
Now what??

I can still clearly remember it , singing my country National anthem and saluting the flag as my dad got his awards for his services in the military . I was the proudest daughter in the congregation with my blonde Ash pigtail behind my back and my round frames standing beside my mother. I remember my dad falling to his knees on the ground and taking his last breath I obviously did not understand what was happening but I can definitely recall that he was not the only one dying ,my best friend kail lost his dad too and some others .I couldn't feel a thing at that moment, it only occurred to me when I reached home that I was never seeing my dad again .that same night my uncle came over with some government officials, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I was now in charge of taking care of my mum . I must say I am quite brave I applaud myself in my brain. I was pulled back to reality when I heard my uncle say he was now in charge of everything that happens in my house, yes "my house" . we we're sent packing and the next place I find myself is in this pink room . it was already 9 o clock. but I wasn't even this close to blinking ,kids my age usually slept by 7 pm sharp but not me ,my dad was a soldier who now was no more .my mum was not really the super mum who fought for her kids, she was too fragile and suffering from a heart disease we had no money so ...

Anyways, my uncle's sudden appearance after my dad's death was very suspicious and as usual, I went down stairs quietly when I peeked to see my uncle harrasing my mum telling her that if she doesn't agree to his advances she can forget about seeing me ever again .so right in front of me I saw my mum give in. this was what finally broke me I could feel the hot stream of tears pouring down my face . I wouldn't, not as if I could, stop what was happening. I was afraid my mum's heart would start acting again so I stood there watching the last pieces of my childhood slip away.