Saturday had quickly come and God were a lot of people thankful. The hustle and bustle of the weekdays had finally come to an end. For some, the job they had didn't have an off day so it sucked to be them.
But not everyone was caught in the cooperate trap. Tessa was amongst the few lucky ones that didn't work on Saturdays. Not that there wasn't work but she had the option to work from home. However, she had different plans for the day.
Tessa decided it had been a while since she last saw her mother and decided to pay her a visit in town. It had been weeks since she last saw her. And she wanted to check on how she was doing.
Being the only one that Tessa had left, Tessa tried amidst her busy schedule to pay the old woman a visit.
She left her own house that afternoon and entered her mustang driving off to town where her family house was situated.