
Chapter 37 Start of the race(1)

<Emily> "Arrive in 3 minute to the coordonne. "

<Julia>" 1kilometer. 10 starship are here. "

<Green>"Smoke ready Edouard you have the controle. Scanner active for starship. "

<Edouard> "Ready to start our entry."

<Julia>" 8 fightership and one battleship."

<Nemo>"Mercenary and the army have 3 fightership. The pirate have 2 Teacher have one. And the noble have the battleship. Overall statut of the noble battleship. I want to learn what is the status of a prince starship. "

<Green> "Statut overall in screen. "


Weapon : 4slot (4gun)

Shield : 2

Truster : 3

Directional propulsion : 2

<Lily>"Our shield is far better than their. It's a prince in this starship so I think he have the best we can have in shield for defense."

<Edouard>"For the race we will lose in firearm. But in real battle our two lazer will destroy them. Normal battleship have 4 firearms. It's a normal Stat but we can hide them so it's a surprise attack if we want."

<Kenny> "I know the speed of their starship. It's like the best starship of all the 3 empire. So we are more quick that all of the starship in our galaxy. Our maniability had to be less for one point or equal to our truster if we want a good maniability. We have a better maniability than them. It's like we have a fregatte maniability in a battleship.We can't lose"

<Nemo>"You are really a good starship Green"


<Julia>"We will enter in their vision in 3,2,1"

<Edouard>"Activate the smoke."


Other point of view. Time before they see the starship.

Inside the noble starship.

<Prince>"Where are the starship of the loser. We will sank them at the start of the race"

<Teacher>"I want to know what is their starship"

<Mercenary leader>"Our first mission is to sank this loser of Nemo. Lock them all the time. I want to know where they are.

<Pirate leader>" We are ally of the noble and the mercenary. Sank the loser in the Start. After that we will sank the army and take the third place. "

<Army leader>"Where is our ally?"

After they radar crew say that they perceive our starship only when we are at 300 meters.

<Prince>"What are you doing you are only paid to see the radar and can't see a starship before your eyes. What is this. Their starship is in fire. The loser are already in fire."

Thinking of all the member in the starship of the prince:'fire doesn' t exist in space. Are you really a student in this school.

<Teacher>"... " thinking:'Legendary Ghost' (reboot)

<Mercenary leader>"How can we sank that. It's not a loser fregatte this thing. It's the legendary death. It's say that people can't survive it. "

<Pirate leader>" Shoot our ally when you can. Mercenary first. Noble after. It's Nemo the kaptain he is better than the noble. And their starship is the same as their. See that black and green smoke and the fact that we see them only now. A real ghost starship brothers. "

<Army leader>"Who say that it's a bad idea to ally with them. I want him to go out of our starship now. They have the Legendary ghost. Legend say that he sank lot of starship when they are nobody in him. Ghost crew guys. They are death themself like the old crew."

Legend that is write by the principal because all people who try to activate it will paid money to the school. Total lie but good advertisement.