Our parents have been on vacation for two weeks now in Hawaii and left me home to watch Piper till they came back. 'Come on. Let's go inside.' She puts the chalk back in the little container and puts the lid on it and grabs it by the handle then holds my hand as we go back inside.

I slump down in the grey bean-bag that's in the game room. I grab the PS4 controller and turn on youtube then try to find something entertaining when I hear little footsteps run upstairs and I groan in annoyance as Piper jumps on top of me and I roll out of the bean-bag. 'Piper!' I yell as I get up and take the remote from her. 'What were you watching? Huh? Huh? What were you watching?' I roll my eyes then push her into the other bean-bag and sit back down. 'Go play outside or something.' I say as I pick a DanTDM video. 'But I want YOU to come outside or I won't go! Why don't you invite someone over?!' She runs out of the room and slams the door when I get an idea.

Carter's POV

I was watching Netflix on my Xbox when my phone starts ringing. 'Hello?' I say as I put another chip into my mouth. 'Hey it's me Sofia. I was wondering if you could bring your little brother over to keep my 6 year old sister occupied?' I sit up straighter and swallow. 'Oh sure. Hey how did you know I had a-' I didn't get to ask my question before she said thank you and hung up. 'Cooper come on! Were going to a friends house! I put on my coat and shoes then walk out the door with Cooper in front me acting like an airplane while holding his action figure and making plane sounds.

-At Sofia's house-

Wilson drops me and Cooper off at her front door then drives away. I ring the doorbell then look at Cooper and he looks up at me and smiles.

Sofia's POV

I was chasing Piper around the house with my hairbrush because she had my lipstick and was trying to put it on when I heard the doorbell ring. I tackled Piper and threw the lipstick into the bathroom and brushed my hair and put it up in a quick bun then opened the door to see Carter and his little brother. He waved then peeked around me and saw Piper, which has lipstick all on her face, then laughs. 'Is this her?' He asks then looks at me and smiles. 'Heh yeah that's her. She tried putting on my lipstick just a second ago.' He smirked then pushed his little brother in front of him. 'This is Cooper my little brother.' Before I could even say hi, Piper had pulled Cooper into the house and took him into her room. I rolled my eyes then looked back at Carter and motioned for him to come in which he did and shut the door behind him. He took off his shoes and hung up his coat. He looks around the house and I'm just praying that he doesn't find anything embarrassing.