
The beginning volume 2

After we were asked to leave. My mom took us back to her mother's land. Twenty-two years of age, widowed, a dead kid and with two kids to care for. I can't even imagine how devastated she was. My grandmother took us in. I remember my mom leaving the room every night to cry. My heart arched for her. But then again what do I know.

I often fell sick. It was almost as if I was a sickler. There was one time I fell sick, my mom thought I would die too, because my vein were no longer visible. I was pale like a ghost.

My life was threading a thin line. It was a sheer luck. The doctors were able to find a vein on my head, after they shaved my hair off. I took drips through my head. I wasn't talking, moving or even making little sounds. I laid there lifeless. My mom kept praying to God for me to get better.

I eventually got better and we left the hospital. When we got home, my grandmother threw a recovery celebration. She would cook, with drinks present. She ask all the kids in my village to come and celebrate with me. After they are done eating. Standing in the middle, with the kids surrounding me. They put their hand on my head and pray for me to continue living and never fall sick. Remember this saying that goes "Children are the purest of heart, whenever they pray to God, he always answers". This eventually became a ritual my grandma did everytime I fell sick and got better. It made me feel special in some sought of way.

Weeks turned into months. Everything seems okay, until my mom's told us she was leaving us with my grandmother to go work something out in the city with her brother. I remember chasing the car she was in with my little feet. Begging her not to go. Her leaving us, took a turn on me. It broke me down. The only words I kept on repeating in my head was, " remember what daddy said to you, you are strong, you are brave and keep fighting." I slept and woke up with those words.

since the day mom left us with grandma, things were never the same. The protection we had was gone.

My sister and I got enrolled into school. I was in kindergarten and my sister was in nursery 2. Even tho being little. I had a sharp and clever mind. I was always on my best behavior. I got mocked in school cause I will very smallish in nature.

Everything was going well until my nightmare began.